Elf Economics

For the penultimate challenge of 2023, Erica set this fun Christmas themed challenge to visualise the toy production in Santa’s workshop. It was a collaboration with the #PreppinData crew, where you were encouraged to complete their challenge to prep the data for this one. I did do that, but to ensure no discrepancies or field name differences, I used the outputs from the challenge itself as the source for my viz.

Building the Line Chart

This needs to show the quota vs the cumulative number of toys produced for each production manager/toy and uses the data from the Output 1 of the Prep challenge.

Add Week to Columns and change to exact date. Format the Week pill on the Columns to show as custom format yyyy on the axis

then edit the axis and set the tick marks to be fixed from 01 Jan 2023 with an interval of 1 year. This will result in just 2 axis labels displayed, one for 2023 and one for 2024

Add Production Manager and Toy to Rows and then add Quota to Rows too. Then drag Toys Produced onto the Quota axis and drop it when the double green column icon appears.

This will convert the viz to have Measure Values on the Rows instead, and the Quota and Toys Produced pills sitting in the Measure Values section on the left.

Add a Running Total quick table calculation against the Toys Produced pill. Then edit the Value axis, so that the axis are independent axis ranges for each row & column.

The colour of the running total line needs to change based on whether the overall value is above or below the quota. Erica asked us not to use LODs in this challenge, so to determine this, we need

Colour – Over | Under

IF WINDOW_MAX(RUNNING_SUM(SUM([Toys Produced]))) > WINDOW_MAX(SUM([Quota])) THEN ‘Over’ ELSE ‘Under’ END

The WINDOW_MAX function is taking the highest value of the measure and essentially ‘spreads’ that across every row of data being plotted (in this case every week).

Add this field to the Detail shelf and then click on the 3 dot symbol to the left of the pill and change it to the Colour symbol. This allows multiple pills to be on the Colour shelf – Measure Names and Colour – Over | Under, resulting in 4 different colours in the colour legend.

Adjust the legend colours, so the two relating to the Quota are the same colour and the others coloured based on whether the value is Over or Under.

On the Label shelf, check the show mark labels option, and then select most recent. Adjust the font to be bold and match mark colour. Format both the pills sitting in the Measure Values section to be Millions with 1 dp.

Add Week to the Tooltip shelf and format to be in the <day of week>, <day> <month> <year> style. Adjust the tooltip accordingly.

Hide the Production Manager and Toy fields (uncheck show header). Edit the title of the Value axis and the Week axis. Remove all gridlines, zero lines, row & column dividers, but ensure the axis are displayed. Change the worksheet background colour.

Update the Title of the sheet to reference the Toy, then name the sheet Line or similar.

Building the KPIs

We’re still using the data from Output 1. We’re going to do this in 2 sheets, as we want to format the text of the PM name differently. To start, we need some additional calculated fields.

Rate of Production

AVG([Toys Produced])

Then we need to work out for those Production Managers who were under their quota, how far off they were and how long, based on their production rate, it would take for them to fulfil that difference. So first we need


AVG([Quota]) – SUM([Toys Produced])

This gives us how far under (or over) the PM was from their target quota.

We can then calculate

Weeks Needed to Meet Quota

IF MIN([Over or Under Quota?]) = ‘Over’ THEN 0 ELSE
CEILING([Difference] /[Rate of Production])

If the PM has exceeded their quota, then 0, as there’s nothing to build, otherwise determine the number of whole weeks. The CEILING function ensures even if the result is only a fraction over a number, the result is ’rounded up’ the next whole number so 12.1 weeks and 12.9 weeks are both reported as 13 weeks.

Add Production Manager and the 2 fields above onto a new sheet and display in tabular form.

Set the sheet to Entire View and adjust the text to be larger (I used bold 18pt font). Format the column headings to be larger too (I used 12pt). Stop the tooltips from displaying, remove row/column dividers and row banding. Set the background colour of the worksheet and hide the Production Manager column (uncheck show header).

Name this sheet KPI or similar.

On a new sheet, add Production Manager to Rows and add Production Manager to the Text shelf too. Double click in to the Columns shelf and type ‘Production Manager’ to create a heading for the text column.

Set the sheet to Entire View, then adjust the font of the Text shelf. I chose a handwriting script font and set to 18pt and bold. The hide the Production Manager field on Rows, and hide the ‘Production Manager’ column label heading (right click – hide field labels for columns). Adjust the font of the column heading and remove all row/column dividers and row banding, Set the background colour. Hide the tooltip.

Name the sheet PM Name or similar.

Building the bar chart

For this, we’re now using the data from Output 2.

We’re plotting 2 measures for the bars – the amount under or over the quota which is a +ve (over) or -ve (under) number which will be plotted either side of a zero line as you would expect. The Toys Over/Under Quota field has this value.

We also need to plot the amount of toys produced, but while this is a positive number, it is displayed on the bar chart on the negative side of the zero line. So to enable this we need

Toys Produced to Plot

-1 * [Toys Produced]

ON a new sheet, add List and Toy to Rows. Then add Toys Produced to Plot to Columns, and then drag Toys Over/Under Quota onto the axis and drop when the 2 green column icon appears. This will result in the following display where Measure Names and Measure Values are automatically added.

Move Measure Names from Rows onto Colour, then change the order of the pills listed in the Measure Values section, so Toys Produced to Plot is listed first.

Create a new field

Colour – Over | Under

IF [Toys Over/Under Quota] < 0 THEN ‘under’ ELSE ‘over’ END

and add to the Detail shelf, then adjust the symbol to add this field to the Colour shelf as well to give you 4 colours on the legend. Adjust accordingly. Add Quota, Toys Produced and Toys Over/Under Quota to Tooltip and adjust.

For the label to display against each bar, we need to plot another measure, which is either 0 for those which were under production, or the value of the over production.

Label Value to Plot

IF SUM([Toys Over/Under Quota]) < 0 THEN 0 ELSE SUM([Toys Over/Under Quota]) END

Add this to Columns. On the Label Value to Plot marks card, change the mark type to circle and remove Measure Names from colour.

Create a new field

% Difference

SUM([Toys Over/Under Quota]) / SUM([Quota])

and apply a custom number format of 0%;0% which means -ve numbers will display as +ve.

Add this to the Label shelf along with Colour – Over | Under. Adjust the label text so the labels are displayed on a single line, are aligned middle right and the font matches mark colour and is bold. Make the chart dual axis and synchronise the axis (set the mark type of Measure Values to a bar if the display changes). On the Label Value to Plot marks card, reduce the opacity of the circle colour to 0% and reduce the size to the smallest possible. Remove all the text from the Tooltip.

To ensure the label text doesn’t overlap the bars, we can extend the axis by creating

Ref Line

WINDOW_MAX([Label Value to Plot]) *2

Add this to the Detail shelf of the Label Value to Plot marks card. Then right click on the top axis and Add Reference Line that refers to the maximum of the Ref Line field. Apply settings as below so the line is invisible.

Finally hide both axis, remove all gridlines, zero lines, axis and column dividers. Adjust the row dividers to be thick grey dashed lines. Update the title of the sheet.

Name the sheet Bar or similar.

Adding the interactivity

Using layout containers, add the sheets to a dashboard so they are arranged in the format required. Then add a dashboard filter action

Select PM

on select of the Bar sheet, target the KPI, Line and PM Name sheets. When the selection is cleared, keep filtered values Only allow 1 selection to be made at a time.

Click the bar against Barbie Doll to set the other charts to filter just to that toy, then unclick the bar again. The remaining charts should stay filtered.

And that should be it. Obviously you can add imagery as you wish but I didn’t go down that route – I just chose to set coloured borders on the layout containers.

My published viz is here.

Happy vizzin’! and enjoy the festive season.


Can you build this simple KPI card?

For this week’s challenge, Luke asked us to recreate this KPI card on a single sheet.

We needed to display data for the last 2 years up to the latest complete month. If this was being built for a business situation, we’d make use of the TODAY() function to get a handle on the current date. Since this is being built with a static dataset which includes data up until 31st Dec 2023, I am using a parameter to ‘hardcode’ the ‘today’ date, as I want this viz to still present the relevant data on my public profile if it’s accessed in a year’s+ time.


date parameter defaulted to 12th Dec 2023

With this I can the define the data I want to include within the viz

Records to Include

[Order Date] < DATETRUNC(‘month’, [pToday]) AND [Order Date] >= DATEADD(‘year’,-2,DATETRUNC(‘month’, [pToday]))

based on pToday = 12th Dec 2023, this includes records where the Order Date is less than 01 Dec 2023 and greater or equal to 01 Dec 2021.

Add this to the Filter shelf and set to True. Then add Order Date set to the Continuous Month level (green pill) to Columns and Sales to Rows.

