Can you dynamically zoom into a clustered area?

For this week’s #WOW2024 challenge, Lorna revisited an old #WOW2021 challenge based on Hans Rosling’s chart used in his famous TED talk.

Modelling the data

The first part of the challenge involves modelling the data. Since I’d blogged a solution guide to the original 2021 challenge here, I thought I’d refer myself to my own blog. Re-reading it though, I found I originally had some issues getting all the data sources pivoted in the way I needed, and ended up having to create the csv files as extracted hyper files separately before putting them together. I encountered the same issues again (I was hoping that ‘maybe’ it had been a version problem).

However, I then watched the solution guide that was posted on the old blog page that Lorna had provided, and I found where the problem was.

When I was trying to add connections to the additional data sources into Tableau, I was using the Add option, browsing for the file, and then dragging it into the pane, where I was then unable to pivot it

However, as the csv files I needed are all located in the same directory, the files were already listed on the left hand pane, and dragging from there allowed me to do what I needed, and I’ll talk through that now. Why, adding via the Add button does not work, I don’t know….

The data provided consists of 4 files

  1. Life Expectancy csv
  2. Population csv
  3. Income csv
  4. Geographies (Region Mapping) excel file

The first 3 files are stored as a matrix of Country (rows) by Year (columns) with the appropriate measure in the intersection. This isn’t the ideal format for Tableau so the data needs to pivoted to show 3 columns – Country, Year and the relevant measure (life expectancy, population or income depending on which file is referenced).

In Tableau Desktop, connect to the Life Expectancy file and check the Use Data Interpreter checkbox, so the top row of the file is understood to be the column headings.

Now we need to pivot this data; click on the 1800 column, then scroll across to the end, press shift and click on the final column to select all the year columns. While highlighted, right-click and select Pivot. Your data will be reshaped into 3 columns.

I then renamed each column as

  • Country
  • Year
  • Life Expectancy

Change the datatype of the Year column to be a number (whole), as we’ll need to relate the data on this field later, and working with numeric data is more efficient than strings.

Now from the left hand Files pane, drag in the Population file. By default it will pick up a relationship based on the Country field in each file

Once again, multi-select the columns from 1800 across to 2100, and pivot. Rename the fields to Year – Population and Population and change the datatype of the Year – Population field to a whole number. Add an additional relationship on Year = Year – Population

Next, drag in the Income file from the left hand pane and link to the Life Expectancy file. By default it should pick up a relationship based on the Country field in each file (if not add it). Once again pivot the date fields, and rename the fields Year – Income and Income. Change the data type of the Year – Income field to a whole number, and add an additional relationship on the Year fields.

Finally, using the Add option, add a connection to the Geographies/Region excel file and drag the list-of-countries-etc sheet onto the canvas and link to the Life Expectancy file. Add a relationship from County to Name.

Now the data is modelled, we can build out the viz.

Building the Scatter Plot

We only need to show information for the years up to the ‘current’ year. I created a parameter to represent ‘Today’, essentially hard coding a date.


date parameter defaulted to 16 Jan 2024

I then created a field

Year <= Current Year

[Year] <= YEAR([pToday])

and added this to the Filter shelf of a new worksheet and set the value to True.

Change the Year field to be discrete (right click > convert to discrete),then add to the Filter shelf, select All Values and then select 2024 from the list. Show the filter on the canvas, and change to a single value (dropdown) that displays only relevant values. Also Customise so the ‘All’ value does not show. Only options from 1800 – 2024 should be listed.

Create a new field to get the regions in the correct format


UPPER(REPLACE([Eight Regions],’_’, ‘ ‘))

Now add Income to Columns and Life Expectancy to Rows and add Country to Detail and Region to Colour and adjust accordingly. Change the mark type to circle. Add Population to Size and adjust. Set the opacity of the colour to around 70%.

If you examine the Income axis on the solution, you’ll see the scale isn’t uniform. This is because it’s using a logarithmic scale instead, which you can set by right-clicking on the Income axis -> Edit Axis and selecting the relevant checkbox. Also, untick the Include zero checkbox, and the display should now start looking more like what’s expected.

Add Year to the Tooltip shelf and update the tooltip. Format the Year field so it’s a number with 0dp that does not include the thousand separators.

Also format the Population field to be a number with 1dp displayed in millions, and format the Life Expectancy field to be a number to 1dp.

Adjust the display of the Life Expectancy axis so that it is displayed without the decimal place. Right click on the axis > format, and on the axis tab on the left hand side, format the numbers to be Number standard

We need to be able to adjust the axis based on selection, so need to set the axis to be able to adjust. For this we will need parameters.


integer parameter defaulted to 500


integer parameter defaulted to 100,000


integer parameter defaulted to 0


integer parameter defaulted to 100

Right click on the Income axis and edit and set the range to be custom, selecting the pIncomeMin and pIncomeMax parameters

Do the same for the Life Expectancy axis, selecting the relevant parameters.

Hide the null indicator and name the sheet Scatter or similar.

Building the Viz in Tooltip

On a new sheet, add the Year <= Current Year field to Filter and set to True.

Then add Year as a continuous dimension field (green pill) to Columns and Country, Income, Life Expectancy and Population to rows. Add Region to Colour.

Edit each of the Income, Life Expectancy and Population axis in turn and select the Independent axis range for each row or column option.

Hide the Country column (uncheck show header) and remove all gridlines, zero lines, axis lines. Set the display to Entire View and name the sheet VIT or similar.

Back on the Scatter worksheet, edit the Tooltip and add a reference to VIT sheet, adjusting the height and width of the sheet to suit (after a bit of trial and error I used 700 x 450) and setting the filter to Country.

When you hover over a mark, the VIT chart should also be displayed, filtered to the country related to the mark hovered on.

Building the Legend

Create a simple ‘table’ with Region on Columns, Colour and Text. Hide the column heading (uncheck show header) and remove all row & column dividers. Align the text centrally and adjust the font to suit.

Name the sheet Regions or similar.

Adding the interactivity

Arrange the sheets on a dashboard and ensure the Year filter is displayed as a single value drop down that only shows relevant values and doesn’t show the All option.

To filter the chart by the Region, add a filter dasboard action

Filter Region

On select of the Region sheet on the dashboard, target the Scatter sheet on the dashboard, passing the selected fields of Region only. Show all values when the region is unselected.

To allow the chart to zoom in, we need to set the parameters referenced in the axis by using parameter actions.


On selection of marks on the Scatter sheet, update the pIncomeMin parameter using the Minimum value of the Income field. When the selection is cleared, reset the field to 500.

Income-Max Selected

On selection of marks on the Scatter sheet, update the pIncomeMax parameter using the Maximum value of the Income field. When the selection is cleared, reset the field to 100,000.

Create 2 further parameter actions similar to above but referencing the pLifeExpectancyMin and Max parameters and resetting to their defaults of 0 and 100 accordingly.

Once done, the viz should be complete. My published version is here.

Note I found that after publishing from Desktop to Tableau Public, the ‘zoom’ interactivity was lost, and when I edited my viz on Tableau Public the axis had lost their references to the parameters. I updated and republished the viz from Tableau Public. I don’t know why this happened, and whether it’s a known issue, but thought worth noting in case you encountered the same issue.

Happy vizzin’!


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