How far would total steps from TC23 respondents take you?

As community month draws to a close, long term participant Deborah Simmonds set us a map based challenge based on TC23 data.

I chose to use the data that was associated to the solution workbook, rather than take the direct source, so bear that in mind if you’re following along.

Examining the data

As there were quite a few fields in the data set which were directly related to the solution, I just wanted to familiarise myself with what I was working with initially. Essentially we have a row per person (Names Full) with the hotel they stayed at (Label Hotels), and how many steps (Steps) they took each day (Date). The details of the convention centre (Label Convention Centre) exist against every row.

The LAT and LON fields contain the location details of the hotels, while Convention LAT and Convention LON contain the location details of the Mandalay Bay Convention Centre.

Names Full already had the logic applied to create names for users based on their User ID if the Name was NULL, so I didn’t need to do anything for that requirement.

We only want to consider records relating to those people who attended ‘In Person’ and who had provided a hotel. Consequently I added the following as data source filters (right click data source -> edit data source filters) to exclude unrequired records from the whole analysis.

  • Did you attend in person or virtual? : In person
  • Label Hotels : excludes NULL

Building the BANs

The BANs have 3 metrics – the number of attendees, the number of steps, and the distance in metres (based on the logic that 1 step = 0.75m).



Distance (m)

[Steps] * 0.75

On a new sheet add Date to Filter as a range of dates and show the filter control. Add Attendees, Steps and Distance (m) so the measures are displayed in a row.

Change the mark type to shape and add a transparent shape (see this blog for more details). Add Measure Names to Label too and then adjust label accordingly and align centrally.

Hide the header row (uncheck show header), remove row dividers and don’t show tooltips. Name the sheet BANs or similar. Adjust the date slider and the values should adjust.

Building the bar chart (viz in tooltip)

On a new sheet add Names Full to Rows and Steps to Columns. Apply the same Date filter (from the BANs worksheet, set the filter to apply to this new worksheet too).

The viz needs to display a reference line showing the overall average of the steps per person across the selected dates, regardless as to whether the records are filtered to a hotel or not.

What do I mean by this… well if I add a standard average reference line to the viz above, the average for the whole table is 78.2k steps.

If I now filter this by a Label Hotel, then the average changes, and I don’t want that – I still want to see 78.2k.

But the average does need to change if the date range changes

This took a bit of effort to get right, but I needed

Avg Steps

SUM({FIXED Date: SUM([Steps])})/SUM({FIXED:COUNTD([User ID])})

Format this as a number with 1dp set to the K (thousandths) level

and I also needed to add the Date field on the Filter shelf to context.

So reverting back to the initial view of the bar chart… right click on the Date filter and Add to Context. Add Avg Steps to the Detail shelf. Then add a reference line (right click the Steps axis > add reference line) that displays the Avg Steps with a dark dashed line with a custom label.

Format the reference line to position the label at the top and adjust the font style.

To colour the bars we need

Steps above average

SUM([Steps]) >=[Avg Steps]

Add this to the Colour shelf, change the colours and adjust the opacity to about 75%.

Hide the column heading, and adjust the font size of the names and the axis. Name the sheet Bars or similar.

Building the initial map

I decided to create 2 maps – one for the initial display of all the hotels and the convention centre, and then one for the selected location and buffer.

To plot the hotels on the map I created

Hotel Locations


On a new sheet, add this to the Detail shelf. A map will automatically generate with Latitude and Longitude fields. Change the Mark Type to Circle, then add Label Hotels to Label and align left middle. Edit the map Background Layers (via the map menu) to add Streets, Highways etc to the display

Add Steps, Attendees and Distance(m) to the Tooltip. Add Attendees to the Size shelf and adjust the size to vary by range

Apply the Date filter from the other worksheets to this sheet too. For the tooltip, We need to know about the min and max dates in the range selected. Create

Min Date


and custom format simply as dd (the day only)

Also create

Max Date


and custom form this as dd mmm yyyy

Add both of these fields to the Tooltip shelf. Adjust the text in the Tooltip and add a reference to the Bars sheet as a viz in tooltip (Insert > sheets > ). Adjust the height of the sheet to be 900.

The viz in tooltip should now display nicely on hover

To add the mark for the convention centre, we need

Conf Location

MAKEPOINT([Convention LAT], [Convention LON])

Drag this onto the map, and drop it when Add A Marks Layer displays

This will create a 2nd marks card. Change the mark type to shape and select the Tableau sparkle image if you have it stored. If not, just use another shape or circle (coloured differently).

Add Attendees to Size and add Label Convention Centre to Label and align left middle. Add Steps and Distance(m) to Tooltip and adjust to suit. Hide all the map options (map menu -> map options -> uncheck all the selections). Name the sheet Map – Initial or similar.

Building the ‘selected’ map

This will use parameters to identify what’s been selected – a hotel or the convention centre, so we need


string parameter defaulted to empty string



string parameter defaulted to empty string, just like above

The intention is that either both these parameters will be empty or only one will be populated.

To plot on a map we need

Selected Hotel Location

IF [pSelectedHotel] = [Label Hotels] AND [pSelectedCentre] =” THEN [Hotel Locations] END


Selected Centre Location

IF [pSelectedHotel] = ” AND [pSelectedCentre] =[Label Convention Centre] THEN [Conf Location] END

Duplicate the initial map sheet and name it Map – Selection. Show the two parameters and verify both are empty.

On the Hotel Locations marks card, drag the Selected Hotel Location field and drop it straight onto the Hotel Locations field. On the Conf Location marks card, drag Selected Centre Location and drop straight onto the Conf Locations field. Your map shouldn’t display anything…

Manually type ‘Luxor’ into the pSelectedHotel parameter. A mark should display. Adjust the Label of the Selected Hotel marks card so it is larger font, and aligned top middle. Set the colour to orange and remove the halo.

Remove the text from the pSelectedHotel parameter and manually type ‘Mandalay Bay Convention Centre’ into the pSelectedCentre parameter. A mark should display. Adjust the Label of the Selected Centre marks card so it is larger font, and aligned top middle. Remove the halo from the Colour shelf.

To create the buffer circle, we need to define the buffer radius, which is the attendee steps in metres.

Buffer Distance (m)

{FIXED : SUM(IF [pSelectedHotel] = [Label Hotels] OR [pSelectedCentre] = [Label Convention Centre] THEN [Steps] END)} * 0.75

and then we create


IF [pSelectedHotel] <> ” THEN
BUFFER([Selected Hotel Location], [Buffer Distance (m)], ‘m’)
ELSEIF [pSelectedCentre] <> ” THEN
BUFFER([Selected Centre Location], [Buffer Distance (m)], ‘m’)

Add this as another marks layer.

Reduce the opacity on the colour shelf to 0% and set the border to be orange. We don’t want to allow any interactivity with the buffer, so disable selection of the layer, and also move down so it is listed at the bottom of the 3 map layers.

Show the Date filter control and adjust the dates to see the buffer adjusting. Test the behaviour with a hotel too (you may find you want to add some more detail to the background layers of the map).

We will use dynamic zone visibility on the dashboard to decide whether to display the initial or the selected map. To control this, we need

Show Initial Map

[pSelectedCentre]=” and [pSelectedHotel]=”


Show Selected Map

[pSelectedHotel]<>” OR [pSelectedCentre]<>”

Adding the interactivity

Create a dashboard, add the BANs and both the map sheets.

Create a dashboard parameter action

Set Hotel

On selection of the Initial Map set the pSelectedHotel parameter passing in the value from the Label Hotels field. When the selection is cleared, reset to ”.

and another parameter action

Set Conv Centre

On selection of the Initial Map set the pSelectedCentre parameter passing in the value from the Label Convention Centre field. When the selection is cleared, reset to ”.

Select the Initial Map object, and from the Layout tab, set the visibility to be controlled by the Show Initial Map field

Then select the Selected Map object, and set the visibility to be controlled by the Show Selected Map field. Only one of the maps should display based on the interactivity.

This is all the core functionality of the map, but Deborah threw in a couple of extra asks…

Building the Distance Legend

We’re using map layers again for this. Create a new field



Add it to the Detail shelf of a new worksheet to create the 1st map layer, then immediately add another map layer, by adding another instance of Zero to the sheet.

Switch the axis, and the map will disappear, and you’ll have axis displayed instead. Change the mark type of the first map layer to circle and colour orange.

Change the mark type of the 2nd map later to circle and colour pale grey with an orange border. Increase the Size of this circle so it appears as a ring around the filled orange circle. Move the 2nd marks layer down to the bottom and disable both marks from being selectable.

Hide the axis and gridlines/zero lines.

Right click on the central circle and annotate point. Don’t enter any text into the annotation box, just click OK. You should get the annotation box with a line.

Move the box so the connector line is horizontal, then format the annotation so the shading is set to none and the line is formatted to be a darker dashed line. Update the title of the sheet.

Building the Size Legend

Apply a similar process to that described above, but this time create 3 mark layers where the mark type is an open circle shape which is coloured blue, and for each layer, the size of the circle is slightly bigger. This time show the zero lines.

Set the background of both the legend sheets to be none (ie transparent), then add them as floating objects onto the dashboard. Use the control visibility feature to only display the Size legend when Show Initial Map is set, and only display the Distance legend when Show Selected Map is set. Set a background against each object of light grey, that is then set to 80% transparency.

With this you should have a completed challenge. My published version is here.

Happy vizzin’!


Can you create a sales dashboard by effectively utilising headers?

Community Month continues and this week Hideaki Yamamoto provided us with this 1 sheet view. He very kindly posted requirements aimed at different levels, but I’m writing the solution for the Level 1 version.

Identifying the Current & Previous FY

The dashboard is all focused on reporting over financial years, and Tableau very kindly allows us to set the start month of the FY, in this case April. Right click on Order Date -> Default Properties -> Fiscal Year Start

If you now double click on Order Date to add it to a new sheet, you automatically get the discrete YEAR part of the Order Date displayed with the relevant FY label.

Expand the field to show the quarter & month, then create an explicit field

Year Order Date

YEAR([Order Date])

convert to discrete, and format as a number with 0dp and no thousand separators.

Add this to the display too and you can see how the dates behave…. every FY start with the month of April, but the FY label is based on the year of the last month (ie March), so FY2024 contains data from April 2023 to March 2024.

Throughout the challenge though, the FY is displayed in the FYXXXX-XX format, and there doesn’t seem to be a way to get a handle on the formatting Tableau applies when the fiscal year is set. So I had to come up with a calculated field to get the FY to display as I wanted.