The add another instance of Sales to Rows and change the Mark type on the ‘Sales 2’ marks card to Area. Make the chart dual axis and synchronise the axis. Adjust the opacity of the area chart via the Colour shelf as required, and amend the Tooltip on the All marks card to display the month and sales value in the relevant format.

This has formed the basis of the sparkline. Now we need to determine the calculations we need which are displayed in the text.

The text displays information related to the month the user ‘selects’ by hovering over the sparkline. By default the information for the latest full month (in this case Nov 2023) is displayed. We need to capture this latest month in a field

Latest Month

DATE(DATEADD(‘month’, -1, DATETRUNC(‘month’, [pToday])))

We also need to capture the month the user selects via the hover into a parameter.


date parameter defaulted to 01 Jan 1900 (think of this as a ‘null’ date)

With this we can then create


IF [pSelectedMonth] = #1900-01-01# THEN [Latest Month]
ELSE [pSelectedMonth]

format this to the <month year> format ie November 2023

and then also create

Selected Month Sales

{SUM(IF DATETRUNC(‘month’, [Order Date]) = [Selected Month] THEN [Sales] END)}

notice the function is wrapped in { } which makes it a Level of Detail (LOD) calculation, so the value is fixed across every row in the data set.

We also need to work out the sales from the same month in the previous year

Select Month Sales -PY

{SUM(IF DATETRUNC(‘month’, [Order Date]) = DATEADD(‘year’, -1, [Selected Month]) THEN [Sales] END)}

and subsequencty we can work out the change in sales

Change from PY

(SUM([Selected Month Sales]) – SUM([Selected Month Sales – PY ]))/SUM([Selected Month Sales – PY ])

To sense check what we’ve got, on a new sheet display the pSelectedMonth parameter then build a sheet as below

with the parameter set to 01 Nov 2023 we can see the values for Nov 2023 and Nov 2022 and captured in the relevant fields, and then the % change between the two also reflected.

But the % change is displayed on the KPI in different coloured text depending on whether the field is +ve or -ve. FOr this we need

Change from PY +ve

IF [Change from PY] >=0 THEN [Change from PY] END


Change from PY -ve

IF [Change from PY] <0 THEN [Change from PY] END

apply a custom number format to both fields of ↑0%;↓0% and add both fields to the sheet. Only 1 of these columns will ever be populated. If you change the parameter to 01 Aug 2022, you’ll see a negative change.

Now we have these fields, we can start to add the text element to the sparkline chart.

We’re going to plot a ‘mark’ against the first point in the x-axis, in this instance the point associated to the 1st Dec 2021. But we don’t want to ‘hardcode’ this date, so we can use

Dummy Y-Axis


where FIRST() is a table calculation that is 0 for the first point on the month axis.

Add this to Rows before the Sales pills.

We have a single mark plotted for 1st Dec 2021 on a second Y-axis at position 1 on the axis. But no other marks. Change this mark type to shape and use a transparent shape (see this blog for details on how to do this).

Add Selected Month as an exact date to the Label shelf, along with Selected Month Sales, Change from PY +ve and Change from PY -ve. We also need

Previous Year

YEAR(DATEADD(‘year’,-1,[Selected Month]))

convert this to a dimension (drag to be above the line in the left hand data pane) and then add to Label too. Adjust the layout of the label as below and align top left. Note I added some spaces to the front on each line of text.

You should have something that looks similar to

To get the vertical line to display on hover, we need to create

Ref Line

IF [pSelectedMonth]<>#1900-01-01# THEN [pSelectedMonth] END

Add this to the Detail shelf of the Area chart sales marks card and set to be exact date (green pill). The right click on the date axis and Add Reference Line

Changing the pSelectedMonth parameter the line will display

Finally clean up the chart by hiding all the axis, removing all row & column dividers, gridlines, axis lines and zero lines. Hide the ‘null’ indicator.

Add the sheet to a dashboard, then create a parameter action

Select Month

on hover of the KPI card, update the pSelectedMonth parameter with the value from the Month(Order Date) field. When the selection is cleared, set the value to 01 Jan 1900.

Note – you may find that based on the size of the dashboard, you don’t get the text part to display. This is an annoyance in Desktop, that it isn’t completely WYSIWIG (what you see is what you get). I spent time adjusting font sizes etc to make the text display in Desktop, but once published to Tableau Public, it all looked too small. After setting it all back to the sizes I wanted in Desktop and re-publishing, I found it did actually display ok on Public. So you may find you just need to play around a bit to get the display as you want.

My published viz is here.

Happy vizzin’!


Can you find how many quarters it took for a customer to order again?

It was Lorna’s turn to set the challenge this week, and she opted for a gentle workout to soothe us into the Christmas holidays – I certainly appreciated it as I am super busy and super stressed trying to finalise Christmas presents and preparations!

I built this with 4 calculations in total. Let’s start by just building out a tabular view of the data, so we know what we’re looking for.

Add Customer ID and Order Date set to be a discrete (blue) exact date onto Rows.

To start with, we want to capture, against each customer, the earliest order date

First Purchase Date

{FIXED [Customer ID]: MIN([Order Date])}

Add this into Rows as a discrete exact date.

You can see that for every row associated to the same customer, the First Purchase Date matches the first row.

Now I want to identify the row that represents the first order for each customer

Order is first order

[Order Date] = [First Purchase Date]

Add this onto Rows and we can see the first row against each customer is True, while the rest are False.

I can now use this to identify the date of the 2nd order for each customer – it is the earliest date where the order isn’t the first order

Second Purchase Date

{FIXED [Customer ID]: MIN(IF NOT [Order is first order] THEN [Order Date] END)}

Add this onto Rows as a discrete exact date, and you can see that every row associated to the customer, now has the date that matches the 2nd Order Date listed.

Remove Order Date and Order is first order from the Rows and we have 1 row per customer with the 2 dates we’re interested in.

From this we can work out

Quarters Since First Purchase

DATEDIFF(‘quarter’, [First Purchase Date], [Second Purchase Date])

Add this onto Text, so you can validate the result.

Now we can build out the matrix.

On a new sheet add First Purchase Date to Rows and set to be at the discrete (blue) quarter level. Then add Quarters Since First Purchase to Columns and change to be a discrete Dimension.

This already gives us the shape we’re after. Right click on the Null value in the column heading and select Edit Alias and update the word to Lapsed.

Add Customer ID to the Colour shelf, and the click on the pill and change to be a Measure of Count Distinct. This will change how the viz is displayed. Adjust the colours accordingly.

Finally update the Tooltip to match the required text, and adjust the formatting so there are pale grey thin dotted row and column dividers on the pane only, but not the header.

Add the viz to a dashboard, and you’re done! My published viz is here.

Happy vizzin’!


Can you add candlesticks to bar charts?

For the final week of global recognition month, Shunta Nakjima set this challenge inspired by one of the ‘founders’ of #WorkoutWednesday, Andy Kriebel.

Let’s get stuck in, by starting with the selector sheets.

Building the Measure Selector

The measure selector will be used to set a parameter which will store the particular measure selected, so we need


string parameter defaulted to the value Sales

We also need a field to help us ‘draw’ the 3 selection boxes onto a viz, in such a way that we then have a measure value to pass into the parameter on selection. You could build this with its own separate dataset, but I’m going to utilise another field to ‘fake this’, and drive it off the Segment dimension as we don’t need this in the rest of the viz.

Measure Selector Alias

CASE [Segment]
WHEN ‘Consumer’ THEN ‘Sales’
WHEN ‘Corporate’ THEN ‘Profit’
ELSE ‘Quantity’

Add Segment to Columns. Then double click into Columns and manually type MIN(1). Widen the row and then add Measure Selector Alias onto Label.

Edit the axis, and fix the range to run from 0 to 1. Adjust the label font and align centrally. Hide the axis and the Segment header.

We need to identify which measure has been selected, both through colour and an arrow indicator. So we need

Is Measure Selected

[Measure Selector Alias] = [pSelectedMeasure]

Add to the Colour shelf and adjust to suit.

Then create

Measure Selected Arrow

IF [Is Measure Selected] THEN ‘â–º’ END

I use this site to get the characters I need.

Add this to the Label shelf and adjust so the fields are side by side and the arrow text is coloured red.

Finally, stop the Tooltip from displaying, then hide all gridlines, zero lines, axis and row dividers. Set the column dividers to be thick white lines and make the Size as large as possible.

Name the sheet Measure Selector.

Building the Year Selector

In order to not ‘hardcode’ the latest year, we need

Current Year

{FIXED:MAX(YEAR([Order Date]))}

format this to be a number with 0dp and not to show the thousands separator.

From this we can create

Comparison Year

IIF(YEAR([Order Date])<>[Current Year],YEAR([Order Date]),NULL)

On a new sheet, add Comparison Year to Filter and exclude NULL. Then add Comparison Year to Columns and sort descending, so the latest year is listed first. Double click into Columns and manually type MIN(1).

