How far would total steps from TC23 respondents take you?

As community month draws to a close, long term participant Deborah Simmonds set us a map based challenge based on TC23 data.

I chose to use the data that was associated to the solution workbook, rather than take the direct source, so bear that in mind if you’re following along.

Examining the data

As there were quite a few fields in the data set which were directly related to the solution, I just wanted to familiarise myself with what I was working with initially. Essentially we have a row per person (Names Full) with the hotel they stayed at (Label Hotels), and how many steps (Steps) they took each day (Date). The details of the convention centre (Label Convention Centre) exist against every row.

The LAT and LON fields contain the location details of the hotels, while Convention LAT and Convention LON contain the location details of the Mandalay Bay Convention Centre.

Names Full already had the logic applied to create names for users based on their User ID if the Name was NULL, so I didn’t need to do anything for that requirement.

We only want to consider records relating to those people who attended ‘In Person’ and who had provided a hotel. Consequently I added the following as data source filters (right click data source -> edit data source filters) to exclude unrequired records from the whole analysis.

  • Did you attend in person or virtual? : In person
  • Label Hotels : excludes NULL

Building the BANs

The BANs have 3 metrics – the number of attendees, the number of steps, and the distance in metres (based on the logic that 1 step = 0.75m).



Distance (m)

[Steps] * 0.75

On a new sheet add Date to Filter as a range of dates and show the filter control. Add Attendees, Steps and Distance (m) so the measures are displayed in a row.

Change the mark type to shape and add a transparent shape (see this blog for more details). Add Measure Names to Label too and then adjust label accordingly and align centrally.

Hide the header row (uncheck show header), remove row dividers and don’t show tooltips. Name the sheet BANs or similar. Adjust the date slider and the values should adjust.

Building the bar chart (viz in tooltip)

On a new sheet add Names Full to Rows and Steps to Columns. Apply the same Date filter (from the BANs worksheet, set the filter to apply to this new worksheet too).

The viz needs to display a reference line showing the overall average of the steps per person across the selected dates, regardless as to whether the records are filtered to a hotel or not.

What do I mean by this… well if I add a standard average reference line to the viz above, the average for the whole table is 78.2k steps.

If I now filter this by a Label Hotel, then the average changes, and I don’t want that – I still want to see 78.2k.

But the average does need to change if the date range changes

This took a bit of effort to get right, but I needed

Avg Steps

SUM({FIXED Date: SUM([Steps])})/SUM({FIXED:COUNTD([User ID])})

Format this as a number with 1dp set to the K (thousandths) level

and I also needed to add the Date field on the Filter shelf to context.

So reverting back to the initial view of the bar chart… right click on the Date filter and Add to Context. Add Avg Steps to the Detail shelf. Then add a reference line (right click the Steps axis > add reference line) that displays the Avg Steps with a dark dashed line with a custom label.

Format the reference line to position the label at the top and adjust the font style.

To colour the bars we need

Steps above average

SUM([Steps]) >=[Avg Steps]

Add this to the Colour shelf, change the colours and adjust the opacity to about 75%.

Hide the column heading, and adjust the font size of the names and the axis. Name the sheet Bars or similar.

Building the initial map

I decided to create 2 maps – one for the initial display of all the hotels and the convention centre, and then one for the selected location and buffer.

To plot the hotels on the map I created

Hotel Locations


On a new sheet, add this to the Detail shelf. A map will automatically generate with Latitude and Longitude fields. Change the Mark Type to Circle, then add Label Hotels to Label and align left middle. Edit the map Background Layers (via the map menu) to add Streets, Highways etc to the display

Add Steps, Attendees and Distance(m) to the Tooltip. Add Attendees to the Size shelf and adjust the size to vary by range

Apply the Date filter from the other worksheets to this sheet too. For the tooltip, We need to know about the min and max dates in the range selected. Create

Min Date


and custom format simply as dd (the day only)

Also create

Max Date


and custom form this as dd mmm yyyy

Add both of these fields to the Tooltip shelf. Adjust the text in the Tooltip and add a reference to the Bars sheet as a viz in tooltip (Insert > sheets > ). Adjust the height of the sheet to be 900.