FY Display

IF MONTH([Order Date])>=4 THEN “FY” + STR(YEAR([Order Date])) + “-” + RIGHT(STR(YEAR([Order Date])+1),2)
ELSE “FY” + STR(YEAR([Order Date])-1) + “-” + RIGHT(STR(YEAR([Order Date])),2) END

Add this to the display (remove the quarter field too).

With this we can identify the maximum FY display (as there’s a requirement not to hardcode anything).

Max FY

{MAX([FY Display])}

Add this to the table

Now we can create a parameter which will display the values of FY Display and automatically show the latest/maximum value by default. Right click on FY Display -> Create -> Parameter


string parameter that sets the value to Max FY when workbook opened and lists the value when the workbook opens from the FY Display field.

To identify what records relate to the current or previous year, we create

FY End Year

INT(RIGHT([FY Display],2))

which returns the last two numbers of the FY Display string. Make this a dimension. Then we can get whether the row is related to the FY selected in the parameter by

Is Current Year

INT(RIGHT([pSelectedFY],2)) = [FY End Year]


Is Previous Year

INT(RIGHT([pSelectedFY],2))-1 = [FY End Year]

Add the fields onto the table, and show the pSelectedFY parameter

Adjust the parameter to see how the values change. We can now create a field that we can use to filter the data to the rows we’ll need – ie just those for the current year or the previous year

Dates to Display

[Is Current Year] OR [Is Previous Year]

It feels like I created a lot of fields just to get to this point…. there’s probably a more efficient route, but that’s just where my logical next step went to as I built out what I thought I’d need…

Building the basic chart

On a new sheet, add Dates to Display to Filter and set to True.

Add Order Date to Columns and set to the discrete Month level (blue pill). Add Sales to Rows. Add Is Current Year to Colour and adjust accordingly. Re-order so True is listed first.

We need to split the chart by Region, but the headings need to be adjusted based on which region is going to be selected. The selected Region will be stored in a parameter


string parameter defaulted to ‘East’

Show this parameter on the sheet and then create a new field

Region to Display

IF [Region] = [pSelectedRegion] THEN ‘â–¼’ + [Region]
ELSE ‘â–º’ + [Region]

Add this field in front of MONTH(Order Date) on Columns and Sort based on Region ascending.

We need to show the cumulative sales. We can do this with a quick table calculation on the Sales pill, but sometimes like to create an explicit field, so I know exactly what pill is what

Running Sum Sales


This is the same code that a quick table calculation will generate. Format to $ with 0 dp.

Replace the Sales field on Rows with Running Sum Sales and adjust the table calculation setting, so it is computing by Month of Order Date only. Add Order Date to Detail too.

Now, the required solution at Level 3 shows the line (above), the area underneath coloured, and circular markers on the line where the end point is larger than the rest. This ‘feels’ like 3 different marks – line, area and circle, but we can’t do more than 2 mark types with dual axis….

…but we can ‘fake’ it. Now getting the large circle to display was actually part of the challenge that got me stumped, and that I ended up applying at the end after mulling it over with my colleague, Sam Parsons. For the purposes of this blog though, it’s easier to add the relevant logic now.

We want to identify the value associated to the last point for the current year

Last Sales Value

IF LAST() = 0 AND ATTR([Is Current Year]) THEN RUNNING_SUM(SUM([Sales])) END

Drag this onto the Running Sum Sales axis, and drop it when the two green columns appear

This will automatically add Measure Names and Measure Values to the sheet. Move Measure Names from Columns to Detail. Change the mark type explicitly to line. Adjust the table calculation settings of the Last Sales Value field so it is computing by Month of Order Date only. You should notice the end of each ‘current year’ line has a little circle. It’s still a line mark type, but as it’s only 1 point it has no other points to join up to, so looks lie a circle.

We want it to be more prominent though, so move Measure Names from Detail to Size. Reorder the size the fields on the size legend, so the Last Sales Value is bigger. Then from the Colour shelf, add markers to lines

Add another instance of Running Sum Sales to the Rows shelf. This will create a 2nd marks card. Change the mark type of this to Area. Remove Measure Names from this marks card, and adjust the Colour to have an opacity of around 30%. Turn stack marks off (Analysis Menu ->Stack Marks -> off). Set the chart to dual axis and synchronise axis.

Hide the right hand axis, and rename the title of the left hand axis. Format the axis to be $ with 0 dp.

On the bottom half of the chart, we want to display the current year sales as bars with previous year as a reference line, so we need

Sales – CY

IF [Is Current Year] THEN [Sales] END


Sales – PY

IF [Is Previous Year] THEN [Sales] END

Format both to $ with 0dp.

Add Sales – CY to Rows which will add a 3rd marks card. Change the mark type to Bar.

Add Sales – PY to Detail. The right click on the Sales – CY axis and Add Reference Line.

Set the reference line to be per cell based on the Sales-PY field, formatted as a line and with a fill below of light grey to give the appearance of a bar.

Change the title of the Sales – CY axis. Remove all gridlines and zero lines. Format the MONTH(Order Date) to use 1st letter only. Hide the null indicator.

Adding the ‘headers’

We need to have 4 rows of headers at the top – currently we’ve got 1 – the Region.

Below Region we want to split the data by Category if its the selected region, so we need

Category to Display

IIF([Region]=[pSelectedRegion], [Category],”)

Add this on to Columns after Region to Display. The visuals should automatically adapt. Adjust the value of the pSelectedRegion parameter to see how the viz changes.

Now double click into the Columns shelf and manually type ‘Total Sales’ (including the quotes). This will create a ‘dummy’ header pill. Move it to be after Category To Display.

Finally, create a new field

Current Year Sales

{FIXED [Region], [Category To Display]: SUM([Sales – CY])}

change this to be a dimension and format to $ with 0dp. Add this field to Columns after Total Sales, and we now have all the header fields we need.

Change the formatting as follows

  • Region To Display : Shading navy, font white, size 12, Tableau Medium Bold
  • Category to Display : font black, Tableau Medium size 12
  • Current Year Sales : font dark teal, Tableau Medium size 14 bold

Adjust the width of each header row to give a bit more ‘breathing room’.

Format the column dividers so the Header level is set to a thick white line, and set the row divider so the header level is set to None

Hide the ‘Region To Display / Category To Display / ‘Total Sales’/… etc heading label (right click and hide field labels for columns). Adjust the font of both axis to be smaller (I set to 8pt).

Adding the Tooltips

Add FY Display, Year Order Date, Region, Sales and Category To Display to the Tooltip shelf of the All marks card.

We need another couple of fields to get the required display.

Month Order Date

MONTH([Order Date])

convert to a dimension and custom format as 00

Tooltip |

IF [Category To Display] <> ” THEN ‘|’ END

Add these fields to the Tooltip shelf too of the All marks card and adjust the tooltip

Adding the sheet title

For the sheet title, we need to display the FY of the previous year

FY Display Prev Year

‘FY’ + STR(INT(MID([pSelectedFY],3,4))-1) + ‘-‘ + STR(INT(RIGHT([pSelectedFY],2))-1)

Add this to the Detail shelf of the All marks card. Then adjust the title of the sheet so its referencing the pSelectedFY parameter and the FY Display Prev Year field.

Adding the interactivity

Add the sheet onto a dashboard. I floated the pSelectedFY parameter and displayed it as a slider but customised to not show the slider.

Create a single dashboard parameter action to select the Region

Set Region

On select of the viz, set the pSelectedRegion parameter passing in the Region field. Set the value to empty when selection is cleared.

And with that, you should have a completed solution. My published viz is here.

Happy vizzin’!


Playing with Stacks

For this week’s challenge, Sean Miller introduced multiple ways to get insight from a stacked bar chart. I managed this using 5 sheets and 1 dashboard.

Preparing the data

As the requirement stated only 2024 was to be considered, I chose to add a data source filter (right click data source -> Add Data Source Filter) where the Order Date Year = 2024.

Option 1 : The Analytics Pane

On a new sheet, add Order Date to Columns as a discrete month (blue pill) and Sales to Rows. Format Sales to $ with 0 dp. Change the mark type to bar and add Ship Mode to the Colour shelf.

Format MONTH(Order Date) to display the dates as Abbreviation. Manually move Ship Mode = Same Day in the colour legend so it is listed first. Hide the Order Date heading (right click -> hide field labels for columns).

Add a reference line (right click Sales axis -> add reference line) that sets a reference line per cell to the sum of Sales and displays the Value on the label.

Format the reference line (right click on one of the lines) and align the label top centre. Adjust the Tooltip if required. Add a white border around the bars (via the colour shelf).

Right click on the Ship Mode pill on the Colour shelf and check the Show Highlighter option to display the highlight input box. Test that selecting an option in the highlight box shows a recalculated reference line.

Name this sheet Option 1 or similar.

Option 2 – Dual Axis

Duplicate the Option 1 sheet and rename to Option 2 or similar.

We will capture the selected ship mode in a parameter.


string parameter defaulted to empty string.

Show the parameter and then enter the text ‘First Class’

Create a new calculated field

Selected Ship Mode Sales

IF [Ship Mode] = [pShipModeSelected] THEN [Sales] END

format this to $ with 0dp.

Add Selected Ship Mode Sales to Rows. Change the mark type on the associated marks card to line and remove Ship Mode from the Colour shelf. Adjust the colour of the line to a dark grey/black and show mark labels.

Make the chart dual axis and synchronise the axis. Hide the right hand axis (uncheck show header) and remove column and row dividers.

Change the text in the parameter to Same Day. You should now get a broken line. Right click on the Selected Ship Mode Sales pill and format. Set the marks for special values to Hide (Connect Lines).

Option 3 – Dynamic Stacks

Duplicate the Option1 sheet again and rename to Option3. Show the pShipModeSelected parameter and enter text ‘Same Day’.

Create a new calculated field


IIF([Ship Mode]=[pShipModeSelected],1,0)

and drag it into the ‘dimension’ section of the data pane (above the line).

Right click on the Ship Mode pill on the Colour shelf and select Sort.. Change the Sort By option to Field ascending and Field Name = Sort. This will push the bars related to Same Day to the bottom of the stacked bar.

Building the Ship Mode Selector

On a new sheet, add Ship Mode to Columns and then double click into Columns and manually type MIN(1). Change the mark type to bar and edit the MIN(1) axis to fix it from 0 to 1.

Add Ship Mode to Colour and to Label (you may have to widen the bars to make the label visible). Align the label middle centre and bold the font. Adjust the size to the largest possible.

Hide the axis and the Ship Mode headings (uncheck show header). Remove all column/row dividers. Hide the Tooltip from displaying. Name the sheet accordingly.