As before widen the rows, and then add Comparison Year to Label. Edit the axis, and fix the range to run from 0 to 1. Adjust the label font and align centrally. Hide the axis and the Comparison Year header.

We’re going to need a parameter which will capture the year selected


integer parameter defaulted to 2022 with the display format set to not include the thousand separator

We need to identify which year has been selected, both through colour and an arrow indicator. So we need

Is Selected Year

[Comparison Year] = [pSelectedYear]

Add to the Colour shelf and adjust to suit.

Then create

Year Selected Arrow

IF [Is Selected Year] THEN ‘â–º’ END

Add this to the Label shelf and adjust so the fields are side by side and the arrow text is coloured red.

Finally, stop the Tooltip from displaying, then hide all gridlines, zero lines, axis and row dividers. Set the column dividers to be thick white lines and make the Size as large as possible. Name the sheet Year Selector.

Building the Current Year ‘card’

Double click into Columns and manually type MIN(1). Add Current Year to Label. Widen the row. Edit the axis, and fix the range to run from 0 to 1. Adjust the label font and align centrally. Hide the axis. Adjust the Colour to suit. Stop the Tooltip from displaying, then hide all gridlines, zero lines, axis and row dividers. Make the Size as large as possible. Name the sheet Curr Year.

Building the bar chart

Based on the measure selected, we need to get the value of the relevant measure for the current year and for the comparison year, so we need

Measure to Display – Curr Year

IF YEAR([Order Date]) = [Current Year] THEN
CASE [pSelectedMeasure]
WHEN ‘Sales’ THEN [Sales]
WHEN ‘Profit’ THEN [Profit]
ELSE [Quantity]


Measure to Display – Comp Year

IF YEAR([Order Date]) = [pSelectedYear] THEN
CASE [pSelectedMeasure]
WHEN ‘Sales’ THEN [Sales]
WHEN ‘Profit’ THEN [Profit]
ELSE [Quantity]

On a new sheet, add Sub-Category to Rows and Measure to Display – Curr Year to Columns. Sort descending. Then click and drag Measure to Display – Comp Year to the axis and release when the two green columns display. This will automatically add Measure Names and Measure Values into the view.

Reorder the pills in the Measure Values box, so the current year values are listed first. Add Measure Names to Colour and adjust to suit. Add Current Year, Measure to Display – Curr Year and Measure to Display – Comp Year to Tooltip, and adjust the tooltip so it is referencing those 3 fields along with the pSelectedMeasure and pSelectedYear parameters

So we have the bars, but now we need to add the ‘candlestick’, which we’re going to crate using a gantt bar. We need another ‘measure’ row to show, and need another instance of Measure to Display – Comp Year for this – we can’t use the existing measure, as it will put data on the same ‘row’. So simply duplicate the Measure to Display – Comp Year field, to get the Measure to Display – Comp Year (copy) field. Add this to Columns.

Change the mark type of this to a gantt bar. To get the size and the information we need for the labels and to colour the gantt, we need some more fields.


SUM([Measure to Display – Curr Year]) – SUM([Measure to Display – Comp Year])

custom format this to +#,##0;-#,##0 and add this field to both the Size and the Label shelf.

% Difference

IF (SUM([Measure to Display – Curr Year])>=0 AND SUM([Measure to Display – Comp Year])>=0)
OR (SUM([Measure to Display – Curr Year])<0 AND SUM([Measure to Display – Comp Year])<0) THEN
[Difference]/ABS(SUM([Measure to Display – Comp Year]))

If both the values are positive or both the values are negative, then calculate the difference, otherwise return 0, and then custom format to â–²0.0%;â–¼0.0%;- . The first section up to the ; formats the number when it’s positive, the next section formats when negative, and the last section formats when the number is 0, so in this case we’re replacing any 0 with a ‘-‘. Add this to the Label shelf.

Diff is +ve


Add this to the Colour shelf (remove Measure Names) and adjust accordingly.

Reduce the Size of the gantt bar, adjust the label so the font is smaller, organised as required, and aligned to the right. Remove all the text from the Tooltip. Then make the chart dual axis and synchronise the axis. Explicitly set the mark type of the Measure Names marks card to a bar.

Finally tidy up by hiding both axis, removing all gridlines, axis lines, zero lines and column dividers. Format the Sub-Category label headings and align middle left. Hide the Sub-Category row heading (hide field labels for rows) and hide the Measure Names field (uncheck show header). Name the sheet Chart.

Adding the interactivity

Using vertical and horizontal containers, arrange the objects on the dashboard. I used a horizonal container to align the Curr Year, Year Selector and Measure Selector sheets, adding blank objects in between. I edited the title of the 3 objects to display the required text. I then floated a blank object over the Current Year box, so it couldn’t be clicked.

To select the year and the measure, I needed parameter actions

Select Year

on select of the Year Selector sheet, set the pSelectedYear parameter, passing in the value from the Comparison Year field


Select Measure

on select of the Measure Selector sheet, set the pSelectedMeasure parameter passing in the value from the Measure Selector Alias field

Finally to stop the years and measure boxes being ‘highlighted’ on click, create fields






and add both to the Detail shelf of the Year Selector and Measure Selector sheets. Then add dashboard filter action

Deselect Years

On select of the Year Selector sheet on the dashboard, target the Year Selector sheet itself, passing the values True = False.

Create another similar filter action for the Measure Selector sheet, and that should then be it!

My published workbook is here.

Happy vizzin!


Can you create a Monthly Driver Analysis dashboard?

Global Recognition month continued this week for #WOW2023, and I was able to enlist Norbert Borbas to set the challenge this week, which was published in both Norbert’s native Hungarian, as well as English.

Norbert provided a challenge based on a solution he had implemented at his company, and involved the creation of 2 dashboards with interactivity between them both. There’s a fair amount going on with this one, so let’s get cracking.

Building the Sales KPI

For this viz, we need to get information about the latest year sales in conjunction with the previous year. Rather than hardcode any years relating to the data, I created

Latest Year

{MAX(YEAR([Order Date]))}

which for the data set I was using, returns 2022. Drag this field into the ‘dimensions’ section of the left hand data pane (ie above the line).

With this I then created

LY Sales

IF YEAR([Order Date]) = [Latest Year] THEN [Sales] END

to the sales for 2022. Format this to $ with 0 dp.

To get the sale for the previous year (ie 2021) I created

Previous Year

[Latest Year]-1

Drag this field into the ‘dimensions’ section of the left hand data pane (ie above the line), and then create

PY Sales

IF YEAR([Order Date]) = [Previous Year] THEN [Sales] END

Format this to $ with 0 dp.

We then needed the % difference between these values

% Diff Sales From PY

(SUM([LY Sales]) – SUM([PY Sales]))/SUM([PY Sales])

Apply custom formatting set to +0.0%;-0.0%;0.0% which explicitly adds the + sign in front of positive values.

To help with the interactivity that is required in the dashboard, I also created

Sales Label


With all these, we can build the KPI ‘card’.

Add Sales Label to Detail, and LY Sales, PY Sales, Previous Year and % Diff Sales From PY to the Label/Text shelf.

Format the text so it is aligned middle centre, and the arrange the text as required

Set the view to Entire View and stop the Tooltip from displaying (uncheck show tooltip). Name the sheet Sales KPI.

Building the Profit KPI

Repeat similar steps as above, apply formatting to the fields as required. You’ll need

LY Profit

IF YEAR([Order Date]) = [Latest Year] THEN [Profit] END

PY Profit

IF YEAR([Order Date]) = [Previous Year] THEN [Profit] END

% Diff Profit From PY

(SUM([LY Profit]) – SUM([PY Profit]))/SUM([PY Profit])


Profit Label


Name the sheet Profit KPI.

Building the Line Chart

The line chart needs to change based on whether the Sales KPI or the Profit KPI sheet has been selected. We need a parameter to capture this ‘decision’.


string parameter defaulted to Sales

To the determine which actual value to display we need

Line – Measure to Display

IF [pMeasureToShow] = ‘Sales’ THEN [Sales] ELSE [Profit] END

format this to $ with 0dp.

I also created

Line – Measure to Display Axis (k)

IF [pMeasureToShow] = ‘Sales’ THEN [Sales] ELSE [Profit] END

ie the same field, but this was formatted to $ with 0 dp but display units of Thousands (k).

Having the two fields means that the axis can display in one format while the tooltip can show the more detailed value.

On a new sheet add Order Date to Columns and change to the discrete ‘month’ level (blue pill – May). Add Line – Measure to Display Axis (k) to Rows. Add Order Date to Colour. This will default to the Year level, and show all years from the data set, but we only want the latest 2 years. So create

Filter Years

YEAR([Order Date]) >= [Previous Year]

and add to the Filter shelf and set to True. Adjust colours to suit.