The viz in tooltip should now display nicely on hover

To add the mark for the convention centre, we need

Conf Location

MAKEPOINT([Convention LAT], [Convention LON])

Drag this onto the map, and drop it when Add A Marks Layer displays

This will create a 2nd marks card. Change the mark type to shape and select the Tableau sparkle image if you have it stored. If not, just use another shape or circle (coloured differently).

Add Attendees to Size and add Label Convention Centre to Label and align left middle. Add Steps and Distance(m) to Tooltip and adjust to suit. Hide all the map options (map menu -> map options -> uncheck all the selections). Name the sheet Map – Initial or similar.

Building the ‘selected’ map

This will use parameters to identify what’s been selected – a hotel or the convention centre, so we need


string parameter defaulted to empty string



string parameter defaulted to empty string, just like above

The intention is that either both these parameters will be empty or only one will be populated.

To plot on a map we need

Selected Hotel Location

IF [pSelectedHotel] = [Label Hotels] AND [pSelectedCentre] =” THEN [Hotel Locations] END


Selected Centre Location

IF [pSelectedHotel] = ” AND [pSelectedCentre] =[Label Convention Centre] THEN [Conf Location] END

Duplicate the initial map sheet and name it Map – Selection. Show the two parameters and verify both are empty.

On the Hotel Locations marks card, drag the Selected Hotel Location field and drop it straight onto the Hotel Locations field. On the Conf Location marks card, drag Selected Centre Location and drop straight onto the Conf Locations field. Your map shouldn’t display anything…

Manually type ‘Luxor’ into the pSelectedHotel parameter. A mark should display. Adjust the Label of the Selected Hotel marks card so it is larger font, and aligned top middle. Set the colour to orange and remove the halo.

Remove the text from the pSelectedHotel parameter and manually type ‘Mandalay Bay Convention Centre’ into the pSelectedCentre parameter. A mark should display. Adjust the Label of the Selected Centre marks card so it is larger font, and aligned top middle. Remove the halo from the Colour shelf.

To create the buffer circle, we need to define the buffer radius, which is the attendee steps in metres.

Buffer Distance (m)

{FIXED : SUM(IF [pSelectedHotel] = [Label Hotels] OR [pSelectedCentre] = [Label Convention Centre] THEN [Steps] END)} * 0.75

and then we create


IF [pSelectedHotel] <> ” THEN
BUFFER([Selected Hotel Location], [Buffer Distance (m)], ‘m’)
ELSEIF [pSelectedCentre] <> ” THEN
BUFFER([Selected Centre Location], [Buffer Distance (m)], ‘m’)

Add this as another marks layer.

Reduce the opacity on the colour shelf to 0% and set the border to be orange. We don’t want to allow any interactivity with the buffer, so disable selection of the layer, and also move down so it is listed at the bottom of the 3 map layers.

Show the Date filter control and adjust the dates to see the buffer adjusting. Test the behaviour with a hotel too (you may find you want to add some more detail to the background layers of the map).

We will use dynamic zone visibility on the dashboard to decide whether to display the initial or the selected map. To control this, we need

Show Initial Map

[pSelectedCentre]=” and [pSelectedHotel]=”


Show Selected Map

[pSelectedHotel]<>” OR [pSelectedCentre]<>”

Adding the interactivity

Create a dashboard, add the BANs and both the map sheets.

Create a dashboard parameter action

Set Hotel

On selection of the Initial Map set the pSelectedHotel parameter passing in the value from the Label Hotels field. When the selection is cleared, reset to ”.

and another parameter action

Set Conv Centre

On selection of the Initial Map set the pSelectedCentre parameter passing in the value from the Label Convention Centre field. When the selection is cleared, reset to ”.