Building the Navigation selector

I chose to add all the sheets onto a single dashboard (rather than separate dashboards), so created a navigation sheet.

To help with this, I basically utilised the Segment field that wasn’t being used, and essentially translated the values to repurpose them for the navigation options.


CASE [Segment]
WHEN ‘Consumer’ THEN ‘Option 1: The Analytics Pane’
WHEN ‘Corporate’ THEN ‘Option 2: Dual Axis’
ELSE ‘Option 3: Dynamic Stacks’

Add this field to Columns and type in a MIN(1) in Columns too. Change mark type to bar, fix the axis from 0-1. Make the Size as large as possible. Add Navigation to Label and align middle centre and set the font to white. Adjust the column divider to be a thick white line and remove row divider. Hide the axis and the Navigation headings.

Create a new parameter to capture the navigation selection.


string parameter defaulted to : Option 1: The Analytics Pane

Show the parameter. Create a new field

Is Selected Display

[Navigation] = [pSelectedDisplay]

and add to the Colour shelf. Adjust to suit. Adjust Tooltip as required and rename the sheet.

Building the Dashboard

Create a dashboard and arrange all the objects on the dashboard, with the different options placed above each other. Use containers if need be. You’ll have something like this – it’ll look a little messy but don’t worry.

We’ll be using Dynamic Zone Visibility to control which object displays based on which option from the Navigation sheet is selected.

First, let’s set the interactivity to control the navigation selection. Add a parameter action

Select Display

on select of the Navigation sheet, set the pSelectedDisplay parameter, passing in the value from the Navigation field. Keep current value when deselected.

Clicking on the different options in the Navigation control will now change the parameter value, but this won’t do anything yet. We need several calculated fields

Option 1 Selected

[pSelectedDisplay] = ‘Option 1: The Analytics Pane’

Option 2 Selected

[pSelectedDisplay] = ‘Option 2: Dual Axis’

Option 3 Selected

[pSelectedDisplay] = ‘Option 3: Dynamic Stacks’

Option 2 or 3 Selected

[pSelectedDisplay] <> ‘Option 1: The Analytics Pane’

All of these fields will return True if the condition is met, so we can use these to control which objects display.

Back on the dashboard, select the Highlight Ship Mode object, and from the Layout pane, check the Control visibility using value and choose the Option 1 Selected field.

Select the Option1 bar chart and apply the same settings.

Now select the Ship Mode Selection sheet, but this time, choose the Option 2 or 3 Selected field to control visibility. It’s likely this field will now disappear.

Select the Option2 bar chart and choose Option 2 Selected field. This will disappear.

Select the Option3 bar chart and choose Option 3 Selected field. This will disappear.

Now click on the different options in the Navigation control and the different charts should display.

(Note – I actually chose to contain the highlight selector and the option1 bar chart within their own layout container, which meant I could then just apply the setting to control visibility of the layout container rather than the individual objects).

Ensure either Option2 or 3 on the navigation bar is selected so the Ship Mode selector is displayed. Create another parameter action

Set Ship Mode

On select of the Option 2 & 3 Selector sheet, set the pShipModeSelected parameter, passing in the value from the Ship Mode field. When clearing the selection, set the value to <empty string>.

Clicking on a ship mode should now display the line or reorder the stack depending what Option you were on.

In clicking the nav or the ship mode selector, you will probably have noticed that the other options become ‘greyed out’ or ‘faded’ To stop this from happening, use a highlight dashboard action.

Create a new field, mine happened to be



but it could just as easily be named anything containing any string. Add this field to the Detail shelf of the Navigation sheet and the Ship Mode Selection sheet.

Back on the dashboard create a new highlight dashboard action

Deselect Ship Mode Selector

On select of the Option 2&3 Selector sheet, target itself but using the selected field of True.

Create another highlight dashboard action apply the same principals for the Navigation sheet (for more information and worked examples on ‘deselecting marks’, see this blog.

And hopefully you should now have a working solution. My published workbook is here.

Happy vizzin’!


Can you visualise when it gets busy?

It was Yoshi’s first challenge as a #WOW coach this week, and it provided us with an opportunity to develop our data densification and date calculation skills. I will admit, this certainly was a challenge that made me have to think a lot and reference other content where I’d done similar things before.

Modelling the data

Yoshi provided us with an adapted data set of patient waiting times, based on the Healthcare dataset from the Real World Fake Data (#RWFD) site. This provides 1 row per patient with a wait start time and end time. The requirement was to understand how many patients were waiting in each 30 min time slot in a 24hr period, so if a patient waited over 30 mins, or the start & wait time spanned a 30 min time slot, then the data needed to be densified appropriately. Yoshi therefore provided an additional data set to use for this densification, and I have to be honest, it wasn’t quite what I was expecting.

So the first challenge was to understand how to relate the two sets of data together, and this took some testing before I got it right. Yoshi provided hints about using a DATEDIFF calculation to find the time difference between the wait start time (rounded to 30 mins) and the wait end time (rounded to 30 mins).

To work out the calculation required, I actually first connected to the Hospital ER data set and then spent time working out the various parts of the formula required. I wanted to work out what the waiting start time was ’rounded down’ to the previous 30 min time slot, and what the waiting end time was ’rounded up’ to the next 30 min time slot.

Date Start Round

//Rounding down the wait start time

IIF(DATEPART(‘minute’, [Date Start])<30 , DATETRUNC(‘hour’, [Date Start]) , DATEADD(‘minute’, 30, DATETRUNC(‘hour’, [Date Start])))

If the minute of Date Start is between 0 and 29, then return the date at the hour mark, otherwise (if the minute of Date Start is between 30-59) then find the date at the hour mark, and add on 30 minutes. So if Date Start is 23/04/2019 13:23:00 then return 23/04/2019 13:00:00, but if Date Start is 23/04/2019 13:47, then return 23/04/2019 13:30:00.

Date End Round

//Rounding up the wait end time

IIF(DATEPART(‘minute’, [Date End])<30 , DATEADD(‘minute’, 30, DATETRUNC(‘hour’, [Date End])) , DATEADD(‘hour’, 1,DATETRUNC(‘hour’, [Date End])))

If the minute of Date End is between 0 and 29, then find the date at the hour mark, and add on 30 minutes, otherwise (if the minute of Date End is between 30-59) then find the date at the hour mark, and add on 1 hour. So if Date End is 23/04/2019 13:23:00 then return 23/04/2019 13:30:00, but if Date End is 23/04/2019 13:47, then return 23/04/2019 14:00:00.

With this, I was then able to relate the Hospital ER data set to the dummy by 30 min data set by adding a relationship calculation to the Hospital ER data set of

IIF(DATEPART(‘minute’, [Date Start])<30 , DATETRUNC(‘hour’, [Date Start]) , DATEADD(‘minute’, 30, DATETRUNC(‘hour’, [Date Start]))),
IIF( DATEPART(‘minute’, [Date End])<30 , DATEADD(‘minute’, 30, DATETRUNC(‘hour’, [Date End])) , DATEADD(‘hour’, 1,DATETRUNC(‘hour’, [Date End])))

(which returns the difference in minutes between the ’rounded down’ Date Start and the ’rounded up’ Date End – you can’t reference calculated fields in the relationship, so you have to recreate)

and set this to be >= to Range End from the dummy by 30 min data set

Let’s see what this has done to the data.

On a sheet add Patient ID. Date Start (as discrete exact date – blue pill), Date End (as discrete exact date – blue pill), Date Start Round (as discrete exact date – blue pill), Date End Round (as discrete exact date – blue pill) and Index (as discrete dimension – blue pill) to Rows and add Patient Waittime to Text.

Looking at the data for Patient Id 899-89-7946 : they started waiting at 06:18 and ended at 07:17. This meant they spanned three 30 min time slots: 06:00-06:30, 06:30-07:00 and 07:00-07:30, and consequently there are 3 rows displayed, and the ’rounded’ start & end dates go from 06:00 to 07:30.

Identifying the axis to plot the 24hr time period against

Having ‘densified’ the data, we now need to get a date against each row related to the 30 min time slot it represents. ie, for the example above we need to capture a date with the 06:00 time slot, the 06:30 time slot and the 07:00 time slot.

But, as the chart we want to display is depicted over a 24hr timeframe, we need to align all the dates to the exact same day, while retaining the time period associated to each record. This technique to shift the dates to the same date, is described in this Tableau Knowledge Base article.

Date Start Baseline

DATEADD(‘day’, DATEDIFF(‘day’, [Date Start Round], #1990-01-01#), [Date Start Round])

Add this into the table, you can see what this data all looks like – note, I’m just choosing a arbitrary date of 01 Jan 1990, so my baseline dates are all on this date, but the time portions reflect that of the Date Start Round field.

With the day all aligned, we now want to get a time reflective of each 30 min timeslot. The logic took a bit of trial and error to get right, and there may well be a much better method than what I came up with. It became tricky as I had to handle what happens if the time is after 11pm (23:00) as I needed to make sure I didn’t end up returning dates on a different day (ie 2nd Jan 1990). I’ll describe my logic first.

If the Index is 0 then we just want the date time we’ve already adjusted – ie Date Start Baseline

If the Index is 1, then we need to shift the Date Start Baseline by 30 minutes. However, if Date Start Baseline is already 23:30, then we need to hardcode the date to be 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00, as ‘adding’ 30 mins will result in 02 Jan 1990 00:00:00.

If the Index is 2, then we need to shift the Date Start Baseline by 1 hour. However, if Date Start Baseline is already 23:30, then we need to hardcode the date to be 01 Jan 1990 00:30:00, as ‘adding’ 1 hour will result in 02 Jan 1990 00:30:00. Similarly, if Date Start Baseline is already 23:00, then we need to hardcode the date to 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00, otherwise we’ll end up with 02 Jan 1990 00:00:00.

As the relationship didn’t result in any instances of Index > 2, I stopped my logic there. This is all encapsulated within the calculation

Date to Plot

CASE [Index]
WHEN 0 THEN [Date Start Baseline ]
WHEN 1 THEN IIF(DATEPART(‘hour’, [Date Start Baseline ])=23 AND DATEPART(‘minute’, [Date Start Baseline ])=30, #1990-01-01 00:00:00#, DATEADD(‘minute’, 30, [Date Start Baseline ]))
WHEN 2 THEN IIF(DATEPART(‘hour’, [Date Start Baseline ])=23 AND DATEPART(‘minute’, [Date Start Baseline ])=30, #1990-01-01 00:30:00#, IIF(DATEPART(‘hour’, [Date Start Baseline ])=23 AND DATEPART(‘minute’, [Date Start Baseline ])=0, #1990-01-01 00:00:00#, DATEADD(‘hour’, 1, [Date Start Baseline ])))


Add this to the table as a discrete exact date (blue pill), and you can see what’s happening.