Add Order Date to the Label shelf and change to the Year level. By default the lines should be labelled. Edit the label and set the font to match mark colour. I also set the font to be Tableau Medium and bold. Adjust the order of the years in the colour legend, so 2022 is listed first which makes the line for 2022 sit ‘on top’ of the 2021 line.

Remove all gridlines/row column dividers, and set the axis lines to be bolder. Hide the Order Date label (right click > hide field labels for columns). Adjust the formatting of the Order Date axis, to display the months in an abbreviated form. Adjust the title of the y-axis to reference the pMeasureToShow parameter (right click the axis > edit).

Add Line – Measure to Display to the Tooltip shelf.

Adjust the Tooltip to display as

Finally, to help with the interactivity later, we will need

Month Order Date

DATEPART(‘month’, [Order Date])

This returns the number of the month ie 1 for January, 2 for February etc. Move this to the ‘dimensions’ section of the left hand data pane (drag above the line), and then add this to the Detail shelf. Change the field to be a discrete attribute

Name the sheet Line Chart.

Building the Symbol Chart

On a new sheet add Filter Years to the Filter shelf and set to True. Add Order Date to Columns and change to be at the discrete month level. Double click into the Rows shelf and manually type in MIN(0). Add Month Order Date to the Detail shelf.

We need to display coloured arrows depending on whether the change is up or down. For this we need

Symbol – Difference to Display is +ve

IF [pMeasureToShow] = ‘Sales’ THEN IIF([% Diff Sales From PY]>=0,TRUE,FALSE)
ELSE IIF([% Diff Profit From PY]>=0,TRUE,FALSE)

If the measure to display is Sales, and the difference in Sales from previous year is +ve, then return true, otherwise false, Else if the measure to display is Profit and the difference in Profit from the previous year is +ve, then return true, else false.

Change the mark type to Shape and then add this field to both the Colour shelf and the Shape shelf. Adjust colours and shapes accordingly.

Edit the axis and delete the title and set the major and minor tick marks to None. We need the axis to remain as we will need to ‘line up’ this chart with the line chart, and having a left hand axis will help.

Hide the months from showing (uncheck show header against the pill on Columns. Hide all gridlines, axis lines, zero lines & row/column dividers.

Name the sheet Symbol Chart.

Building the Main dashboard

Using horizontal and vertical layout containers, position the sheets in the required locations along with the title and the instructional text. Use background colours and inner & outer padding to give space between the objects.

For the line chart and symbol chart, these were placed in a vertical container, and the width of the ‘blank’ y-axis on the symbol chart widened to be in line with the axis on the line chart. The hierarchy of objects I used is pictured.

To make the Sales display on the line chart when the Sales KPI sheet is clicked, create a dashboard parameter action

Show Sales Line

On select of the Sales KPI sheet, set the pMeasureToShow parameter, passing in the value from the Sales Label field. When the selection is cleared, keep the parameter set to the current value.

And create a similar action to show the profit

Show Profit Line

On select of the Profit KPI sheet, set the pMeasureToShow parameter, passing in the value from the Profit Label field. When the selection is cleared, keep the parameter set to the current value.

We will need to return to this later, to add more interactivity, but for now we’ll move onto the analysis/drill down sheet.

Building the drill down table

We’re going to need a few more fields to build this type of display. Firstly, for the first bar chart column we need

Bar – LY Measure to Display

IF [pMeasureToShow] = ‘Sales’ THEN [LY Sales] ELSE [LY Profit] END

Bar – PY Measure to Display

IF [pMeasureToShow] = ‘Sales’ THEN [PY Sales] ELSE [PY Profit] END

Format both these fields to $ with 0dp.

Add State/Province to Rows and Bar – LY Measure to Display to Columns. Sort the states by the measure descending. Adjust the colour of the bar to suit. Add Bar – PY Measure to Display to the Detail shelf and add a reference line per cell that displays the average of this measure.

Show mark labels and adjust the font of the labels to be size 8pt. Widen each row, and align the State labels to the left, and change the font to be bold & black. Reduce the Size of the bars. Remove gridlines, but add row dividers.

Double click into the columns shelf and manually type MIN(0) to create a ‘fake’ axis and generate a MIN(0) marks card.

Create a new field

Measure Rank LY

RANK(SUM([Bar – LY Measure to Display]))

and add this to the Label shelf of the MIN(0) marks card. Adjust the table calculation so it is explicitly set to Compute by State/Province. Remove the Bar – PY Measure to Display field from the Detail shelf. Change the mark type to shape.

To determine what type of shape and what colour to apply, we need

Measure Rank PY

RANK(SUM([Bar -PY Measure to Display]))

and then

Measure Rank Change

IF [Measure Rank LY] < [Measure Rank PY] THEN ‘Up’ ELSEIF [Measure Rank LY] > [Measure Rank PY] THEN ‘Down’

Add this field to both the Shape and the Colour shelf, and adjust the table calculation so it is explicitly set to Compute by State/Province.

Adjust the shapes, and use a transparent shape against the Null option (see here for details). Adjust colours to suit. Increase the size of the shape, and align the label to the left.

For the next column, create

Bar – Measure Difference

SUM([Bar – LY Measure to Display]) – SUM([Bar -PY Measure to Display])

and custom format to +”$”#,##0;-“$”#,##0

Add to the Columns shelf, and labels should automatically get added.

Create a field

Bar – Measure Diff is +ve

[Bar – Measure Difference] >=0

and add to the Colour shelf of this marks card. Adjust colours to suit.

For the final column, we need to separately identify the values when the YoY measure difference is positive from those that are negative, and then apply ranking to each of these fields. So we need

+ve Measure Diff

IF [Bar – Measure Diff is +ve] THEN [Bar – Measure Difference] END

-ve Measure Diff

IF NOT([Bar – Measure Diff is +ve]) THEN [Bar – Measure Difference]*-1 END

Note, as the difference in this instance is negative, the values returned will also be negative, but when it comes to ranking, we want the record with the biggest negative difference to be ranked 1st ie if one value had a difference of -10 and another had a value of -100, in typical ranking, -10 is ‘higher’ than -100, so -10 would be ranked 1 and -100 2. But we want -100 to be ranked 1. So by multiplying the values by -1 in the calculation we actually return values 10 and 100. So when we rank them later, 100 is ranked 1 as it is bigger than 10.

Ranke +ve Measure Diff

RANK_UNIQUE([+ve Measure Diff])

Rank -ve Measure Diff

RANK_UNIQUE([-ve Measure Diff])

We will be displaying the information for the positive and negative ranks in separate ‘columns’ which we can do with

Rank YoY X-axis

IIF([Bar – Measure Diff is +ve], 1,2)

Add this field to columns and change the mark type to Circle. Add Bar – Measure Diff is +ve to Colour. Add Rank +ve Measure Diff and Rank -ve Measure Diff to Label. Ensure the table calculations for both fields are explicitly set to Compute by State/Province. Increase the Size of the circle, and align the label to be middle centre using a bold white font.

Now we have all the information displayed, we need to sort the tooltips.

This sheet, will be accessed through interaction and will be ‘filtered’ to just a specific month. For now, we’ll ‘hardcode’ the month by adding Month Order Date to the Filter shelf and selecting 3 (for March).

On the All marks card, add Latest Year, Previous Year, Month Order Date, Measure Rank PY to the Tooltip shelf.

We will also need

TOOLTIP – Rank statement decrease

IF [Measure Rank Change] <> ‘Up’ THEN MIN([State/Province]) + “‘s ” + [pMeasureToShow] + ‘ Rank decreased vs. same month last year.’ END

TOOLTIP – Rank statement increase

IF [Measure Rank Change] = ‘Up’ THEN MIN([State/Province]) + “‘s ” + [pMeasureToShow] + ‘ Rank increased vs. same month last year.’ END

TOOLTIP – Rank YoY Statement Negative

IF NOT([Bar – Measure Diff is +ve]) THEN MIN([State/Province]) + ‘ is a negative (Rank: ‘ + STR([Rank -ve Measure Diff]) + ‘) contributor to the overall YOY increment in the selected month.’ END

TOOLTIP – Rank YoY Statement Positive

IF [Bar – Measure Diff is +ve] THEN MIN([State/Province]) + ‘ is a positive (Rank: ‘ + STR([Rank +ve Measure Diff]) + ‘) contributor to the overall YOY increment in the selected month.’ END

Add all 4 of these fields to the Tooltip shelf of the All marks card. Ensure all the table calculation fields are set to explicitly Compute by State/Province.

Now adjust the tooltip with all the relevant fields, applying colouring as required

Hide the axis and hide the null indicator. Hide the State/Province column label heading. Finally, remove the Month Order Date field from the Filter shelf. The tooltip will look a bit funny at this point, but that will get sorted later.

Name the sheet Drill Down Table.