Select the Initial Map object, and from the Layout tab, set the visibility to be controlled by the Show Initial Map field

Then select the Selected Map object, and set the visibility to be controlled by the Show Selected Map field. Only one of the maps should display based on the interactivity.

This is all the core functionality of the map, but Deborah threw in a couple of extra asks…

Building the Distance Legend

We’re using map layers again for this. Create a new field



Add it to the Detail shelf of a new worksheet to create the 1st map layer, then immediately add another map layer, by adding another instance of Zero to the sheet.

Switch the axis, and the map will disappear, and you’ll have axis displayed instead. Change the mark type of the first map layer to circle and colour orange.

Change the mark type of the 2nd map later to circle and colour pale grey with an orange border. Increase the Size of this circle so it appears as a ring around the filled orange circle. Move the 2nd marks layer down to the bottom and disable both marks from being selectable.

Hide the axis and gridlines/zero lines.

Right click on the central circle and annotate point. Don’t enter any text into the annotation box, just click OK. You should get the annotation box with a line.

Move the box so the connector line is horizontal, then format the annotation so the shading is set to none and the line is formatted to be a darker dashed line. Update the title of the sheet.

Building the Size Legend

Apply a similar process to that described above, but this time create 3 mark layers where the mark type is an open circle shape which is coloured blue, and for each layer, the size of the circle is slightly bigger. This time show the zero lines.

Set the background of both the legend sheets to be none (ie transparent), then add them as floating objects onto the dashboard. Use the control visibility feature to only display the Size legend when Show Initial Map is set, and only display the Distance legend when Show Selected Map is set. Set a background against each object of light grey, that is then set to 80% transparency.

With this you should have a completed challenge. My published version is here.

Happy vizzin’!


Playing with Stacks

For this week’s challenge, Sean Miller introduced multiple ways to get insight from a stacked bar chart. I managed this using 5 sheets and 1 dashboard.

Preparing the data

As the requirement stated only 2024 was to be considered, I chose to add a data source filter (right click data source -> Add Data Source Filter) where the Order Date Year = 2024.

Option 1 : The Analytics Pane

On a new sheet, add Order Date to Columns as a discrete month (blue pill) and Sales to Rows. Format Sales to $ with 0 dp. Change the mark type to bar and add Ship Mode to the Colour shelf.

Format MONTH(Order Date) to display the dates as Abbreviation. Manually move Ship Mode = Same Day in the colour legend so it is listed first. Hide the Order Date heading (right click -> hide field labels for columns).

Add a reference line (right click Sales axis -> add reference line) that sets a reference line per cell to the sum of Sales and displays the Value on the label.

Format the reference line (right click on one of the lines) and align the label top centre. Adjust the Tooltip if required. Add a white border around the bars (via the colour shelf).

Right click on the Ship Mode pill on the Colour shelf and check the Show Highlighter option to display the highlight input box. Test that selecting an option in the highlight box shows a recalculated reference line.

Name this sheet Option 1 or similar.

Option 2 – Dual Axis

Duplicate the Option 1 sheet and rename to Option 2 or similar.

We will capture the selected ship mode in a parameter.


string parameter defaulted to empty string.

Show the parameter and then enter the text ‘First Class’

Create a new calculated field

Selected Ship Mode Sales

IF [Ship Mode] = [pShipModeSelected] THEN [Sales] END

format this to $ with 0dp.

Add Selected Ship Mode Sales to Rows. Change the mark type on the associated marks card to line and remove Ship Mode from the Colour shelf. Adjust the colour of the line to a dark grey/black and show mark labels.

Make the chart dual axis and synchronise the axis. Hide the right hand axis (uncheck show header) and remove column and row dividers.

Change the text in the parameter to Same Day. You should now get a broken line. Right click on the Selected Ship Mode Sales pill and format. Set the marks for special values to Hide (Connect Lines).