For Patient Id 899-89-7946, we have the 3 timeslots we wanted: 06:00 (representing 06:00-06:30), 06:30 (representing 06:30 -07:00) and 07:00 (representing 07:00-07:30).

On a new sheet, add Date To Plot as a discrete exact date (blue pill) and then create

Count Patients

COUNT([Patient Id])

and add to Text and you have a list of the 48 30 min time slots that exist within a 24hr period, with the patient counts.

We need to be able to filter this based on a quarter, so create

Date Start Quarter

DATE(DATETRUNC(‘quarter’,[Date Start]))

and custom format this to yyyy-“Q”q

Add to the Filter shelf selecting individual dates and filter to 2019-Q2, and the results will adjust, and you should be able to reconcile against the solution.

Building the 30 minute time slot bar chart

On a new sheet, add Date Start Quarter to the Filter shelf and set to 2019-Q2. Then add Date to Plot as a continuous exact date (green pill) to Columns and Count Patients to Rows. Change the mark type to a bar and show mark labels.

Custom format Date To Plot to hh:nn.

We need to identify a selected bar in a different colour. We’ll use a parameter to capture the selected bar.


date parameter defaulted to 01 Jan 1990 14:00 with a display format of hh:nn

Then create a calculated field

Is Selected Time Period

[Date to Plot] = [pSelectTimePeriod]

and add to the Colour shelf, adjusting colours to suit and setting the font on the labels to match mark colour.

A ‘bonus’ requirement is to make each bar ’30 mins’ wide. For this we need

Size – 30 Mins

//number of seconds in 30 mins divided by number of seconds in a day (24hrs)
(30 * 60) / 86400

Add this to the Size shelf, change it to be a dimension (so no longer aggregated to SUM), then click on the Size shelf, and set it to be fixed width, left aligned.

Via the Colour shelf, change the border of the mark to white.

Next, we need to get the tooltip to reflect the ‘current’ time slot, as well as the next time slot. For this I created

Next Time Period

IIF(LAST()=0, #1990-01-01 00:00:00#, LOOKUP(MIN([Date to Plot]),1))

This is a table calculation. If it’s the last record (ie 01 Jan 1990 23:30), then set the time slot to be 1st Jan 1990 00:00, otherwise return the next time slot (lookup the next (+1) record). Custom format this to hh:nn and add to the Tooltip shelf. Set the table calculation to compute by Date to Plot and Is Selected Time Period.

Update the Tooltip as required.

The final part of this bar chart is another ‘bonus’ requirement – to add 2 hr time interval ‘bandings’. For this I created another calculated field

2hr Time Period to Plot

IIF(DATEPART(‘hour’, MIN([Date to Plot]))%4 = 0 AND DATEPART(‘minute’, MIN([Date to Plot]))=0,WINDOW_MAX([Count Patients])*1.1,NULL)

If the hour part of the date is divisible by 4 (ie 0, 4, 8,12,16, 20), and we’re at the hour mark (minute of date is 0), then get the value of highest patient count displayed in the chart, and uplift it by 10%, otherwise return nothing.

Add this to Rows. On the 2nd marks card created, remove Is Selected Time Period from Colour and Next Time Period from Tooltip. Adjust the table calculation of the 2hr Time Period to Plot to compute by Date to Plot only. Remove labels from displaying.

The bars are currently showing all at the same height (as required) but at a width of 30 minutes. We want this to be 2 hrs instead, so create

Size – 2 Hrs

//number of seconds in 2hrs / number of seconds in a day (24 hrs)

Add this to the Size shelf instead (fixing it to left again). Adjust the colour to a pale grey, and delete all the text from the Tooltip.

Hide the nulls indicator. Make the chart dual axis and synchronise the axis. Right click on the 2hr Time Period Plot axis (the right hand axis) and move marks to back.

Tidy up the chart by removing row & column dividers, hiding the right hand axis, removing the titles from the other axes. Update the title accordingly.

Building the Patient Detail bar chart

On a new sheet, add Is Selected Time Period to Filter and set to True. Then go back to the other bar chart, and set the Date Start Quarter Filter to Apply to Worksheets -> Selected Worksheets and select the new one being built.

Add Department Referral, Patient Id, Date Start (as discrete exact date – blue pill) and Date End (as discrete exact date – blue pill) to Rows and Patient Waittime to Columns. Manually drag the None Department Referral option to the top of the chart. Add Patient Waittime to Colour and adjust to use the grey colour palette. Remove column dividers.

The title of this chart needs to display the number of patients in the selection, as well as the timeframe of the 30 min period. We already have the start of this captured in the parameter pSelectTimePeriod. We can use parameters to capture the other values too.


integer parameter defaulted to 0


date parameter, defaulted to 01 Jan 1990 14:30:00, with a custom display format of hh:nn

Update the title of the Patient Detail bar chart to reference these parameters (don’t worry about the count not being right at this point).

Capturing the selections

Add the sheets onto a dashboard. Then create the following dashboard parameter actions.

Set Selected Start

On select of the 30 Min bar chart, set the pSelectTimePeriod parameter passing in the value from the Date To Plot field.

Set Selected End

On select of the 30 Min bar chart, set the pNextTimePeriod parameter passing in the value from the Next Time Period field.

Set Count of Patients

On select of the 30 Min bar chart, set the pNumberPatients parameter passing in the value from the Count Patients field, aggregated at the SUM level.

With these all set, you should find you can click on a bar in the 30 minute chart and filter the list of patients below, with the title reflecting the bar chosen.

The basic viz itself wasn’t overly tricky, once you get over the hurdle of the calculations needed for the relationship and identifying the relevant 30 min time periods.

My published viz is here. Enjoy!

Happy vizzin’!


Can you include and exclude options with a custom control?

It was my turn this week to set the challenge which I based on an example of a viz that I’d seen at work.

I built the viz using 3 sheets and using techniques similar to that described in a previous challenge documented here where I used parameter actions. It’s likely set actions can be used too, although I haven’t tested this out.

Building the bar chart

Format Sales to $ with 0dp, then add State/Province to Rows and Sales to Columns and sort descending. Add State/Province to Filter and filter by Top 5 based on Sales.

Double click on the Columns shelf and manually type MIN(0) to create a second axis. Make the chart dual axis and synchronise the axis. Change the mark type of the Sales marks card to Bar and the mark type of the MIN(0) axis to Gantt. Add Measure Names to Rows.

Remove Measure Names from the Colour shelf of both marks cards. Then add State/Province and Sales the Label shelf of the MIN(0) marks card. Arrange the text to match.

Reduce the size of the MIN(0) gantt bar to as small as possible, and reduce the opacity of the mark (via the Colour shelf) to 0%.

Update the Tooltip on the Sales marks card to match, but delete all text from the Tooltip of the MIN(0) marks card.

Add State/Province to the Colour shelf of the Sales marks card, and adjust accordingly. I chose to set the opacity to 50% based on the colours I chose.

Hide both axis, and both row heading (uncheck show header). Remove all gridlines, row/column dividers, axis ruler etc.

Name the sheet Bar or similar. We’ll come back to this later.

Building the trend line

On a new sheet, add Order Date to Columns set to a continuous monthly level (green pill) and Sales to Rows. Add State/Province to Colour (and reduce opacity if need be).

Go back to the bar chart sheet, and apply the State/Province filter to the trend line sheet too (right click on the pill in the filter shelf > apply to worksheets > selected worksheets).

Add a Running Total quick table calculation to the Sales pill (right click > quick table calculation > running total).

Add State/Province to the Label shelf, and set the font of the label to match mark colour. Adjust the text in the Tooltip. Format the Running Total Sales pill on the Rows shelf to be in $k with 0 dp. Delete the titles of both axis, and reduce the font size on the axis. Remove axis rulers/tick marks, zero lines, row/column dividers. Name the sheet Trend or similar.

Now, we need to be able to capture which States are being excluded. We need a parameter for this.


string parameter defaulted to empty string/nothing

Show the parameter and manually type ‘Texas’ into the field. Based on what is in this parameter, will determine whether the state is unselected or not.

State is unselected

CONTAINS([pUnSelectedStates], [State/Province])

This returns True if the associated State/Province is listed in the parameter (so shouldn’t be visible) and False if it’s not listed (so should display).

Add State is unselected to the Filter shelf and set to False. The line for Texas will now disappear

Experiment by typing multiple states into the parameter eg Texas California

Building the selection control

On a new sheet add State/Province to Rows and sort by the Sales descending

Set the State/Province filter from another sheet to also apply to this sheet.

Double click into Columns and type MIN(0). Add State/Province to Colour (and apply opacity if required – I set this to 75%). Set the mark type to Shape and add State is unselected to shape. Use the Ratings shape palette to set the options.

We want the Tooltip to say something different, depending on whether the State/Province is selected or not.

Tooltip Include/Exclude

IF [State is unselected] THEN ‘include’ ELSE ‘exclude’ END

Add this to the Tooltip shelf, then update the text

We want to align this sheet with the bar chart, so we need to add another instance of MIN(0) to Columns. Make the chart dual axis and synchronise the axis. Remove Measure Names from the Colour shelf of both marks cards. Add Measure Names to the Rows shelf.

On the first MIN(0) marks card, remove all the fields from the card, reduce the size to as small as possible, and the opacity to 0%. Set the Shape to be a transparent shape (see this post for more details).

Now, we need a way to populate the pUnSelectedStates parameter with values from the selector sheet itself. Given the set of ‘unselected’ states can ‘build’ up, we can’t just pass in a single state from the State/Province field itself. We need to capture a delimited list of the states as they are unselected & reselected. We will use the | character as the delimiter, and will modify the string as follows

All states selected<empty string>
1 state unselected eg Texas|Texas|
2 states unselected eg Texas then California|Texas||California|
1 state then reselected eg Texas then California unselected, Texas reselected|California|
1 state reselected again eg Texas then California unselected, Texas reselected, then California reselected<empty string>

This is captured within this logic

States for Param

IF CONTAINS([pUnSelectedStates], [State/Province]) THEN
//state already in parameter, so remove it
REPLACE([pUnSelectedStates],’|’ + [State/Province]+ ‘|’,”)
//add state to string
[pUnSelectedStates] + ‘|’ + [State/Province] + ‘|’

If the State is already stored in the parameter, then remove it, by replacing the text with ” (empty string), otherwise append the state to the existing text in the parameter.

Add this field to the Detail shelf of the first MIN(0) marks card.