Building the drill down dashboard

Again using vertical and horizontal containers, arrange the sheet on a dashboard along with the title. Use text boxes arranged in a horizontal container directly above the Drill Down Table sheet to display the column headings.

As I didn’t want to hardcode any years, I created the following parameters


integer parameter defaulted to 2022 and with a display format that did not include thousand separators.



integer parameter defaulted to 2021 and with a display format that did not include thousand separators.



integer parameter defaulted to 3 and with a display format that did not include thousand separators.

When building the column headings, I referenced all these parameters instead.

To ‘set’ these parameters, I added Previous Year and Latest Year to the Detail shelf of both the Line Chart and Symbol Chart sheets.

I then added 3 dashboard parameter actions to the main dashboard which on select of the Line Chart or Symbol Chart sheet, set the relevant parameter with the value from the appropriate field.

To ensure the drill down gets ‘filtered’ to the month selected on the main dashboard, add a dashboard filter action

Drill down

On select of the Line Chart or the Symbol Chart, target the Drill Down Table sheet on the Drill Down dashboard, passing the selected field of MONTH(Order Date) only. Exclude all values when selection is cleared.

The final step is to add a Navigation Button to the drill down dashboard which displays the text ‘Go back to landing page’ and navigates back to the main dashboard.

And hopefully, with all that, you have a completed interactive navigational dashboard! My published version is here.

Happy vizzin’!


Can you make dynamic indexed bars & measures?

For this week’s #WOW2023 challenge, guest poster Ervin Vinzon asked us to rebuild this visualisation based on data from his home country, The Philippines.

I have to admit, I did find this a bit tough this week – there was a lot going on and maps don’t come naturally to me. I actually wasn’t sure initially whether both the files were needed, as the requirements were a little bit sparse, and I managed to build pretty much the whole solution not using the zip file. I just couldn’t get the map label annotation to work, so ended up having to had to revisit and start again.

Modelling the data

You will need to download both the excel file and the zip file from the Ervin’s shared area.

In the data pane, connect to the Ph Pop 2020 excel file and add the Philippine Population sheet to the canvas.

Then add a connection to a spatial file and point to the zip file. Tableau will automatically identify the file it can use. Add the Provinces file to the canvas.

Create a relation that uses relationship calculations that maps from the Philippine Population sheet :

IIF([Province] = “Maguindanao del Norte” OR [Province] = “Maguindanao del Sur”, “Maguindanao”, [Province])

to the the Provinces sheet

IIF([ADM1_EN] = “National Capital Region”, “Metro Manila”, [ADM2_EN])

Thanks to Rosario Gauna for helping me with this logic, as I couldn’t figure out how the data needed to be related. I think this really needed to be included in the requirements… (Note the logic has been adjusted since I took the image below)

Building the Measure Selector

We can’t use a parameter directly for this, as the design of the ‘radio button’ is more fancy than just what you get with the basic parameter selection functionality.

So we need to ‘fake’ the selection and can use existing fields in our data set to help with this. The Island Group field contains 3 values, so we’re going to draw on these and build

Measure Selector

CASE [Island group]
WHEN ‘Luzon’ THEN ‘By Population’
WHEN ‘Mindarao’ THEN ‘By Population Density’
ELSE ‘By Area’

Add to Columns and manually reorder. In the Rows shelf, double click and manually type MIN(0)Change the mark type to circle and add Measure Selector to the Label shelf. Resize the circles, and adjust the label to be aligned middle right. Change the view to Fit Width to see all the labels.

Create a parameter to capture the selected measure when this view is interacted with


string parameter defaulted to By Population

Show the parameter on the sheet. Then create a calculated field

Is Selected Measure

[pMeasureSelected] = [Measure Selector]

and add to the Colour shelf. Adjust the colours to suit and add a grey border on the circles (via the colour shelf).

Stop the Tooltip from showing, hide the MIN(0) axis and the Measure Selector header and remove all gridlines/zero lines and any dividers. Name the sheet Measure Selection.

Building the bar chart

Firstly, we need to determine which measure we’re going to be displaying, so need

Measure to Display

CASE [pMeasureSelected]
WHEN ‘By Population’ THEN SUM([Population])
WHEN ‘By Population Density’ THEN SUM([Density])
ELSE SUM([Area (sq km)])

Show the pMeasureSelected parameter on a new sheet, then add Island Group and Province to Rows and Measure to Display to Text. Sort the data descending.

Create a new calculated field

Measure Rank

RANK_UNIQUE([Measure to Display])

Change the Measure Rank field in the left hand data pane to be discrete. Add to the Rows and adjust the table calculation so it is computing by Province only. The Measure Rank should show sequential numbers from 1 upwards, but restart at the next Island Group.

Add another instance of Measure Rank to the Filter shelf. Select All intially to select all the numbers. Then adjust the table calculation to compute by Province only as above. Then re-edit the filter and just select numbers 1-10.

The bar visual displays the actual value in a coloured bar, along with the maximum value for the measure in a grey bar. So we need

Max Value

WINDOW_MAX([Measure to Display])

Add this to the table and adjust the table calculation to compute by Province.

Finally, we need some information to help with the labels

Label Strapline

CASE [pMeasureSelected]
WHEN ‘By Population’ THEN ”
WHEN ‘By Population Density’ THEN ‘persons per sq km’
ELSE ‘sq km’

Add this to Rows and then test the behaviour by adjusting the value of the pMeasureSelected parameter.

We now have the data needed to build the bars.

Move Island Group to Columns and manually reorder to be Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao. Move Province and Label strapline to Text. Move Measure to Display and Max Value to Columns. Set sheet to fit Entire View. Reduce the size of the bar to be relatively thin.

On the Measure to Display marks card, add Island Group to Colour and adjust to suit.

Set the colour of the bar on the Max Value marks card to be pale grey and remove the bar border. Remove the Label Strapline field and move the Province from label to Detail.

Make the chart dual axis and synchronise the axis. Adjust the axis (right click > edit axis) to be independent axis ranges for each row or column.

On the Measure to Display marks card, add Measure Rank and Measure To Display to the Label shelf. adjust the table calculation settings of the Measure Rank field to compute by Province only.

Adjust the label to be aligned top left, and then format the label text box, so the label is laid out as required (I used bold 8pt font). To make the label sit ‘above’ the bar, add carriage returns after the text in the label edit box (thanks to Sam Parsons for spotting this sneaky method – my original build was using a much more complex method to get the text sitting on top of the bars!).

Finally hide the axis and the Measure Rank and Island Group fields. Remove all gridlines/zero lines/axis & row and column dividers. Stop the tooltips from showing. Name the sheet Bars.

Building the Bar Header

On a new sheet, add Island Group to Columns and manually re-order. Then double click in Columns and manually type MIN(0.1). Set the mark type to Bar and set the view to fit Entire View. Add Island Group to Colour. Reduce the Size of the bar. Edit the axis and fix to end at 0.7. Add Island Group to the Label shelf, and align bottom left. Adjust the size of the font to be larger and then add multiple carriage returns above the label text to shift the label to sit under the bar.

Remove all headers/axis and row/column dividers and gridlines. Stop the tooltip from showing.

Adjust the title of the sheet to reference the pMeasureSelected parameter.

Name the sheet Bar Header.

Building the map

We will need another parameter to store the selected Province value.


string parameter defaulted to nothing

On. a new sheet, double click on the Geometry field. This will automatically display a map of the Philippines. Remove all the unnecessary detail via Map > Background Layers and unchecking all the options.

Add Province to the Detail shelf and Region and Island Group to the Tooltip. Adjust the Tooltip.

Show the pSelectedProvince parameter and manually enter the province Leyte.

Create a new field

Is Selected Province

[pSelectedProvince] = [Province]

and then add to the Colour shelf. Adjust the colours to suit (set the NULL field to the same as False).

We need to capture the ‘geometry’ of the selected Province

Selected Province Location

MAKEPOINT((IIF([Is Selected Province],[Latitude],NULL)),(IIF([Is Selected Province],[Longitude],NULL)))

Drag this field onto the canvas and drop it on the Add a marks layer section that displays. This will create a second marks card. Change the mark type to Circle and adjust the colour as required. Add pSelectedProvince to the Detail shelf.

Select the circle mark, and add an annotation against the mark (right click > Annotate > Mark). Reference the parameter pSelectedProvince in the dialog window.

Providing the pSelectedProvince is on the Detail shelf and is referenced in the Annotation, then changing the value of the pSelectedProvince parameter to Samar or any other province, should retain the annotation. Once again, thanks to Sam for figuring this out as I could just not see it, even when I looked at the solution.

Remove row & column dividers. Stop the map options from displaying (Map > Map Options and uncheck all selections). Update the title of the sheet, and then name the sheet Map.

Adding the interactivity

Add the sheets to a dashboard using horizontal and vertical layout containers to arrange the objects.

Update the title of the Measure Selection sheet and the Bar Header sheet to match the text being displayed.