Option 3 – Dynamic Stacks

Duplicate the Option1 sheet again and rename to Option3. Show the pShipModeSelected parameter and enter text ‘Same Day’.

Create a new calculated field


IIF([Ship Mode]=[pShipModeSelected],1,0)

and drag it into the ‘dimension’ section of the data pane (above the line).

Right click on the Ship Mode pill on the Colour shelf and select Sort.. Change the Sort By option to Field ascending and Field Name = Sort. This will push the bars related to Same Day to the bottom of the stacked bar.

Building the Ship Mode Selector

On a new sheet, add Ship Mode to Columns and then double click into Columns and manually type MIN(1). Change the mark type to bar and edit the MIN(1) axis to fix it from 0 to 1.

Add Ship Mode to Colour and to Label (you may have to widen the bars to make the label visible). Align the label middle centre and bold the font. Adjust the size to the largest possible.

Hide the axis and the Ship Mode headings (uncheck show header). Remove all column/row dividers. Hide the Tooltip from displaying. Name the sheet accordingly.

Building the Navigation selector

I chose to add all the sheets onto a single dashboard (rather than separate dashboards), so created a navigation sheet.

To help with this, I basically utilised the Segment field that wasn’t being used, and essentially translated the values to repurpose them for the navigation options.


CASE [Segment]
WHEN ‘Consumer’ THEN ‘Option 1: The Analytics Pane’
WHEN ‘Corporate’ THEN ‘Option 2: Dual Axis’
ELSE ‘Option 3: Dynamic Stacks’

Add this field to Columns and type in a MIN(1) in Columns too. Change mark type to bar, fix the axis from 0-1. Make the Size as large as possible. Add Navigation to Label and align middle centre and set the font to white. Adjust the column divider to be a thick white line and remove row divider. Hide the axis and the Navigation headings.

Create a new parameter to capture the navigation selection.


string parameter defaulted to : Option 1: The Analytics Pane

Show the parameter. Create a new field

Is Selected Display

[Navigation] = [pSelectedDisplay]

and add to the Colour shelf. Adjust to suit. Adjust Tooltip as required and rename the sheet.

Building the Dashboard

Create a dashboard and arrange all the objects on the dashboard, with the different options placed above each other. Use containers if need be. You’ll have something like this – it’ll look a little messy but don’t worry.

We’ll be using Dynamic Zone Visibility to control which object displays based on which option from the Navigation sheet is selected.

First, let’s set the interactivity to control the navigation selection. Add a parameter action

Select Display

on select of the Navigation sheet, set the pSelectedDisplay parameter, passing in the value from the Navigation field. Keep current value when deselected.

Clicking on the different options in the Navigation control will now change the parameter value, but this won’t do anything yet. We need several calculated fields

Option 1 Selected

[pSelectedDisplay] = ‘Option 1: The Analytics Pane’

Option 2 Selected

[pSelectedDisplay] = ‘Option 2: Dual Axis’

Option 3 Selected

[pSelectedDisplay] = ‘Option 3: Dynamic Stacks’

Option 2 or 3 Selected

[pSelectedDisplay] <> ‘Option 1: The Analytics Pane’

All of these fields will return True if the condition is met, so we can use these to control which objects display.

Back on the dashboard, select the Highlight Ship Mode object, and from the Layout pane, check the Control visibility using value and choose the Option 1 Selected field.

Select the Option1 bar chart and apply the same settings.

Now select the Ship Mode Selection sheet, but this time, choose the Option 2 or 3 Selected field to control visibility. It’s likely this field will now disappear.

Select the Option2 bar chart and choose Option 2 Selected field. This will disappear.

Select the Option3 bar chart and choose Option 3 Selected field. This will disappear.

Now click on the different options in the Navigation control and the different charts should display.

(Note – I actually chose to contain the highlight selector and the option1 bar chart within their own layout container, which meant I could then just apply the setting to control visibility of the layout container rather than the individual objects).