Hide all the axis and the row headings. Remove all row/column dividers, gridlines, zero lines, axis rulers etc. Reset the parameter back to an empty string.

Name the sheet Selector or similar.

Identifying if the bars are selected or not

Before we build the dashboard, we can now tweak the bar chart, so the colour of the bars reflects whether the State/Province is selected or not.

Back onto the bar chart sheet, add State is unselected to the Detail shelf of the Sales marks card. Then use the icon next to the pill and change it from Detail to Colour to add a secondary pill to the Colour shelf

Swap the pills around, so the State is unselected pill is above the State/Province pill, and the colour legend should list entries as False, <State>. Readjust the colours if need be.

Now enter ‘Texas’ into the pUnselectedStates parameter. The legend will update so that True,Texas is now listed. Adjust the colour of this option to white, and set a light grey border (via the Colour shelf), so the outline of the bar is visible.

Go through each listed State/Province adding it to the parameter and the adjusting the True, < State> colour legend to white each time.

Once done, set the pUnselectedStates parameter back to empty string.

Building the dashboard and adding the interactivity

Using containers, add the objects to a dashboard. I used a horizontal container to store the 3 charts, but the selector and the bar chart were also then contained within their own horizontal container. All charts were set to fit entire view. This allows for a border to be set around both objects. If everything is set right, you should be able to get the selector circles aligned with the bars.

I also used background colours and padding to get everything displayed as required.

Add a dashboard parameter action to capture the user interactivity

Unselect State

on select of the Selector sheet, update the pUnselectedStates parameter by passing the value of the States for Param field. Keep current value when unselected.

Finally to prevent the selected option from remaining ‘highlighted’ and all the other options becoming ‘faded’ out’, we can use the True/False trick described here.

My published viz is here.

Happy vizzin’!


Excel at Tableau Interactivity with Dynamic Zone Visibility

Erica set the #WOW2024 challenge this week, asking us to recreate this ‘drillable’ functionality within a single dashboard.

To achieve this, I used 4 sheets

  • A large map
  • A small map
  • A table of data
  • A navigational control

along with parameter actions to drive the interactivity, and dynamic zone visibility to control what displayed when.

Building the large map

On a new sheet, double click on State/Province to automatically generate a map of the United States – if this doesn’t display by default, then make sure the location of your map settings are referencing the USA (Map menu > Edit Locations). Hide the ‘unknown’ indicator displayed bottom right. Change the mark type to map to create a filled map. Change the colour to a grey (I used #c0c0c0). Add State/Province to the Filter shelf and select Arkansas. Show the filter.

Click on the Tooltip button, and delete all the text in the dialog.

Now drag City onto the map and drop it on the section that appears labelled Add a Marks Layer. On the ‘City’ marks card that now appears, change the mark type to circle. Move City to the Label shelf and then also add State/Province to Detail. Change the colour of the circles to dark grey (I used #767f8b).

Update the Tooltip on the City marks card. Turn off all the map options to stop the pan/zoom map control options from appearing (map menu -> map options -> deselect all the options). Remove all row/column dividers.

Name the sheet Map-Large or similar.

Building the Small Map

Duplicate the Map-Large sheet, and name the new sheet Map-Small. Remove all background layers so just the state outline remains (Map menu -> background layers -> set washout to 100%).

On the Label shelf of the City marks card, uncheck show mark layers so the name of the city is not displayed and click on the Tooltip shelf and uncheck show tooltips, so they aren’t displayed either.

On this map, we need to highlight a selected City. For this we need a parameter to capture the City, and a calculated field to identify which City has been selected. We will also need a parameter to capture the State/Province to ensure the interactivity works as required.


string parameters defaulted to ” (ie empty string)


string parameter defaulted to ” (ie empty string)

Is Selected City

[City] = [pSelectedCity]

Add Is Selected City to the Colour shelf of the City marks card.

Show the pSelectedCity parameter and type in ‘Fayetteville’. The colour legend should display values for True & False. Adjust colours to suit.

Also add Is Selected City to the Size shelf and adjust the sizes accordingly.

Building the table

On a new sheet, add

  • State/Province to Filter and filter to ‘Arkansas’
  • Add Is Selected City to Filter and filter to True
  • Add Customer Name, Order ID and Product Name to Rows
  • Right-click on the State/Province field in the Filter shelf and apply to worksheets > selected worksheets and select the Large Map & Small Map sheets. This makes the filter shared between all those sheets.

Create a new field

Unit Price


and add to Text.

Drag Quantity onto the canvas and drop on the ‘unit price’ column when you see show me appear. This will automatically add Measure Values to Columns and Measure Names to Filter.

Do the same for Sales. Reorder the pills in the Measure Values box so they are arranged as required.

Add subtotals (Analysis menu > Totals > Add all subtotals), then display at the top (Analysis menu > Totals > Column Totals to Top).

Right-click on the Customer Name pill in Rows and uncheck Subtotals from the context menu.

Format the table: set the worksheet background colour to light grey and set the total (pane & header) background colour to a shade darker.

Adjust the width and height of the columns and rows to suit.

Uncheck show tooltip from the Tooltip shelf, and name the sheet Table or similar.

Building the Navigation sheet

The ‘back to main map’ navigational display is actually a worksheet rather than a navigational object on a dashboard, as we need to apply parameter actions to it in order to reset some parameters.

On a new sheet, double click into the space on the marks card below the shelf buttons, and type ‘X’

Change the mark type to Text and move the X field to the Text shelf. Update the text to include the additional words, adjust the font size and then align middle centre. Uncheck Show tooltip.

Create the following fields

City – Reset

State – Reset

and add both to the Detail shelf. Name the sheet Navigation or similar.

Building the dashboard

Using horizontal and vertical layout containers, arrange all the objects on a dashboard. You will need to adjust the background colour of some objects and the padding to get everything looking as expected. This can be quite tricky and is very hard to explain in a blog. The item hierarchy in the image below will help give you an idea

To draw horizontal or vertical lines, add a blank object to the layout container, change the background colour, reduce the padding to 0 and then adjust the height or width of the object so it is very narrow.

These are the properties associated with the red ‘tab’ in the heading – the background colour is red, inner and outer padding is 0, width is 4px and the object is contained within a horizontal container

For the City/State title, reference the pSelectedState and pSelectedCity parameters, along with a unicode symbol which I copy and past from here.

Adding the interactivity

Add the following dashboard actions

Set State

on select of the Map-Large sheet, set the pSelectedState parameter passing in the value of the State/Province field. When the selection is cleared, retain that value.

Set City

on select of the Map-Large sheet, set the pSelectedCity parameter passing in the value of the City field. When the selection is cleared, retain that value.

Reset State

On select of the Navigation sheet, set the pSelectedState parameter passing in the value of the State – Reset field. When the selection is cleared, retain that value.

Reset City

On select of the Navigation sheet, set the pSelectedCity parameter passing in the value of the City- Reset field. When the selection is cleared, retain that value.

Click around on the dashboard and sense check the parameters appear to be behaving – ie if you click on a city on the large map sheet, the table and small map should update, and if you then click the navigation sheet, the table shouldn’t show anything, and the small map shouldn’t show anything highlighted.

Hide and show the objects

Finally, we need to only show the required objects depending on the actions taken. For this we need some additional calculated boolean fields. Go back to any sheet, and create the following calculated fields

City is Selected


City Not Selected


Note, these fields just have to exist, they don’t need adding to any sheet.

Navigate back to the dashboard.

Click on the Map-Large object, and on the Layout tab, check the control visibility using value option, and choose the City Not Selected value.

This means that when City Not Selected is true (ie the pSelectedCity parameter is empty), this object will display. When City Not Selected is false (ie the pSelectedCity parameter has a value), this object will be hidden.

Depending on what you’ve been clicking, this object might disappear immediately.

Click on the Table object, and do the same steps, but this time choose the City is Selected field. This means the table will only show then the pSelectedCity parameter has a value.

Apply the same settings so the small map, the table title, and the navigation sheet only show when City is Selected. Note – depending on how you have built the dashboard, you may find you can apply the setting once against a container which contains all the objects you want to hide rather than against each individual object.

I also chose to only display the Select a State filter control when the City Not Selected was true.

And hopefully, that should be it. My published viz is here.

Happy vizzin’!


Can you dynamically zoom into a clustered area?

For this week’s #WOW2024 challenge, Lorna revisited an old #WOW2021 challenge based on Hans Rosling’s chart used in his famous TED talk.

Modelling the data

The first part of the challenge involves modelling the data. Since I’d blogged a solution guide to the original 2021 challenge here, I thought I’d refer myself to my own blog. Re-reading it though, I found I originally had some issues getting all the data sources pivoted in the way I needed, and ended up having to create the csv files as extracted hyper files separately before putting them together. I encountered the same issues again (I was hoping that ‘maybe’ it had been a version problem).

However, I then watched the solution guide that was posted on the old blog page that Lorna had provided, and I found where the problem was.

When I was trying to add connections to the additional data sources into Tableau, I was using the Add option, browsing for the file, and then dragging it into the pane, where I was then unable to pivot it

However, as the csv files I needed are all located in the same directory, the files were already listed on the left hand pane, and dragging from there allowed me to do what I needed, and I’ll talk through that now. Why, adding via the Add button does not work, I don’t know….

The data provided consists of 4 files

  1. Life Expectancy csv
  2. Population csv
  3. Income csv
  4. Geographies (Region Mapping) excel file

The first 3 files are stored as a matrix of Country (rows) by Year (columns) with the appropriate measure in the intersection. This isn’t the ideal format for Tableau so the data needs to pivoted to show 3 columns – Country, Year and the relevant measure (life expectancy, population or income depending on which file is referenced).

In Tableau Desktop, connect to the Life Expectancy file and check the Use Data Interpreter checkbox, so the top row of the file is understood to be the column headings.

Now we need to pivot this data; click on the 1800 column, then scroll across to the end, press shift and click on the final column to select all the year columns. While highlighted, right-click and select Pivot. Your data will be reshaped into 3 columns.

I then renamed each column as

  • Country
  • Year
  • Life Expectancy

Change the datatype of the Year column to be a number (whole), as we’ll need to relate the data on this field later, and working with numeric data is more efficient than strings.

Now from the left hand Files pane, drag in the Population file. By default it will pick up a relationship based on the Country field in each file

Once again, multi-select the columns from 1800 across to 2100, and pivot. Rename the fields to Year – Population and Population and change the datatype of the Year – Population field to a whole number. Add an additional relationship on Year = Year – Population

Next, drag in the Income file from the left hand pane and link to the Life Expectancy file. By default it should pick up a relationship based on the Country field in each file (if not add it). Once again pivot the date fields, and rename the fields Year – Income and Income. Change the data type of the Year – Income field to a whole number, and add an additional relationship on the Year fields.