Create a dashboard parameter action to define the measure selection on click

Set Measure

On selection of the Measure Selection sheet, set the pMeasureSelected parameter, passing through the value from the Measure Selector field.

Create another action for the Province

Select Province

On selection of the Bars sheet, set the pSelectedProvince parameter, passing through the value from the Province field. When the selection is cleared, reset to nothing.

To stop the Bar Heading sheet from being clicked on, just float a blank object over the top.

To prevent the other bars and the measure selections from all fading when clicked on, create a new field



and add to the Detail shelf of the Bars sheet and the Measure Selection sheet.

Then back on the dashboard add a dashboard highlight action


On selection of the Bars sheet and the Measure Selection sheet, target the Bars and the Measure Selection sheets using the HL selected field only.

Now when a bar is clicked, it will look ‘selected’ (has a black bar around it), but the other bars won’t become faded/greyed out. Similarly when a measure is selected, the other circles won’t fade.

Phew! That should be it. There’s a fair amount going on here and lots of tricky ‘gotchas’. My published viz is here .

Happy vizzin’!


Help me choose my wine!

As we continue global recognition month for #WOW2023, Flavio Matos introduced this challenge which displays a unit chart of wines by type.

An added twist was to provide the ability for the user to switch between English (UK) and Portuguese (Brazil) languages, and the excel data set provided a sheet with the data per language.

After completing my solution, I checked out Flavio, and found he built the chart for each language (and so data source) in 2 separate sheets, added to 2 different dashboards and used navigation button with a flag image to switch between 2 dashboards. I chose to go a different route, one that didn’t mean duplicating the viz. This means that if I had to alter the viz in future for some reason, I’m only doing it once.

Modelling the data

To build in a single sheet, I needed to have the data for two languages combined into one table. Connect to the excel workbook and add the Wine sheet to the canvas, then add a relation to the Vinho sheet and set the relationship to match on the Wine field from each sheet.

Building the Viz

We need a parameter to manage the language selection


string parameter defaulted to ‘UK’

This parameter is then used to determine which of the fields we need to use on the viz, and these are determined through calculated fields.

Country to Display

IIF([pCountry]=’UK’, [Category],[Family])

Add this to Rows then add Abreviation to the Detail shelf. Sort the Country To Display field by the count of the Abbreviation field descending.

Change the Mark type to Square then add Abreviation to the Label shelf. Adjust the sheet to Entire View and then align the label to be middle centre.

Create a parameter to store the list of English options that can be selected


string parameter containing the list of options (taken from the requirements page), with All listed first. Default to All.

Then create a version to store the Portuguese options


string parameter containing the list of options (taken from the requirements page), with Todos listed first. Default to Todos.

To flag the wines that are related to the options selected, we need

Wine has Tag

IF [pCountry] = ‘UK’ THEN
IF [pOptions-UK] = ‘All’ THEN TRUE
IF [pOptions-Portuguese]=’Todos’ THEN TRUE
ELSEIF CONTAINS([Tags (Vinho)],[pOptions-Portuguese]) THEN TRUE

This returns true or false based on what country has been selected, and in turn what country specific option has been selected. If the wine is tagged with that option, or all wines have been selected then true is returned, otherwise false.

And then using this field we can determine how to colour the squares.


IF [Wine has Tag] THEN
IF [pCountry]=’UK’ THEN [Type]
IF [Type] = ‘Red’ THEN ‘Tinto’
ELSEIF [Type] = ‘Sparkling’ THEN ‘Espumante’
ELSEIF [Type] = ‘White’ THEN ‘Branco’
ELSE [Type]
IIF([pCountry]=’UK’, ‘No Highlight’,’Nao Harmoniza’)

This is slightly more detailed as the Type field in each of the excel sheets are both stored in English, but the legend in the viz shows the types in Portuguese when that language is selected. Ideally the Type should have just come straight from the data source.

Add the 3 parameters to the view, and then add Colour to the Colour shelf. Set the pCountry parameter to UK, and choose Appetizers from the pOptions-UK parameter. Adjust the colours to suit. Manually sort the colour legend options, so the colours are listed Red > Rose > Sparkling > White > No Highlight.

Then clear the pCountry parameter (or set it to any value other than UK) and set the pOptions-Portuguese parameter to Aperitivos. Once again adjust colours as required and re-order.

The tooltips need to be language specific, and only display for the wines that match the options chosen. For these we need the following calculated fields

Tooltip – Wine

IF [Wine has Tag] THEN [Wine (Wine)] ELSE ” END

Tooltip – Food Pairing

IF [Wine has Tag] THEN
IIF([pCountry]=’UK’,[Food pairing],[Food pairing (Vinho)])

Tooltip – Food Pairing Label

IF [Wine has Tag] THEN
IIF([pCountry]=’UK’,’Food pairing:’, ‘Harmoniza com:’)

Tooltip – Notes

IF [Wine has Tag] THEN
IIF([pCountry]=’UK’,[Notes],[Notes (Vinho)])

Add all four of these fields to the Tooltip shelf and adjust accordingly

Finally tidy up the formatting by removing row dividers and hiding the Country to Display column heading (hide field labels for rows).

Building the Country Selector

For this I needed to add the UK and Brazilian flags a custom shapes to my Tableau repository. I just sourced some images via my favourite search engine and added them to my repository as per the instructions here.

On a new sheet I then added Abreviation to Columns and also to Filter and just filtered to the first 2 options Ab and Ag. I changed the mark type to shape. I then created the field

Country Selector


and added this to the Shape shelf, and selected the two flags.

Remove the row dividers and hide the header (uncheck show header on the Abreviation pill).

Building the dashboard

Add the sheets to your dashboard and display both the options parameter and the colour legend. I used layout containers for most of the arrangement, but floated the colour selector viz. I then added the title in English and Portuguese in two separate text boxes. I also hid the title of the colour legend, and add 2 different text boxes with the colour legend title in English and Portuguese. My layout looked like

To only show the sections based on the language selected, we need the following fields

Country is UK


Country is Brazil


On the dashboard, select the text box which contains the English title, then on the Layout tab, select the Control visibility using value checkbox, and choose the Country is UK field.

Repeat this for all the other objects – the other title, the food selector parameters and the colour legend titles, choosing the Country is UK or the Country is Brazil option as appropriate.

To switch the language, we need to add a dashboard parameter action

Select Country

On selection of the Country Selector viz, set the pCountry parameter by passing in the value from the Country Selectior field.

The final step is to stop the country flags from being ”greyed out’ ‘highlighted’ when one is selected (ie the other flag ‘greying out’).

Create a fields





and add these 2 fields to the Detail shelf of the Country Selector worksheet.

The back on the dashboard, add a dashboard filter action

Country Selector – Unhighlight

on selection of the Country Selector sheet on the dashboard, target the Country selector sheet directly, passing the fields True = False. Show all values if the selection is cleared.

And with that, the viz should be complete. My published version is here.

Happy vizzin’!


Can you build an UpSet Plot with just one calculated field?

For this week’s #WOW2023 challenge , guest poster, Venkatesh Iyer asked us to create an UpSet Plot, with the added requirement of using just 1 calculated field.

To start with, I had to read up on what an UpSet plot was and looked through the blog post by Chris Love that was referenced in the challenge introduction. While this post gave me more clarity, it introduced more calculations than I was hoping for, so I started looking a bit wider for a bit of help. This YouTube video set me on my way.

Setting up the data

The requirements stated to limit to the Category of Furniture only, so after connecting to the Superstore data source, I added a Data Source Filter (right click data source > Edit Data Source filters) to restrict the information throughout the workbook just to the Furniture Category.

Doing this means I don’t have to keep adding the Category to the Filter shelf, and any FIXED LoDs I create will only be based on the subset of data that has been ‘pre-filtered’.

There are multiple charts in this challenge, and I used 5 sheets in total. Let’s start with the easy ones.

Building the Customer List

On a new sheet add Customer Name to Rows and Sales to Text. Format Sales to $ with 0dp, and widen each row. Remove row/column dividers and remove the ‘Customer Name’ column heading (right click and hide field labels for rows). Uncheck the Show Tooltips option from the Tooltip shelf. Name the sheet Customer List.

Building the Sub-Category Bar Chart

Add Sub-Category to Rows. Add Customer ID to Columns, then use the context menu to change the field to use the Count (Distinct) measure.

Note – I would typically create a specific calculated field containing the function COUNTD([Customer ID]), but as we only want a single calculated field in the solution, then this is the method to adopt.

Sort the resulting bar chart descending, and add Sub-Category to the Colour shelf and adjust to suit.

Widen each row and then click on the Label shelf and check the Show mark labels tick box. Align the labels middle left and format the font. Hide the axis and the Sub-Category column heading (uncheck show header). Remove all gridlines, row/column dividers/ zero lines etc. Uncheck the Show Tooltips option from the Tooltip shelf. Name the sheet Sub Cat Bar.