Ensure either Option2 or 3 on the navigation bar is selected so the Ship Mode selector is displayed. Create another parameter action

Set Ship Mode

On select of the Option 2 & 3 Selector sheet, set the pShipModeSelected parameter, passing in the value from the Ship Mode field. When clearing the selection, set the value to <empty string>.

Clicking on a ship mode should now display the line or reorder the stack depending what Option you were on.

In clicking the nav or the ship mode selector, you will probably have noticed that the other options become ‘greyed out’ or ‘faded’ To stop this from happening, use a highlight dashboard action.

Create a new field, mine happened to be



but it could just as easily be named anything containing any string. Add this field to the Detail shelf of the Navigation sheet and the Ship Mode Selection sheet.

Back on the dashboard create a new highlight dashboard action

Deselect Ship Mode Selector

On select of the Option 2&3 Selector sheet, target itself but using the selected field of True.

Create another highlight dashboard action apply the same principals for the Navigation sheet (for more information and worked examples on ‘deselecting marks’, see this blog.

And hopefully you should now have a working solution. My published workbook is here.

Happy vizzin’!


Excel at Tableau Interactivity with Dynamic Zone Visibility

Erica set the #WOW2024 challenge this week, asking us to recreate this ‘drillable’ functionality within a single dashboard.

To achieve this, I used 4 sheets

  • A large map
  • A small map
  • A table of data
  • A navigational control

along with parameter actions to drive the interactivity, and dynamic zone visibility to control what displayed when.

Building the large map

On a new sheet, double click on State/Province to automatically generate a map of the United States – if this doesn’t display by default, then make sure the location of your map settings are referencing the USA (Map menu > Edit Locations). Hide the ‘unknown’ indicator displayed bottom right. Change the mark type to map to create a filled map. Change the colour to a grey (I used #c0c0c0). Add State/Province to the Filter shelf and select Arkansas. Show the filter.

Click on the Tooltip button, and delete all the text in the dialog.

Now drag City onto the map and drop it on the section that appears labelled Add a Marks Layer. On the ‘City’ marks card that now appears, change the mark type to circle. Move City to the Label shelf and then also add State/Province to Detail. Change the colour of the circles to dark grey (I used #767f8b).

Update the Tooltip on the City marks card. Turn off all the map options to stop the pan/zoom map control options from appearing (map menu -> map options -> deselect all the options). Remove all row/column dividers.

Name the sheet Map-Large or similar.

Building the Small Map

Duplicate the Map-Large sheet, and name the new sheet Map-Small. Remove all background layers so just the state outline remains (Map menu -> background layers -> set washout to 100%).

On the Label shelf of the City marks card, uncheck show mark layers so the name of the city is not displayed and click on the Tooltip shelf and uncheck show tooltips, so they aren’t displayed either.

On this map, we need to highlight a selected City. For this we need a parameter to capture the City, and a calculated field to identify which City has been selected. We will also need a parameter to capture the State/Province to ensure the interactivity works as required.


string parameters defaulted to ” (ie empty string)


string parameter defaulted to ” (ie empty string)

Is Selected City

[City] = [pSelectedCity]

Add Is Selected City to the Colour shelf of the City marks card.

Show the pSelectedCity parameter and type in ‘Fayetteville’. The colour legend should display values for True & False. Adjust colours to suit.

Also add Is Selected City to the Size shelf and adjust the sizes accordingly.

Building the table

On a new sheet, add

  • State/Province to Filter and filter to ‘Arkansas’
  • Add Is Selected City to Filter and filter to True
  • Add Customer Name, Order ID and Product Name to Rows
  • Right-click on the State/Province field in the Filter shelf and apply to worksheets > selected worksheets and select the Large Map & Small Map sheets. This makes the filter shared between all those sheets.

Create a new field

Unit Price


and add to Text.