Finally, using the Add option, add a connection to the Geographies/Region excel file and drag the list-of-countries-etc sheet onto the canvas and link to the Life Expectancy file. Add a relationship from County to Name.

Now the data is modelled, we can build out the viz.

Building the Scatter Plot

We only need to show information for the years up to the ‘current’ year. I created a parameter to represent ‘Today’, essentially hard coding a date.


date parameter defaulted to 16 Jan 2024

I then created a field

Year <= Current Year

[Year] <= YEAR([pToday])

and added this to the Filter shelf of a new worksheet and set the value to True.

Change the Year field to be discrete (right click > convert to discrete),then add to the Filter shelf, select All Values and then select 2024 from the list. Show the filter on the canvas, and change to a single value (dropdown) that displays only relevant values. Also Customise so the ‘All’ value does not show. Only options from 1800 – 2024 should be listed.

Create a new field to get the regions in the correct format


UPPER(REPLACE([Eight Regions],’_’, ‘ ‘))

Now add Income to Columns and Life Expectancy to Rows and add Country to Detail and Region to Colour and adjust accordingly. Change the mark type to circle. Add Population to Size and adjust. Set the opacity of the colour to around 70%.

If you examine the Income axis on the solution, you’ll see the scale isn’t uniform. This is because it’s using a logarithmic scale instead, which you can set by right-clicking on the Income axis -> Edit Axis and selecting the relevant checkbox. Also, untick the Include zero checkbox, and the display should now start looking more like what’s expected.

Add Year to the Tooltip shelf and update the tooltip. Format the Year field so it’s a number with 0dp that does not include the thousand separators.

Also format the Population field to be a number with 1dp displayed in millions, and format the Life Expectancy field to be a number to 1dp.

Adjust the display of the Life Expectancy axis so that it is displayed without the decimal place. Right click on the axis > format, and on the axis tab on the left hand side, format the numbers to be Number standard

We need to be able to adjust the axis based on selection, so need to set the axis to be able to adjust. For this we will need parameters.


integer parameter defaulted to 500


integer parameter defaulted to 100,000


integer parameter defaulted to 0


integer parameter defaulted to 100

Right click on the Income axis and edit and set the range to be custom, selecting the pIncomeMin and pIncomeMax parameters

Do the same for the Life Expectancy axis, selecting the relevant parameters.

Hide the null indicator and name the sheet Scatter or similar.

Building the Viz in Tooltip

On a new sheet, add the Year <= Current Year field to Filter and set to True.

Then add Year as a continuous dimension field (green pill) to Columns and Country, Income, Life Expectancy and Population to rows. Add Region to Colour.

Edit each of the Income, Life Expectancy and Population axis in turn and select the Independent axis range for each row or column option.

Hide the Country column (uncheck show header) and remove all gridlines, zero lines, axis lines. Set the display to Entire View and name the sheet VIT or similar.

Back on the Scatter worksheet, edit the Tooltip and add a reference to VIT sheet, adjusting the height and width of the sheet to suit (after a bit of trial and error I used 700 x 450) and setting the filter to Country.

When you hover over a mark, the VIT chart should also be displayed, filtered to the country related to the mark hovered on.

Building the Legend

Create a simple ‘table’ with Region on Columns, Colour and Text. Hide the column heading (uncheck show header) and remove all row & column dividers. Align the text centrally and adjust the font to suit.

Name the sheet Regions or similar.

Adding the interactivity

Arrange the sheets on a dashboard and ensure the Year filter is displayed as a single value drop down that only shows relevant values and doesn’t show the All option.

To filter the chart by the Region, add a filter dasboard action

Filter Region

On select of the Region sheet on the dashboard, target the Scatter sheet on the dashboard, passing the selected fields of Region only. Show all values when the region is unselected.

To allow the chart to zoom in, we need to set the parameters referenced in the axis by using parameter actions.


On selection of marks on the Scatter sheet, update the pIncomeMin parameter using the Minimum value of the Income field. When the selection is cleared, reset the field to 500.

Income-Max Selected

On selection of marks on the Scatter sheet, update the pIncomeMax parameter using the Maximum value of the Income field. When the selection is cleared, reset the field to 100,000.

Create 2 further parameter actions similar to above but referencing the pLifeExpectancyMin and Max parameters and resetting to their defaults of 0 and 100 accordingly.

Once done, the viz should be complete. My published version is here.

Note I found that after publishing from Desktop to Tableau Public, the ‘zoom’ interactivity was lost, and when I edited my viz on Tableau Public the axis had lost their references to the parameters. I updated and republished the viz from Tableau Public. I don’t know why this happened, and whether it’s a known issue, but thought worth noting in case you encountered the same issue.

Happy vizzin’!


Can you add candlesticks to bar charts?

For the final week of global recognition month, Shunta Nakjima set this challenge inspired by one of the ‘founders’ of #WorkoutWednesday, Andy Kriebel.

Let’s get stuck in, by starting with the selector sheets.

Building the Measure Selector

The measure selector will be used to set a parameter which will store the particular measure selected, so we need


string parameter defaulted to the value Sales

We also need a field to help us ‘draw’ the 3 selection boxes onto a viz, in such a way that we then have a measure value to pass into the parameter on selection. You could build this with its own separate dataset, but I’m going to utilise another field to ‘fake this’, and drive it off the Segment dimension as we don’t need this in the rest of the viz.

Measure Selector Alias

CASE [Segment]
WHEN ‘Consumer’ THEN ‘Sales’
WHEN ‘Corporate’ THEN ‘Profit’
ELSE ‘Quantity’

Add Segment to Columns. Then double click into Columns and manually type MIN(1). Widen the row and then add Measure Selector Alias onto Label.

Edit the axis, and fix the range to run from 0 to 1. Adjust the label font and align centrally. Hide the axis and the Segment header.

We need to identify which measure has been selected, both through colour and an arrow indicator. So we need

Is Measure Selected

[Measure Selector Alias] = [pSelectedMeasure]

Add to the Colour shelf and adjust to suit.

Then create

Measure Selected Arrow

IF [Is Measure Selected] THEN ‘â–º’ END

I use this site to get the characters I need.

Add this to the Label shelf and adjust so the fields are side by side and the arrow text is coloured red.

Finally, stop the Tooltip from displaying, then hide all gridlines, zero lines, axis and row dividers. Set the column dividers to be thick white lines and make the Size as large as possible.

Name the sheet Measure Selector.

Building the Year Selector

In order to not ‘hardcode’ the latest year, we need

Current Year

{FIXED:MAX(YEAR([Order Date]))}

format this to be a number with 0dp and not to show the thousands separator.

From this we can create

Comparison Year

IIF(YEAR([Order Date])<>[Current Year],YEAR([Order Date]),NULL)

On a new sheet, add Comparison Year to Filter and exclude NULL. Then add Comparison Year to Columns and sort descending, so the latest year is listed first. Double click into Columns and manually type MIN(1).

As before widen the rows, and then add Comparison Year to Label. Edit the axis, and fix the range to run from 0 to 1. Adjust the label font and align centrally. Hide the axis and the Comparison Year header.

We’re going to need a parameter which will capture the year selected


integer parameter defaulted to 2022 with the display format set to not include the thousand separator

We need to identify which year has been selected, both through colour and an arrow indicator. So we need

Is Selected Year

[Comparison Year] = [pSelectedYear]

Add to the Colour shelf and adjust to suit.

Then create

Year Selected Arrow

IF [Is Selected Year] THEN ‘â–º’ END

Add this to the Label shelf and adjust so the fields are side by side and the arrow text is coloured red.

Finally, stop the Tooltip from displaying, then hide all gridlines, zero lines, axis and row dividers. Set the column dividers to be thick white lines and make the Size as large as possible. Name the sheet Year Selector.

Building the Current Year ‘card’

Double click into Columns and manually type MIN(1). Add Current Year to Label. Widen the row. Edit the axis, and fix the range to run from 0 to 1. Adjust the label font and align centrally. Hide the axis. Adjust the Colour to suit. Stop the Tooltip from displaying, then hide all gridlines, zero lines, axis and row dividers. Make the Size as large as possible. Name the sheet Curr Year.

Building the bar chart

Based on the measure selected, we need to get the value of the relevant measure for the current year and for the comparison year, so we need

Measure to Display – Curr Year

IF YEAR([Order Date]) = [Current Year] THEN
CASE [pSelectedMeasure]
WHEN ‘Sales’ THEN [Sales]
WHEN ‘Profit’ THEN [Profit]
ELSE [Quantity]


Measure to Display – Comp Year

IF YEAR([Order Date]) = [pSelectedYear] THEN
CASE [pSelectedMeasure]
WHEN ‘Sales’ THEN [Sales]
WHEN ‘Profit’ THEN [Profit]
ELSE [Quantity]

On a new sheet, add Sub-Category to Rows and Measure to Display – Curr Year to Columns. Sort descending. Then click and drag Measure to Display – Comp Year to the axis and release when the two green columns display. This will automatically add Measure Names and Measure Values into the view.

Reorder the pills in the Measure Values box, so the current year values are listed first. Add Measure Names to Colour and adjust to suit. Add Current Year, Measure to Display – Curr Year and Measure to Display – Comp Year to Tooltip, and adjust the tooltip so it is referencing those 3 fields along with the pSelectedMeasure and pSelectedYear parameters

So we have the bars, but now we need to add the ‘candlestick’, which we’re going to crate using a gantt bar. We need another ‘measure’ row to show, and need another instance of Measure to Display – Comp Year for this – we can’t use the existing measure, as it will put data on the same ‘row’. So simply duplicate the Measure to Display – Comp Year field, to get the Measure to Display – Comp Year (copy) field. Add this to Columns.

Change the mark type of this to a gantt bar. To get the size and the information we need for the labels and to colour the gantt, we need some more fields.


SUM([Measure to Display – Curr Year]) – SUM([Measure to Display – Comp Year])

custom format this to +#,##0;-#,##0 and add this field to both the Size and the Label shelf.

% Difference

IF (SUM([Measure to Display – Curr Year])>=0 AND SUM([Measure to Display – Comp Year])>=0)
OR (SUM([Measure to Display – Curr Year])<0 AND SUM([Measure to Display – Comp Year])<0) THEN
[Difference]/ABS(SUM([Measure to Display – Comp Year]))

If both the values are positive or both the values are negative, then calculate the difference, otherwise return 0, and then custom format to â–²0.0%;â–¼0.0%;- . The first section up to the ; formats the number when it’s positive, the next section formats when negative, and the last section formats when the number is 0, so in this case we’re replacing any 0 with a ‘-‘. Add this to the Label shelf.