Identifying the groupings

Ok, now we’re at the point we need to identify the different ‘cohorts’ of customers based on what Sub-Categories they have purchased. Let’s build out a tabular ‘check’ sheet so we can see what we’re up to…

On a new sheet add Customer Name and Sub-Category to Rows. This simple table shows us that Aaron Bergman has at some point only ever bought Bookcases & Chairs, while Aaron Hawkins has purchased Chairs & Furnishings. These 2 customers are in different cohorts as they haven’t bought exactly the same combination of Sub-Categories. There are 15 different combinations in total.

Based on what I observed in the video, I can create a FIXED LoD calculated field to identify if a customer has bought Bookcases.


{FIXED [Customer ID]: MAX(IIF([Sub-Category] = ‘Bookcases’,1,0))}

Pop this into the view, and we can see that there is a 1 reported against all the rows associated to each customer who bought Bookcases. So Aaron Bergman has a 1 against both rows, and Aaron Hawkins has 0 against both rows.

Creating similar calculated fields, specific for each of the 4 different Sub-Category values, and putting them into the table, we can see we have various combinations of 1s and 0s for each customer. Adam Shillingburg has bought all 4 types, so has 1’s across the board, while Adrian Sharni has only bought Furnishings, so has 3 0’s and a single 1.

Based on our understanding of what these fields are doing, we can combine what each one is doing into a single calculated string field.


STR({FIXED [Customer ID]: MAX(IIF([Sub-Category] = ‘Furnishings’,1,0))}) + ‘-‘ +
STR({FIXED [Customer ID]: MAX(IIF([Sub-Category] = ‘Chairs’,1,0))}) + ‘-‘ +
STR({FIXED [Customer ID]: MAX(IIF([Sub-Category] = ‘Tables’,1,0))}) + ‘-‘ +
STR({FIXED [Customer ID]: MAX(IIF([Sub-Category] = ‘Bookcases’,1,0))})

Note the order is based on the order of Sub-Category bar chart. Add this into the view on Rows (rejig the order of the measure values to match).

So with this one calculated field Combo, we now have a dimension we can use to count the customers against. The calculated fields I used to demonstrate the concept are now superfluous and can be deleted if you wish, if you remove the check sheet too. I chose to keep mine in for reference.

Building the Combo bar chart

ON a new sheet, add Combo to Columns and then add Customer ID to Rows, but as before, set it to use the COUNTD aggregation.

Sort the bar to be ascending. Check the Show mark labels option on the Label shelf and adjust the alignment to be bottom middle, and the font to be bold. Change the colour of the bar to suit. Hide the axis and the Combo heading (uncheck show header). Remove all gridlines, row/column dividers/ zero lines etc. Uncheck the Show Tooltips option from the Tooltip shelf. Name the sheet Combo Bar.

Building the dot plot

Add Sub-Category to Rows and Combo to Columns. Manually sort the Sub-Category rows so they are listed with Furnishings at the top then Chairs > Tables and Bookcases at the bottom. Sort the Combo field by COUNTD of Customer ID ascending

Double click into Columns and manually type MIN(0) to generate an axis. Change the mark type to circle. Add Sub-Category to Colour. Widen each row.

Add Sub-Category to Label. Then double click into the pill on the label shelf and manually change to add the LEFT function around the pill, so the pill becomes LEFT([Sub-Category],1) to get the initial. Again, this is typically something I would explicitly store in its own calculated field. Manually re-sort the rows again, as this seems to break the sorting.

Align the label middle centre and bold the font. Then add another instance of MIN(0) on Columns to create a 2nd marks card. Change this mark type to Line. Remove the field from the Text shelf, and move the Sub-Category pill from Colour to Path.

Make the chart dual axis and synchronise axis. Right click on the MIN(0) axis title at the top of the chart and move marks to back.

Then hide the axis and the Combo column and Sub-category row (uncheck show header). Remove all gridlines, row/column dividers/ zero lines etc. Adjust the size of the marks as required. Uncheck the Show Tooltips option from the Tooltip shelf. Name the sheet Dot Plot. .

Building the Legend

The quickest way to do this is to duplicate the dot plot sheet. Then remove Combo from the Columns. mark type of the line from line to circle and decrease the size to the smallest possible. Move Sub-Category from Detail to Label and align middle right.

Edit the label and add some spaces in front of the text to push the labels further to the right. Format the font to suit.

Adjust the MIN(0) fields to both be MIN(0.2) instead (just double click into the fields to edit). Then edit the axis to be fixed from 0 to 1. This forces the display to the left.

Hide the axis, and name the sheet Legend.

Adding the interactivity

Arrange the items on a dashboard, using layout containers and padding to organise the 4 main charts and ensure the dot plot aligns both vertically and horizontally with the other two bar charts.. The legend chart is a floating object.

Add a filter dashboard action to filter the customer list

Filter Customers

On select of the Combo Bar or Sub Cat Bar sheets, target the Customer List sheet, showing all values when the selections are cleared.

And that should be it! My published viz is here.

Happy vizzin’!


Can you create a dynamic small multiple chart?

For this week’s #WOW2023 challenge, Lorna asked us to recreate this small multiple (or trellis) chart which organises the time series charts per Sub-Category into a grid format, where the number of columns is determined by the user.

Whenever I need to build these types of charts, I often end up referencing this blog post by Chris Love from 2014, as this has the basis for the calculations required.

To get started, we need to capture the number of columns based on a parameter


integer parameter ranging from 1 to 5 with a step size of 1, that is defaulted to 5

On a new sheet, display the parameter, and add Sub-Category to Rows. Apply a sort to Sub-Category based on the field Sum of Sales descending.

Based on the pCols parameter, we need to determine which column and subsequently which row each Sub-Category should be positioned in. We will make use of the index of each entry in the list. Double click into the Rows shelf and manually type in INDEX(). Change the field to be discrete (blue). This will number every Sub-Category row from 1 upwards. To be explicit, edit the table calculation, to explicitly set it to compute using the Sub-Category dimension.

To determine the column for each sub-category



the % symbol, is the modulo and returns the remainder when the INDEX()-1 is divided by pCols – ie if INDEX() = 12, then 12-1 = 11 and 11 divided by 5 is 2 with 1 left over, so the result is 1.

Add this to the sheet, set it to be discrete (blue) and also edit the table calculation to compute using Sub-Category. You can see that Chairs and Machines are in the same column. If you adjust pCols, the values will adjust too.

To determine which row each Sub-Category will be positioned in we need


INT((INDEX()-1) / [pCols])

This divides INDEX()-1 by pCols and just returns the whole number. ie if INDEX() = 8, then 8-1 = 7, and 7 divided by 5 = 1.4. The integer part of 1.4 is 1.

Add this to Rows and set to be discrete, and adjust the table calculation as before. You can see Chairs and Phones are in the same row (but different columns), which Chairs and Machines are in the same column, but different rows.

Let’s rearrange – Move Column to Columns, Sub-Category to Text and remove INDEX() altogether, and you’ll get the basic grid layout we need.

Create a new field to store the date part we’re going to present

Month Order Date

DATE(DATETRUNC(‘month’,[Order Date]))

Add this to Columns, and set as exact date and add Sales to Rows and move Sub-Category to Detail. At first gland this may look ok, but if you look closely, you’ll notice that there are multiple lines on some of the charts.

This is because there are some states that didn’t sell some of the sub-categories on the month, and this affects the index() calculation when the Month Order Date is set to be a continuous (green) pill (the viz below highlights this better – Accessories is now indexed with 6 and 7…

So to resolve this, add Month Order Date as a discrete (blue) exact date to the Detail shelf underneath the Sub-Category field. Then change the Month Order Date field in the Columns shelf to be a Continuous (green) attribute. Then adjust the table calculation on both the Column and the Row fields, so they are computing over both Sub-Category and Month Order Date, but at the level of Sub-Category.

Format the ATTR(Month Order Date) field on Columns to be the custom format of yyyy, so the axis just display years

and then format the Month Order Date field on the Detail shelf, to be the custom format of mmmm yyyy, so the information in the Tooltip will display the date as March 2001 etc. Adjust the Tooltip to match.

The label for each Sub-Category needs to be positioned based on the y-axis at the maximum sales across the whole display, and on the x-axis at the last point in the date scale ie December 2023. For this we need

Max Sales in Table


Label Position

IF LAST()=0 THEN [Max Sales in Table] END

Add Label Position to Rows and adjust the table calculation so the Max Sales in Table nested calculation is computing by both Sub-Category and Month Order Date, and the Label Position nested calculation is computing by Month Order Date only. This should result in a single mark per Sub-Category displaying.