Drag Quantity onto the canvas and drop on the ‘unit price’ column when you see show me appear. This will automatically add Measure Values to Columns and Measure Names to Filter.

Do the same for Sales. Reorder the pills in the Measure Values box so they are arranged as required.

Add subtotals (Analysis menu > Totals > Add all subtotals), then display at the top (Analysis menu > Totals > Column Totals to Top).

Right-click on the Customer Name pill in Rows and uncheck Subtotals from the context menu.

Format the table: set the worksheet background colour to light grey and set the total (pane & header) background colour to a shade darker.

Adjust the width and height of the columns and rows to suit.

Uncheck show tooltip from the Tooltip shelf, and name the sheet Table or similar.

Building the Navigation sheet

The ‘back to main map’ navigational display is actually a worksheet rather than a navigational object on a dashboard, as we need to apply parameter actions to it in order to reset some parameters.

On a new sheet, double click into the space on the marks card below the shelf buttons, and type ‘X’

Change the mark type to Text and move the X field to the Text shelf. Update the text to include the additional words, adjust the font size and then align middle centre. Uncheck Show tooltip.

Create the following fields

City – Reset

State – Reset

and add both to the Detail shelf. Name the sheet Navigation or similar.

Building the dashboard

Using horizontal and vertical layout containers, arrange all the objects on a dashboard. You will need to adjust the background colour of some objects and the padding to get everything looking as expected. This can be quite tricky and is very hard to explain in a blog. The item hierarchy in the image below will help give you an idea

To draw horizontal or vertical lines, add a blank object to the layout container, change the background colour, reduce the padding to 0 and then adjust the height or width of the object so it is very narrow.

These are the properties associated with the red ‘tab’ in the heading – the background colour is red, inner and outer padding is 0, width is 4px and the object is contained within a horizontal container

For the City/State title, reference the pSelectedState and pSelectedCity parameters, along with a unicode symbol which I copy and past from here.

Adding the interactivity

Add the following dashboard actions

Set State

on select of the Map-Large sheet, set the pSelectedState parameter passing in the value of the State/Province field. When the selection is cleared, retain that value.

Set City

on select of the Map-Large sheet, set the pSelectedCity parameter passing in the value of the City field. When the selection is cleared, retain that value.

Reset State

On select of the Navigation sheet, set the pSelectedState parameter passing in the value of the State – Reset field. When the selection is cleared, retain that value.

Reset City

On select of the Navigation sheet, set the pSelectedCity parameter passing in the value of the City- Reset field. When the selection is cleared, retain that value.

Click around on the dashboard and sense check the parameters appear to be behaving – ie if you click on a city on the large map sheet, the table and small map should update, and if you then click the navigation sheet, the table shouldn’t show anything, and the small map shouldn’t show anything highlighted.

Hide and show the objects

Finally, we need to only show the required objects depending on the actions taken. For this we need some additional calculated boolean fields. Go back to any sheet, and create the following calculated fields

City is Selected


City Not Selected


Note, these fields just have to exist, they don’t need adding to any sheet.

Navigate back to the dashboard.

Click on the Map-Large object, and on the Layout tab, check the control visibility using value option, and choose the City Not Selected value.

This means that when City Not Selected is true (ie the pSelectedCity parameter is empty), this object will display. When City Not Selected is false (ie the pSelectedCity parameter has a value), this object will be hidden.

Depending on what you’ve been clicking, this object might disappear immediately.

Click on the Table object, and do the same steps, but this time choose the City is Selected field. This means the table will only show then the pSelectedCity parameter has a value.

Apply the same settings so the small map, the table title, and the navigation sheet only show when City is Selected. Note – depending on how you have built the dashboard, you may find you can apply the setting once against a container which contains all the objects you want to hide rather than against each individual object.

I also chose to only display the Select a State filter control when the City Not Selected was true.

And hopefully, that should be it. My published viz is here.

Happy vizzin’!