Diff is +ve


Add this to the Colour shelf (remove Measure Names) and adjust accordingly.

Reduce the Size of the gantt bar, adjust the label so the font is smaller, organised as required, and aligned to the right. Remove all the text from the Tooltip. Then make the chart dual axis and synchronise the axis. Explicitly set the mark type of the Measure Names marks card to a bar.

Finally tidy up by hiding both axis, removing all gridlines, axis lines, zero lines and column dividers. Format the Sub-Category label headings and align middle left. Hide the Sub-Category row heading (hide field labels for rows) and hide the Measure Names field (uncheck show header). Name the sheet Chart.

Adding the interactivity

Using vertical and horizontal containers, arrange the objects on the dashboard. I used a horizonal container to align the Curr Year, Year Selector and Measure Selector sheets, adding blank objects in between. I edited the title of the 3 objects to display the required text. I then floated a blank object over the Current Year box, so it couldn’t be clicked.

To select the year and the measure, I needed parameter actions

Select Year

on select of the Year Selector sheet, set the pSelectedYear parameter, passing in the value from the Comparison Year field


Select Measure

on select of the Measure Selector sheet, set the pSelectedMeasure parameter passing in the value from the Measure Selector Alias field

Finally to stop the years and measure boxes being ‘highlighted’ on click, create fields






and add both to the Detail shelf of the Year Selector and Measure Selector sheets. Then add dashboard filter action

Deselect Years

On select of the Year Selector sheet on the dashboard, target the Year Selector sheet itself, passing the values True = False.

Create another similar filter action for the Measure Selector sheet, and that should then be it!

My published workbook is here.

Happy vizzin!


Can you create a Monthly Driver Analysis dashboard?

Global Recognition month continued this week for #WOW2023, and I was able to enlist Norbert Borbas to set the challenge this week, which was published in both Norbert’s native Hungarian, as well as English.

Norbert provided a challenge based on a solution he had implemented at his company, and involved the creation of 2 dashboards with interactivity between them both. There’s a fair amount going on with this one, so let’s get cracking.

Building the Sales KPI

For this viz, we need to get information about the latest year sales in conjunction with the previous year. Rather than hardcode any years relating to the data, I created

Latest Year

{MAX(YEAR([Order Date]))}

which for the data set I was using, returns 2022. Drag this field into the ‘dimensions’ section of the left hand data pane (ie above the line).

With this I then created

LY Sales

IF YEAR([Order Date]) = [Latest Year] THEN [Sales] END

to the sales for 2022. Format this to $ with 0 dp.

To get the sale for the previous year (ie 2021) I created

Previous Year

[Latest Year]-1

Drag this field into the ‘dimensions’ section of the left hand data pane (ie above the line), and then create

PY Sales

IF YEAR([Order Date]) = [Previous Year] THEN [Sales] END

Format this to $ with 0 dp.

We then needed the % difference between these values

% Diff Sales From PY

(SUM([LY Sales]) – SUM([PY Sales]))/SUM([PY Sales])

Apply custom formatting set to +0.0%;-0.0%;0.0% which explicitly adds the + sign in front of positive values.

To help with the interactivity that is required in the dashboard, I also created

Sales Label


With all these, we can build the KPI ‘card’.

Add Sales Label to Detail, and LY Sales, PY Sales, Previous Year and % Diff Sales From PY to the Label/Text shelf.

Format the text so it is aligned middle centre, and the arrange the text as required

Set the view to Entire View and stop the Tooltip from displaying (uncheck show tooltip). Name the sheet Sales KPI.

Building the Profit KPI

Repeat similar steps as above, apply formatting to the fields as required. You’ll need

LY Profit

IF YEAR([Order Date]) = [Latest Year] THEN [Profit] END

PY Profit

IF YEAR([Order Date]) = [Previous Year] THEN [Profit] END

% Diff Profit From PY

(SUM([LY Profit]) – SUM([PY Profit]))/SUM([PY Profit])


Profit Label


Name the sheet Profit KPI.

Building the Line Chart

The line chart needs to change based on whether the Sales KPI or the Profit KPI sheet has been selected. We need a parameter to capture this ‘decision’.


string parameter defaulted to Sales

To the determine which actual value to display we need

Line – Measure to Display

IF [pMeasureToShow] = ‘Sales’ THEN [Sales] ELSE [Profit] END

format this to $ with 0dp.

I also created

Line – Measure to Display Axis (k)

IF [pMeasureToShow] = ‘Sales’ THEN [Sales] ELSE [Profit] END

ie the same field, but this was formatted to $ with 0 dp but display units of Thousands (k).

Having the two fields means that the axis can display in one format while the tooltip can show the more detailed value.

On a new sheet add Order Date to Columns and change to the discrete ‘month’ level (blue pill – May). Add Line – Measure to Display Axis (k) to Rows. Add Order Date to Colour. This will default to the Year level, and show all years from the data set, but we only want the latest 2 years. So create

Filter Years

YEAR([Order Date]) >= [Previous Year]

and add to the Filter shelf and set to True. Adjust colours to suit.

Add Order Date to the Label shelf and change to the Year level. By default the lines should be labelled. Edit the label and set the font to match mark colour. I also set the font to be Tableau Medium and bold. Adjust the order of the years in the colour legend, so 2022 is listed first which makes the line for 2022 sit ‘on top’ of the 2021 line.

Remove all gridlines/row column dividers, and set the axis lines to be bolder. Hide the Order Date label (right click > hide field labels for columns). Adjust the formatting of the Order Date axis, to display the months in an abbreviated form. Adjust the title of the y-axis to reference the pMeasureToShow parameter (right click the axis > edit).

Add Line – Measure to Display to the Tooltip shelf.

Adjust the Tooltip to display as

Finally, to help with the interactivity later, we will need

Month Order Date

DATEPART(‘month’, [Order Date])

This returns the number of the month ie 1 for January, 2 for February etc. Move this to the ‘dimensions’ section of the left hand data pane (drag above the line), and then add this to the Detail shelf. Change the field to be a discrete attribute

Name the sheet Line Chart.

Building the Symbol Chart

On a new sheet add Filter Years to the Filter shelf and set to True. Add Order Date to Columns and change to be at the discrete month level. Double click into the Rows shelf and manually type in MIN(0). Add Month Order Date to the Detail shelf.

We need to display coloured arrows depending on whether the change is up or down. For this we need

Symbol – Difference to Display is +ve

IF [pMeasureToShow] = ‘Sales’ THEN IIF([% Diff Sales From PY]>=0,TRUE,FALSE)
ELSE IIF([% Diff Profit From PY]>=0,TRUE,FALSE)

If the measure to display is Sales, and the difference in Sales from previous year is +ve, then return true, otherwise false, Else if the measure to display is Profit and the difference in Profit from the previous year is +ve, then return true, else false.

Change the mark type to Shape and then add this field to both the Colour shelf and the Shape shelf. Adjust colours and shapes accordingly.

Edit the axis and delete the title and set the major and minor tick marks to None. We need the axis to remain as we will need to ‘line up’ this chart with the line chart, and having a left hand axis will help.

Hide the months from showing (uncheck show header against the pill on Columns. Hide all gridlines, axis lines, zero lines & row/column dividers.

Name the sheet Symbol Chart.

Building the Main dashboard

Using horizontal and vertical layout containers, position the sheets in the required locations along with the title and the instructional text. Use background colours and inner & outer padding to give space between the objects.

For the line chart and symbol chart, these were placed in a vertical container, and the width of the ‘blank’ y-axis on the symbol chart widened to be in line with the axis on the line chart. The hierarchy of objects I used is pictured.

To make the Sales display on the line chart when the Sales KPI sheet is clicked, create a dashboard parameter action

Show Sales Line

On select of the Sales KPI sheet, set the pMeasureToShow parameter, passing in the value from the Sales Label field. When the selection is cleared, keep the parameter set to the current value.

And create a similar action to show the profit

Show Profit Line

On select of the Profit KPI sheet, set the pMeasureToShow parameter, passing in the value from the Profit Label field. When the selection is cleared, keep the parameter set to the current value.

We will need to return to this later, to add more interactivity, but for now we’ll move onto the analysis/drill down sheet.

Building the drill down table

We’re going to need a few more fields to build this type of display. Firstly, for the first bar chart column we need

Bar – LY Measure to Display

IF [pMeasureToShow] = ‘Sales’ THEN [LY Sales] ELSE [LY Profit] END

Bar – PY Measure to Display

IF [pMeasureToShow] = ‘Sales’ THEN [PY Sales] ELSE [PY Profit] END

Format both these fields to $ with 0dp.

Add State/Province to Rows and Bar – LY Measure to Display to Columns. Sort the states by the measure descending. Adjust the colour of the bar to suit. Add Bar – PY Measure to Display to the Detail shelf and add a reference line per cell that displays the average of this measure.

Show mark labels and adjust the font of the labels to be size 8pt. Widen each row, and align the State labels to the left, and change the font to be bold & black. Reduce the Size of the bars. Remove gridlines, but add row dividers.

Double click into the columns shelf and manually type MIN(0) to create a ‘fake’ axis and generate a MIN(0) marks card.

Create a new field

Measure Rank LY

RANK(SUM([Bar – LY Measure to Display]))

and add this to the Label shelf of the MIN(0) marks card. Adjust the table calculation so it is explicitly set to Compute by State/Province. Remove the Bar – PY Measure to Display field from the Detail shelf. Change the mark type to shape.

To determine what type of shape and what colour to apply, we need

Measure Rank PY

RANK(SUM([Bar -PY Measure to Display]))

and then

Measure Rank Change

IF [Measure Rank LY] < [Measure Rank PY] THEN ‘Up’ ELSEIF [Measure Rank LY] > [Measure Rank PY] THEN ‘Down’

Add this field to both the Shape and the Colour shelf, and adjust the table calculation so it is explicitly set to Compute by State/Province.

Adjust the shapes, and use a transparent shape against the Null option (see here for details). Adjust colours to suit. Increase the size of the shape, and align the label to the left.

For the next column, create

Bar – Measure Difference

SUM([Bar – LY Measure to Display]) – SUM([Bar -PY Measure to Display])

and custom format to +”$”#,##0;-“$”#,##0

Add to the Columns shelf, and labels should automatically get added.

Create a field

Bar – Measure Diff is +ve

[Bar – Measure Difference] >=0

and add to the Colour shelf of this marks card. Adjust colours to suit.

