Can you make dynamic indexed bars & measures?

For this week’s #WOW2023 challenge, guest poster Ervin Vinzon asked us to rebuild this visualisation based on data from his home country, The Philippines.

I have to admit, I did find this a bit tough this week – there was a lot going on and maps don’t come naturally to me. I actually wasn’t sure initially whether both the files were needed, as the requirements were a little bit sparse, and I managed to build pretty much the whole solution not using the zip file. I just couldn’t get the map label annotation to work, so ended up having to had to revisit and start again.

Modelling the data

You will need to download both the excel file and the zip file from the Ervin’s shared area.

In the data pane, connect to the Ph Pop 2020 excel file and add the Philippine Population sheet to the canvas.

Then add a connection to a spatial file and point to the zip file. Tableau will automatically identify the file it can use. Add the Provinces file to the canvas.

Create a relation that uses relationship calculations that maps from the Philippine Population sheet :

IIF([Province] = “Maguindanao del Norte” OR [Province] = “Maguindanao del Sur”, “Maguindanao”, [Province])

to the the Provinces sheet

IIF([ADM1_EN] = “National Capital Region”, “Metro Manila”, [ADM2_EN])

Thanks to Rosario Gauna for helping me with this logic, as I couldn’t figure out how the data needed to be related. I think this really needed to be included in the requirements… (Note the logic has been adjusted since I took the image below)

Building the Measure Selector

We can’t use a parameter directly for this, as the design of the ‘radio button’ is more fancy than just what you get with the basic parameter selection functionality.

So we need to ‘fake’ the selection and can use existing fields in our data set to help with this. The Island Group field contains 3 values, so we’re going to draw on these and build

Measure Selector

CASE [Island group]
WHEN ‘Luzon’ THEN ‘By Population’
WHEN ‘Mindarao’ THEN ‘By Population Density’
ELSE ‘By Area’

Add to Columns and manually reorder. In the Rows shelf, double click and manually type MIN(0)Change the mark type to circle and add Measure Selector to the Label shelf. Resize the circles, and adjust the label to be aligned middle right. Change the view to Fit Width to see all the labels.

Create a parameter to capture the selected measure when this view is interacted with


string parameter defaulted to By Population

Show the parameter on the sheet. Then create a calculated field

Is Selected Measure

[pMeasureSelected] = [Measure Selector]

and add to the Colour shelf. Adjust the colours to suit and add a grey border on the circles (via the colour shelf).

Stop the Tooltip from showing, hide the MIN(0) axis and the Measure Selector header and remove all gridlines/zero lines and any dividers. Name the sheet Measure Selection.

Building the bar chart

Firstly, we need to determine which measure we’re going to be displaying, so need

Measure to Display

CASE [pMeasureSelected]
WHEN ‘By Population’ THEN SUM([Population])
WHEN ‘By Population Density’ THEN SUM([Density])
ELSE SUM([Area (sq km)])

Show the pMeasureSelected parameter on a new sheet, then add Island Group and Province to Rows and Measure to Display to Text. Sort the data descending.

Create a new calculated field

Measure Rank

RANK_UNIQUE([Measure to Display])

Change the Measure Rank field in the left hand data pane to be discrete. Add to the Rows and adjust the table calculation so it is computing by Province only. The Measure Rank should show sequential numbers from 1 upwards, but restart at the next Island Group.

Add another instance of Measure Rank to the Filter shelf. Select All intially to select all the numbers. Then adjust the table calculation to compute by Province only as above. Then re-edit the filter and just select numbers 1-10.

The bar visual displays the actual value in a coloured bar, along with the maximum value for the measure in a grey bar. So we need

Max Value

WINDOW_MAX([Measure to Display])

Add this to the table and adjust the table calculation to compute by Province.

Finally, we need some information to help with the labels

Label Strapline

CASE [pMeasureSelected]
WHEN ‘By Population’ THEN ”
WHEN ‘By Population Density’ THEN ‘persons per sq km’
ELSE ‘sq km’

Add this to Rows and then test the behaviour by adjusting the value of the pMeasureSelected parameter.

We now have the data needed to build the bars.

Move Island Group to Columns and manually reorder to be Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao. Move Province and Label strapline to Text. Move Measure to Display and Max Value to Columns. Set sheet to fit Entire View. Reduce the size of the bar to be relatively thin.

On the Measure to Display marks card, add Island Group to Colour and adjust to suit.