Help me choose my wine!

As we continue global recognition month for #WOW2023, Flavio Matos introduced this challenge which displays a unit chart of wines by type.

An added twist was to provide the ability for the user to switch between English (UK) and Portuguese (Brazil) languages, and the excel data set provided a sheet with the data per language.

After completing my solution, I checked out Flavio, and found he built the chart for each language (and so data source) in 2 separate sheets, added to 2 different dashboards and used navigation button with a flag image to switch between 2 dashboards. I chose to go a different route, one that didn’t mean duplicating the viz. This means that if I had to alter the viz in future for some reason, I’m only doing it once.

Modelling the data

To build in a single sheet, I needed to have the data for two languages combined into one table. Connect to the excel workbook and add the Wine sheet to the canvas, then add a relation to the Vinho sheet and set the relationship to match on the Wine field from each sheet.

Building the Viz

We need a parameter to manage the language selection


string parameter defaulted to ‘UK’

This parameter is then used to determine which of the fields we need to use on the viz, and these are determined through calculated fields.

Country to Display

IIF([pCountry]=’UK’, [Category],[Family])

Add this to Rows then add Abreviation to the Detail shelf. Sort the Country To Display field by the count of the Abbreviation field descending.

Change the Mark type to Square then add Abreviation to the Label shelf. Adjust the sheet to Entire View and then align the label to be middle centre.

Create a parameter to store the list of English options that can be selected


string parameter containing the list of options (taken from the requirements page), with All listed first. Default to All.

Then create a version to store the Portuguese options


string parameter containing the list of options (taken from the requirements page), with Todos listed first. Default to Todos.

To flag the wines that are related to the options selected, we need

Wine has Tag

IF [pCountry] = ‘UK’ THEN
IF [pOptions-UK] = ‘All’ THEN TRUE
IF [pOptions-Portuguese]=’Todos’ THEN TRUE
ELSEIF CONTAINS([Tags (Vinho)],[pOptions-Portuguese]) THEN TRUE

This returns true or false based on what country has been selected, and in turn what country specific option has been selected. If the wine is tagged with that option, or all wines have been selected then true is returned, otherwise false.

And then using this field we can determine how to colour the squares.


IF [Wine has Tag] THEN
IF [pCountry]=’UK’ THEN [Type]
IF [Type] = ‘Red’ THEN ‘Tinto’
ELSEIF [Type] = ‘Sparkling’ THEN ‘Espumante’
ELSEIF [Type] = ‘White’ THEN ‘Branco’
ELSE [Type]
IIF([pCountry]=’UK’, ‘No Highlight’,’Nao Harmoniza’)

This is slightly more detailed as the Type field in each of the excel sheets are both stored in English, but the legend in the viz shows the types in Portuguese when that language is selected. Ideally the Type should have just come straight from the data source.

Add the 3 parameters to the view, and then add Colour to the Colour shelf. Set the pCountry parameter to UK, and choose Appetizers from the pOptions-UK parameter. Adjust the colours to suit. Manually sort the colour legend options, so the colours are listed Red > Rose > Sparkling > White > No Highlight.

Then clear the pCountry parameter (or set it to any value other than UK) and set the pOptions-Portuguese parameter to Aperitivos. Once again adjust colours as required and re-order.

The tooltips need to be language specific, and only display for the wines that match the options chosen. For these we need the following calculated fields

Tooltip – Wine

IF [Wine has Tag] THEN [Wine (Wine)] ELSE ” END

Tooltip – Food Pairing

IF [Wine has Tag] THEN
IIF([pCountry]=’UK’,[Food pairing],[Food pairing (Vinho)])

Tooltip – Food Pairing Label

IF [Wine has Tag] THEN
IIF([pCountry]=’UK’,’Food pairing:’, ‘Harmoniza com:’)

Tooltip – Notes

IF [Wine has Tag] THEN
IIF([pCountry]=’UK’,[Notes],[Notes (Vinho)])

Add all four of these fields to the Tooltip shelf and adjust accordingly

Finally tidy up the formatting by removing row dividers and hiding the Country to Display column heading (hide field labels for rows).

