Elf Economics

For the penultimate challenge of 2023, Erica set this fun Christmas themed challenge to visualise the toy production in Santa’s workshop. It was a collaboration with the #PreppinData crew, where you were encouraged to complete their challenge to prep the data for this one. I did do that, but to ensure no discrepancies or field name differences, I used the outputs from the challenge itself as the source for my viz.

Building the Line Chart

This needs to show the quota vs the cumulative number of toys produced for each production manager/toy and uses the data from the Output 1 of the Prep challenge.

Add Week to Columns and change to exact date. Format the Week pill on the Columns to show as custom format yyyy on the axis

then edit the axis and set the tick marks to be fixed from 01 Jan 2023 with an interval of 1 year. This will result in just 2 axis labels displayed, one for 2023 and one for 2024

Add Production Manager and Toy to Rows and then add Quota to Rows too. Then drag Toys Produced onto the Quota axis and drop it when the double green column icon appears.

This will convert the viz to have Measure Values on the Rows instead, and the Quota and Toys Produced pills sitting in the Measure Values section on the left.

Add a Running Total quick table calculation against the Toys Produced pill. Then edit the Value axis, so that the axis are independent axis ranges for each row & column.

The colour of the running total line needs to change based on whether the overall value is above or below the quota. Erica asked us not to use LODs in this challenge, so to determine this, we need

Colour – Over | Under

IF WINDOW_MAX(RUNNING_SUM(SUM([Toys Produced]))) > WINDOW_MAX(SUM([Quota])) THEN ‘Over’ ELSE ‘Under’ END

The WINDOW_MAX function is taking the highest value of the measure and essentially ‘spreads’ that across every row of data being plotted (in this case every week).

Add this field to the Detail shelf and then click on the 3 dot symbol to the left of the pill and change it to the Colour symbol. This allows multiple pills to be on the Colour shelf – Measure Names and Colour – Over | Under, resulting in 4 different colours in the colour legend.

Adjust the legend colours, so the two relating to the Quota are the same colour and the others coloured based on whether the value is Over or Under.

On the Label shelf, check the show mark labels option, and then select most recent. Adjust the font to be bold and match mark colour. Format both the pills sitting in the Measure Values section to be Millions with 1 dp.

Add Week to the Tooltip shelf and format to be in the <day of week>, <day> <month> <year> style. Adjust the tooltip accordingly.

Hide the Production Manager and Toy fields (uncheck show header). Edit the title of the Value axis and the Week axis. Remove all gridlines, zero lines, row & column dividers, but ensure the axis are displayed. Change the worksheet background colour.

Update the Title of the sheet to reference the Toy, then name the sheet Line or similar.

Building the KPIs

We’re still using the data from Output 1. We’re going to do this in 2 sheets, as we want to format the text of the PM name differently. To start, we need some additional calculated fields.

Rate of Production

AVG([Toys Produced])

Then we need to work out for those Production Managers who were under their quota, how far off they were and how long, based on their production rate, it would take for them to fulfil that difference. So first we need


AVG([Quota]) – SUM([Toys Produced])

This gives us how far under (or over) the PM was from their target quota.

We can then calculate

Weeks Needed to Meet Quota

IF MIN([Over or Under Quota?]) = ‘Over’ THEN 0 ELSE
CEILING([Difference] /[Rate of Production])

If the PM has exceeded their quota, then 0, as there’s nothing to build, otherwise determine the number of whole weeks. The CEILING function ensures even if the result is only a fraction over a number, the result is ’rounded up’ the next whole number so 12.1 weeks and 12.9 weeks are both reported as 13 weeks.

Add Production Manager and the 2 fields above onto a new sheet and display in tabular form.

Set the sheet to Entire View and adjust the text to be larger (I used bold 18pt font). Format the column headings to be larger too (I used 12pt). Stop the tooltips from displaying, remove row/column dividers and row banding. Set the background colour of the worksheet and hide the Production Manager column (uncheck show header).