Set the colour of the bar on the Max Value marks card to be pale grey and remove the bar border. Remove the Label Strapline field and move the Province from label to Detail.

Make the chart dual axis and synchronise the axis. Adjust the axis (right click > edit axis) to be independent axis ranges for each row or column.

On the Measure to Display marks card, add Measure Rank and Measure To Display to the Label shelf. adjust the table calculation settings of the Measure Rank field to compute by Province only.

Adjust the label to be aligned top left, and then format the label text box, so the label is laid out as required (I used bold 8pt font). To make the label sit ‘above’ the bar, add carriage returns after the text in the label edit box (thanks to Sam Parsons for spotting this sneaky method – my original build was using a much more complex method to get the text sitting on top of the bars!).

Finally hide the axis and the Measure Rank and Island Group fields. Remove all gridlines/zero lines/axis & row and column dividers. Stop the tooltips from showing. Name the sheet Bars.

Building the Bar Header

On a new sheet, add Island Group to Columns and manually re-order. Then double click in Columns and manually type MIN(0.1). Set the mark type to Bar and set the view to fit Entire View. Add Island Group to Colour. Reduce the Size of the bar. Edit the axis and fix to end at 0.7. Add Island Group to the Label shelf, and align bottom left. Adjust the size of the font to be larger and then add multiple carriage returns above the label text to shift the label to sit under the bar.

Remove all headers/axis and row/column dividers and gridlines. Stop the tooltip from showing.

Adjust the title of the sheet to reference the pMeasureSelected parameter.

Name the sheet Bar Header.

Building the map

We will need another parameter to store the selected Province value.


string parameter defaulted to nothing

On. a new sheet, double click on the Geometry field. This will automatically display a map of the Philippines. Remove all the unnecessary detail via Map > Background Layers and unchecking all the options.

Add Province to the Detail shelf and Region and Island Group to the Tooltip. Adjust the Tooltip.

Show the pSelectedProvince parameter and manually enter the province Leyte.

Create a new field

Is Selected Province

[pSelectedProvince] = [Province]

and then add to the Colour shelf. Adjust the colours to suit (set the NULL field to the same as False).

We need to capture the ‘geometry’ of the selected Province

Selected Province Location

MAKEPOINT((IIF([Is Selected Province],[Latitude],NULL)),(IIF([Is Selected Province],[Longitude],NULL)))

Drag this field onto the canvas and drop it on the Add a marks layer section that displays. This will create a second marks card. Change the mark type to Circle and adjust the colour as required. Add pSelectedProvince to the Detail shelf.

Select the circle mark, and add an annotation against the mark (right click > Annotate > Mark). Reference the parameter pSelectedProvince in the dialog window.

Providing the pSelectedProvince is on the Detail shelf and is referenced in the Annotation, then changing the value of the pSelectedProvince parameter to Samar or any other province, should retain the annotation. Once again, thanks to Sam for figuring this out as I could just not see it, even when I looked at the solution.

Remove row & column dividers. Stop the map options from displaying (Map > Map Options and uncheck all selections). Update the title of the sheet, and then name the sheet Map.

Adding the interactivity

Add the sheets to a dashboard using horizontal and vertical layout containers to arrange the objects.

Update the title of the Measure Selection sheet and the Bar Header sheet to match the text being displayed.

Create a dashboard parameter action to define the measure selection on click

Set Measure

On selection of the Measure Selection sheet, set the pMeasureSelected parameter, passing through the value from the Measure Selector field.

Create another action for the Province

Select Province

On selection of the Bars sheet, set the pSelectedProvince parameter, passing through the value from the Province field. When the selection is cleared, reset to nothing.

To stop the Bar Heading sheet from being clicked on, just float a blank object over the top.

To prevent the other bars and the measure selections from all fading when clicked on, create a new field



and add to the Detail shelf of the Bars sheet and the Measure Selection sheet.

Then back on the dashboard add a dashboard highlight action


On selection of the Bars sheet and the Measure Selection sheet, target the Bars and the Measure Selection sheets using the HL selected field only.

Now when a bar is clicked, it will look ‘selected’ (has a black bar around it), but the other bars won’t become faded/greyed out. Similarly when a measure is selected, the other circles won’t fade.

Phew! That should be it. There’s a fair amount going on here and lots of tricky ‘gotchas’. My published viz is here .

Happy vizzin’!


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