For the final column, we need to separately identify the values when the YoY measure difference is positive from those that are negative, and then apply ranking to each of these fields. So we need

+ve Measure Diff

IF [Bar – Measure Diff is +ve] THEN [Bar – Measure Difference] END

-ve Measure Diff

IF NOT([Bar – Measure Diff is +ve]) THEN [Bar – Measure Difference]*-1 END

Note, as the difference in this instance is negative, the values returned will also be negative, but when it comes to ranking, we want the record with the biggest negative difference to be ranked 1st ie if one value had a difference of -10 and another had a value of -100, in typical ranking, -10 is ‘higher’ than -100, so -10 would be ranked 1 and -100 2. But we want -100 to be ranked 1. So by multiplying the values by -1 in the calculation we actually return values 10 and 100. So when we rank them later, 100 is ranked 1 as it is bigger than 10.

Ranke +ve Measure Diff

RANK_UNIQUE([+ve Measure Diff])

Rank -ve Measure Diff

RANK_UNIQUE([-ve Measure Diff])

We will be displaying the information for the positive and negative ranks in separate ‘columns’ which we can do with

Rank YoY X-axis

IIF([Bar – Measure Diff is +ve], 1,2)

Add this field to columns and change the mark type to Circle. Add Bar – Measure Diff is +ve to Colour. Add Rank +ve Measure Diff and Rank -ve Measure Diff to Label. Ensure the table calculations for both fields are explicitly set to Compute by State/Province. Increase the Size of the circle, and align the label to be middle centre using a bold white font.

Now we have all the information displayed, we need to sort the tooltips.

This sheet, will be accessed through interaction and will be ‘filtered’ to just a specific month. For now, we’ll ‘hardcode’ the month by adding Month Order Date to the Filter shelf and selecting 3 (for March).

On the All marks card, add Latest Year, Previous Year, Month Order Date, Measure Rank PY to the Tooltip shelf.

We will also need

TOOLTIP – Rank statement decrease

IF [Measure Rank Change] <> ‘Up’ THEN MIN([State/Province]) + “‘s ” + [pMeasureToShow] + ‘ Rank decreased vs. same month last year.’ END

TOOLTIP – Rank statement increase

IF [Measure Rank Change] = ‘Up’ THEN MIN([State/Province]) + “‘s ” + [pMeasureToShow] + ‘ Rank increased vs. same month last year.’ END

TOOLTIP – Rank YoY Statement Negative

IF NOT([Bar – Measure Diff is +ve]) THEN MIN([State/Province]) + ‘ is a negative (Rank: ‘ + STR([Rank -ve Measure Diff]) + ‘) contributor to the overall YOY increment in the selected month.’ END

TOOLTIP – Rank YoY Statement Positive

IF [Bar – Measure Diff is +ve] THEN MIN([State/Province]) + ‘ is a positive (Rank: ‘ + STR([Rank +ve Measure Diff]) + ‘) contributor to the overall YOY increment in the selected month.’ END

Add all 4 of these fields to the Tooltip shelf of the All marks card. Ensure all the table calculation fields are set to explicitly Compute by State/Province.

Now adjust the tooltip with all the relevant fields, applying colouring as required

Hide the axis and hide the null indicator. Hide the State/Province column label heading. Finally, remove the Month Order Date field from the Filter shelf. The tooltip will look a bit funny at this point, but that will get sorted later.

Name the sheet Drill Down Table.

Building the drill down dashboard

Again using vertical and horizontal containers, arrange the sheet on a dashboard along with the title. Use text boxes arranged in a horizontal container directly above the Drill Down Table sheet to display the column headings.

As I didn’t want to hardcode any years, I created the following parameters


integer parameter defaulted to 2022 and with a display format that did not include thousand separators.



integer parameter defaulted to 2021 and with a display format that did not include thousand separators.



integer parameter defaulted to 3 and with a display format that did not include thousand separators.

When building the column headings, I referenced all these parameters instead.

To ‘set’ these parameters, I added Previous Year and Latest Year to the Detail shelf of both the Line Chart and Symbol Chart sheets.

I then added 3 dashboard parameter actions to the main dashboard which on select of the Line Chart or Symbol Chart sheet, set the relevant parameter with the value from the appropriate field.

To ensure the drill down gets ‘filtered’ to the month selected on the main dashboard, add a dashboard filter action

Drill down

On select of the Line Chart or the Symbol Chart, target the Drill Down Table sheet on the Drill Down dashboard, passing the selected field of MONTH(Order Date) only. Exclude all values when selection is cleared.

The final step is to add a Navigation Button to the drill down dashboard which displays the text ‘Go back to landing page’ and navigates back to the main dashboard.

And hopefully, with all that, you have a completed interactive navigational dashboard! My published version is here.

Happy vizzin’!


Help me choose my wine!

As we continue global recognition month for #WOW2023, Flavio Matos introduced this challenge which displays a unit chart of wines by type.

An added twist was to provide the ability for the user to switch between English (UK) and Portuguese (Brazil) languages, and the excel data set provided a sheet with the data per language.

After completing my solution, I checked out Flavio, and found he built the chart for each language (and so data source) in 2 separate sheets, added to 2 different dashboards and used navigation button with a flag image to switch between 2 dashboards. I chose to go a different route, one that didn’t mean duplicating the viz. This means that if I had to alter the viz in future for some reason, I’m only doing it once.

Modelling the data

To build in a single sheet, I needed to have the data for two languages combined into one table. Connect to the excel workbook and add the Wine sheet to the canvas, then add a relation to the Vinho sheet and set the relationship to match on the Wine field from each sheet.

Building the Viz

We need a parameter to manage the language selection


string parameter defaulted to ‘UK’

This parameter is then used to determine which of the fields we need to use on the viz, and these are determined through calculated fields.

Country to Display

IIF([pCountry]=’UK’, [Category],[Family])

Add this to Rows then add Abreviation to the Detail shelf. Sort the Country To Display field by the count of the Abbreviation field descending.

Change the Mark type to Square then add Abreviation to the Label shelf. Adjust the sheet to Entire View and then align the label to be middle centre.

Create a parameter to store the list of English options that can be selected


string parameter containing the list of options (taken from the requirements page), with All listed first. Default to All.

Then create a version to store the Portuguese options


string parameter containing the list of options (taken from the requirements page), with Todos listed first. Default to Todos.

To flag the wines that are related to the options selected, we need

Wine has Tag

IF [pCountry] = ‘UK’ THEN
IF [pOptions-UK] = ‘All’ THEN TRUE
IF [pOptions-Portuguese]=’Todos’ THEN TRUE
ELSEIF CONTAINS([Tags (Vinho)],[pOptions-Portuguese]) THEN TRUE

This returns true or false based on what country has been selected, and in turn what country specific option has been selected. If the wine is tagged with that option, or all wines have been selected then true is returned, otherwise false.

And then using this field we can determine how to colour the squares.


IF [Wine has Tag] THEN
IF [pCountry]=’UK’ THEN [Type]
IF [Type] = ‘Red’ THEN ‘Tinto’
ELSEIF [Type] = ‘Sparkling’ THEN ‘Espumante’
ELSEIF [Type] = ‘White’ THEN ‘Branco’
ELSE [Type]
IIF([pCountry]=’UK’, ‘No Highlight’,’Nao Harmoniza’)

This is slightly more detailed as the Type field in each of the excel sheets are both stored in English, but the legend in the viz shows the types in Portuguese when that language is selected. Ideally the Type should have just come straight from the data source.

Add the 3 parameters to the view, and then add Colour to the Colour shelf. Set the pCountry parameter to UK, and choose Appetizers from the pOptions-UK parameter. Adjust the colours to suit. Manually sort the colour legend options, so the colours are listed Red > Rose > Sparkling > White > No Highlight.

Then clear the pCountry parameter (or set it to any value other than UK) and set the pOptions-Portuguese parameter to Aperitivos. Once again adjust colours as required and re-order.

The tooltips need to be language specific, and only display for the wines that match the options chosen. For these we need the following calculated fields

Tooltip – Wine

IF [Wine has Tag] THEN [Wine (Wine)] ELSE ” END

Tooltip – Food Pairing

IF [Wine has Tag] THEN
IIF([pCountry]=’UK’,[Food pairing],[Food pairing (Vinho)])

Tooltip – Food Pairing Label

IF [Wine has Tag] THEN
IIF([pCountry]=’UK’,’Food pairing:’, ‘Harmoniza com:’)

Tooltip – Notes

IF [Wine has Tag] THEN
IIF([pCountry]=’UK’,[Notes],[Notes (Vinho)])

Add all four of these fields to the Tooltip shelf and adjust accordingly

Finally tidy up the formatting by removing row dividers and hiding the Country to Display column heading (hide field labels for rows).

Building the Country Selector

For this I needed to add the UK and Brazilian flags a custom shapes to my Tableau repository. I just sourced some images via my favourite search engine and added them to my repository as per the instructions here.

On a new sheet I then added Abreviation to Columns and also to Filter and just filtered to the first 2 options Ab and Ag. I changed the mark type to shape. I then created the field

Country Selector


and added this to the Shape shelf, and selected the two flags.

Remove the row dividers and hide the header (uncheck show header on the Abreviation pill).

Building the dashboard

Add the sheets to your dashboard and display both the options parameter and the colour legend. I used layout containers for most of the arrangement, but floated the colour selector viz. I then added the title in English and Portuguese in two separate text boxes. I also hid the title of the colour legend, and add 2 different text boxes with the colour legend title in English and Portuguese. My layout looked like

To only show the sections based on the language selected, we need the following fields

Country is UK


Country is Brazil


On the dashboard, select the text box which contains the English title, then on the Layout tab, select the Control visibility using value checkbox, and choose the Country is UK field.

Repeat this for all the other objects – the other title, the food selector parameters and the colour legend titles, choosing the Country is UK or the Country is Brazil option as appropriate.

To switch the language, we need to add a dashboard parameter action

Select Country

On selection of the Country Selector viz, set the pCountry parameter by passing in the value from the Country Selectior field.

The final step is to stop the country flags from being ”greyed out’ ‘highlighted’ when one is selected (ie the other flag ‘greying out’).

Create a fields





and add these 2 fields to the Detail shelf of the Country Selector worksheet.

The back on the dashboard, add a dashboard filter action

Country Selector – Unhighlight

on selection of the Country Selector sheet on the dashboard, target the Country selector sheet directly, passing the fields True = False. Show all values if the selection is cleared.

And with that, the viz should be complete. My published version is here.

Happy vizzin’!