Name this sheet KPI or similar.

On a new sheet, add Production Manager to Rows and add Production Manager to the Text shelf too. Double click in to the Columns shelf and type ‘Production Manager’ to create a heading for the text column.

Set the sheet to Entire View, then adjust the font of the Text shelf. I chose a handwriting script font and set to 18pt and bold. The hide the Production Manager field on Rows, and hide the ‘Production Manager’ column label heading (right click – hide field labels for columns). Adjust the font of the column heading and remove all row/column dividers and row banding, Set the background colour. Hide the tooltip.

Name the sheet PM Name or similar.

Building the bar chart

For this, we’re now using the data from Output 2.

We’re plotting 2 measures for the bars – the amount under or over the quota which is a +ve (over) or -ve (under) number which will be plotted either side of a zero line as you would expect. The Toys Over/Under Quota field has this value.

We also need to plot the amount of toys produced, but while this is a positive number, it is displayed on the bar chart on the negative side of the zero line. So to enable this we need

Toys Produced to Plot

-1 * [Toys Produced]

ON a new sheet, add List and Toy to Rows. Then add Toys Produced to Plot to Columns, and then drag Toys Over/Under Quota onto the axis and drop when the 2 green column icon appears. This will result in the following display where Measure Names and Measure Values are automatically added.

Move Measure Names from Rows onto Colour, then change the order of the pills listed in the Measure Values section, so Toys Produced to Plot is listed first.

Create a new field

Colour – Over | Under

IF [Toys Over/Under Quota] < 0 THEN ‘under’ ELSE ‘over’ END

and add to the Detail shelf, then adjust the symbol to add this field to the Colour shelf as well to give you 4 colours on the legend. Adjust accordingly. Add Quota, Toys Produced and Toys Over/Under Quota to Tooltip and adjust.

For the label to display against each bar, we need to plot another measure, which is either 0 for those which were under production, or the value of the over production.

Label Value to Plot

IF SUM([Toys Over/Under Quota]) < 0 THEN 0 ELSE SUM([Toys Over/Under Quota]) END

Add this to Columns. On the Label Value to Plot marks card, change the mark type to circle and remove Measure Names from colour.

Create a new field

% Difference

SUM([Toys Over/Under Quota]) / SUM([Quota])

and apply a custom number format of 0%;0% which means -ve numbers will display as +ve.

Add this to the Label shelf along with Colour – Over | Under. Adjust the label text so the labels are displayed on a single line, are aligned middle right and the font matches mark colour and is bold. Make the chart dual axis and synchronise the axis (set the mark type of Measure Values to a bar if the display changes). On the Label Value to Plot marks card, reduce the opacity of the circle colour to 0% and reduce the size to the smallest possible. Remove all the text from the Tooltip.

To ensure the label text doesn’t overlap the bars, we can extend the axis by creating

Ref Line

WINDOW_MAX([Label Value to Plot]) *2

Add this to the Detail shelf of the Label Value to Plot marks card. Then right click on the top axis and Add Reference Line that refers to the maximum of the Ref Line field. Apply settings as below so the line is invisible.

Finally hide both axis, remove all gridlines, zero lines, axis and column dividers. Adjust the row dividers to be thick grey dashed lines. Update the title of the sheet.

Name the sheet Bar or similar.

Adding the interactivity

Using layout containers, add the sheets to a dashboard so they are arranged in the format required. Then add a dashboard filter action

Select PM

on select of the Bar sheet, target the KPI, Line and PM Name sheets. When the selection is cleared, keep filtered values Only allow 1 selection to be made at a time.

Click the bar against Barbie Doll to set the other charts to filter just to that toy, then unclick the bar again. The remaining charts should stay filtered.

And that should be it. Obviously you can add imagery as you wish but I didn’t go down that route – I just chose to set coloured borders on the layout containers.

My published viz is here.

Happy vizzin’! and enjoy the festive season.


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