Make the chart dual axis and synchronise the axis. Remove Measure Names from the All marks card. On the Label Position marks card, change the Mark type to shape and select a transparent shape (see this post for details on how to get this set up). Move Sub-Category to Label and align top right.

Finalise the display by hiding the Column and Row fields (uncheck show header), hiding the right hand axis (uncheck show header). Format to remove all gridlines & zero lines and hide the null indicator. Remove the axis title.

You should then be able to just add this to a dashboard. My published viz is here.

Happy vizzin’!


Can you proportionally brush from multiple selections?

For this week’s #WOW2023 challenge, Kyle wanted us to build a viz that used selections on the viz rather than a set of filter controls to show how the sales for those selections were distributed.

This concept is referred to as proportional brushing and makes use of set actions to achieve the results. The complexity added here was the multiple selections being made.

6 sheets make up this dashboard – 1 for each bar chart, 1 for the KPI and 1 for the breadcrumb trail.

Building the basic bar charts

Create 4 sheets, one for each of the Region, Segment, Ship Mode and Sub-Category dimensions. The simplest way is to build one sheet, get all the formatting applied etc, then duplicate and replace the dimension on the duplicated sheet with the new one.

When building the first sheet, place the dimension (eg Region) on Rows and Sales on Columns, sorted descending. Adjust the Sales to be formatted to $ with 0dp. Hide the Sales axis, and format to remove all gridlines/axis lines/ zero lines and row/column dividers. Show mark labels and align centrally. Adjust the font label to 8pt. Widen each column if need be. Hide the dimension label from displaying (hide field label for columns). Adjust the tooltip to suit. Name the sheet based on the dimension.

Then duplicate this sheet, and drag the next dimension, eg Segment, and drop it directly on Region. If done properly, everything should seamlessly update. Re-name this sheet accordingly, then repeat the process until you have a sheet for each of the four dimensions.

Applying the proportional brushing

Create a set for each of the relevant dimensions.

Region Set – right click on the Region field in the data pane and select Create > Set. Select all the options to be in the set.

Repeat and do the same for each dimension, so you end up with Segment Set, Ship Mode Set and Sub-Category Set.

We need to determine the combination of all the values selected in each set. So we need

Is Selected Options

[Segment Set] AND [Ship Mode Set] AND [Region Set] AND [Sub-Category Set]

This returns true for all the records in the data which match the combined selections of the individual sets.

On the Region sheet, add Is Selected Options to the Colour shelf. The right click on each set in the data and and select Show Set, so the set of selections are listed on the canvas.

Change the options so only the Segment Consumer and rthe Ship Mode Standard Class are selected, along with all Region and Sub-Category values. Adjust the colours associated to the True and False values that are now presented

If need be, adjust the tooltip so the Is Selected Options is not displaying, then add the Is Selected Options field to the Colour shelf of the Segment, Ship Mode and Sub-Category sheets. Play with the set selections to see how the bars change. Once you’re familiar with the behaviour, reset all the sets so they all contain all the values.

Building the KPI sheet

On a new sheet add Sales to Text. Change the mark type to shape and select a transparent shape (see this blog to get this set up). Adjust the Label to include the text ‘Sales’ and format accordingly. Align middle centre. Add Is Selected Options to the Filter shelf and set to True.

Again, if you adjust the set selections, the value will adjust accordingly.

Building the Dashboard interactivity

Add the sheets onto a dashboard. I used both vertical and horizontal layout containers to get the objects positioned where I wanted. I also used blank objects set to height/width of 1px and with a black background colour to create the horizontal and vertical divider lines. You can see from the item hierarchy in the image below, how I laid out my dashboard (I like to rename my containers to help understanding)

Now add a dashboard change set values action for each of the 4 bar chart sheets.

Select Region

On select of the Region sheet only, target the Region Set. On running the action (ie clicking the bar), assign values to set, and when clearing the selection (clicking the bar again), add all values to the set.

Note – While not specified in the requirements, I noticed that the breadcrumbing functionality in Kyle’s solution didn’t behave if multiple selections of the same dimension were made – eg 2 regions were selected. I decided to add the requirement of only allowing a single dimension to be clicked (ie the single-select only box is checked).

Create a Select Segment, Select Ship Mode and Select Sub-Category set action using the same principals described above.

Creating the breadcrumb

I’ve added this last, so you understand how we can ensure each set only has either all the values in it, or just 1 value.

To create the breadcrumb, we’re going to build up some strings based on what the state of each set looks like. This involved several calculated fields…. I’m not sure if I’ve over complicated this though..

Anyway firstly, we want to capture the values that have been added to each set, so we need

Regions in Set

IF [Region Set] THEN [Region] END

Segments in Set

IF [Segment Set] THEN [Segment] END

Ship Modes in Set

IF [Ship Mode Set] THEN [Ship Mode] END

SubCats in Set

IF [Sub-Category Set] THEN [Sub-Category] END

The image below shows how each of these fields are behaving based on the set selections – if the value is not selected in the set, the Regions in Set field is Null.

Next we have fields to count how many different values exist in each of these fields.

Count Selected Regions

{FIXED: COUNTD([Regions in Set])}

Count Selected Segments

{FIXED: COUNTD([Segments in Set])}

Count Selected Ship Modes

{FIXED: COUNTD([Ship Modes in Set])}

Count Selected SubCats

{FIXED: COUNTD([SubCats in Set])}

Again you can see from the sheet below, this is counting the number of selections, which is ‘fixed’ (ie the same) for every row.

Now, while this is showing 2, as we’ve manually clicked on the set options, in practice when driven from the dashboard, we’re either going to have all values in the set, or just 1. So based on this assumption, we now just want to get the name of the single selection

Selected Region

IF SUM([Count Selected Regions]) = 1 THEN MAX([Regions in Set]) ELSE ” END

If there’s only 1 item in the set, then get it’s value, otherwise return ‘blank’.

Just testing this behaviour, we can see below that with all the Regions selected, the Selected Region field is empty, but with 1 value selected, we show that value.

Create equivalent fields for each dimension

Selected Segment

IF SUM([Count Selected Segments]) = 1 THEN MAX([Segments in Set]) ELSE ” END

Selected Ship Mode

IF SUM([Count Selected Ship Modes]) = 1 THEN MAX([Ship Modes in Set]) ELSE ” END

Selected SubCat

IF SUM([Count Selected SubCats]) = 1 THEN MAX([SubCats in Set]) ELSE ” END

The order of the dimensions displayed in the breadcrumb is fixed, regardless of the order in which you click the options. That is, if you click a Segment then a Region, the breadcrumb will display the <segment> followed by the <region>. But if you click the Region first and then the Segment, the breadcrumb will still display the<segment> followed by the <region>. Based on this, we can create string values for each dimension that differ depending on whether we know there is a selection made against a subsequent dimension (ie should we include the ‘>’ character or not).

Let’s go through in order. Firstly, no selections made

All Segmentations BC

IF [Selected Segment]=” AND [Selected Ship Mode]=” AND [Selected Region]=” AND [Selected SubCat]=” THEN ‘All Segmentations’ END

If all the ‘selected’ values are empty, then all the sets contain all the values, so display ‘All Segmentations’.

If there are selections made, then the dimensions are ordered as Segment > Ship Mode > Region > Sub-Category

Segment BC

IF [Selected Segment]<>” AND ([Selected Ship Mode]<>” OR [Selected Region]<>” OR [Selected SubCat]<>”) THEN [Selected Segment] + ‘ > ‘
ELSE [Selected Segment]

If there is only 1 Segment selected and at least 1 of the other dimensions has been selected too, then add the ‘>’ character after the Segment name, otherwise just show the Segment.

Ship Mode BC

IF [Selected Ship Mode]<>” AND ([Selected Region]<>” OR [Selected SubCat]<>”) THEN [Selected Ship Mode] + ‘ > ‘
ELSE [Selected Ship Mode]

Similar to above, but this time, we only need to compare with the dimensions that are below Ship Mode in the display hierarchy.

Region BC

IF [Selected Region]<>” AND [Selected SubCat]<>” THEN [Selected Region] + ‘ > ‘
ELSE [Selected Region]

There is only one dimension below Region. As Sub-Category is at the bottom of the ordering, we don’t need anything special – the value of the Selected SubCat field will do.

On a new sheet, add All Segmentations BC, Segment BC, Ship Mode BC, Region BC and Selected SubCat to the Text shelf. Change the mark type to shape and change to use a transparent shape.

Adjust the label, so all the fields are ordered correctly and positioned exactly next to each otherwith no spacing/carriage returns between. Align the label middle left.

Show the set controls, and then test the functionality by altering the selections, ensuring either only 1 value or all values are selected

Once you’ve finished testing, ensure all values are selected in all sets.

The add this sheet to the dashboard – I had the title and the breadcrumb in a vertical container, which was the left hand side of a horizontal container

And hopefully that should be it. My published viz is here.

Happy vizzin’!