Building the Country Selector

For this I needed to add the UK and Brazilian flags a custom shapes to my Tableau repository. I just sourced some images via my favourite search engine and added them to my repository as per the instructions here.

On a new sheet I then added Abreviation to Columns and also to Filter and just filtered to the first 2 options Ab and Ag. I changed the mark type to shape. I then created the field

Country Selector


and added this to the Shape shelf, and selected the two flags.

Remove the row dividers and hide the header (uncheck show header on the Abreviation pill).

Building the dashboard

Add the sheets to your dashboard and display both the options parameter and the colour legend. I used layout containers for most of the arrangement, but floated the colour selector viz. I then added the title in English and Portuguese in two separate text boxes. I also hid the title of the colour legend, and add 2 different text boxes with the colour legend title in English and Portuguese. My layout looked like

To only show the sections based on the language selected, we need the following fields

Country is UK


Country is Brazil


On the dashboard, select the text box which contains the English title, then on the Layout tab, select the Control visibility using value checkbox, and choose the Country is UK field.

Repeat this for all the other objects – the other title, the food selector parameters and the colour legend titles, choosing the Country is UK or the Country is Brazil option as appropriate.

To switch the language, we need to add a dashboard parameter action

Select Country

On selection of the Country Selector viz, set the pCountry parameter by passing in the value from the Country Selectior field.

The final step is to stop the country flags from being ”greyed out’ ‘highlighted’ when one is selected (ie the other flag ‘greying out’).

Create a fields





and add these 2 fields to the Detail shelf of the Country Selector worksheet.

The back on the dashboard, add a dashboard filter action

Country Selector – Unhighlight

on selection of the Country Selector sheet on the dashboard, target the Country selector sheet directly, passing the fields True = False. Show all values if the selection is cleared.

And with that, the viz should be complete. My published version is here.

Happy vizzin’!


Can you build a flexible tabular display?

The challenge this week was to provide a balance between the user requesting ‘all the numbers’ and the visualisation designer trying to encourage ‘best practice’. It was inspired by Sam Parsons‘ viz here, which he discusses in this video.

We’re going to use 2 sheets to build this, one to display the text and one to display the bars. But first we need to define some parameters for the user to drive the display


string parameter containing a list of two options, and defaulted to ‘Bars’


boolean parameter, defaulted to False

The measures we’ll be displaying are the Sales in 1000s and the Profit Ratio percentage, so we’ll need

Sales (k)


format to 1 dp


Profit Ratio %


custom format this to â–² #,##0.0;â–¼ #,##0.0 (you can use this site to copy & paste the symbols required).

Let’s start to build out the tabular view.

Add Category and Sub-Category to Rows. Add Region and Order Date (as a blue, discrete pill, at the YEAR level) to Columns. Add Measure Names to Filter and filter to Sales (k) and Profit Ratio %. Add Measure Values to Text. Add Measure Names to Columns in front of the Order Date field. Swap the order of the pills in the Measure Values box.

Add subtotals (Analysis > Add all Subtotals) and set Row Totals to Left and Column Totals to Top. Add Column Grand Totals (Analysis > Show Column Grand Totals).

Set the totals, so they are displaying the average values (Analysis > Totals > Total All Using > Average)

Right click on the label ‘Grand Total’ in the table, and format. In the left hand pane, change the label from ‘Grand Total’ to ‘All Categories’

Right click on the ‘Total’ label in the columns and format and change the Totals label to ‘Avg per Yr’

Now we have the content of the table, we need to add the functionality to expand/collapse (hide or show) the Year columns based on the pShowExpanded parameter. For this we need

Show / Hide Columns

IF [pShowExpanded] THEN ‘Show’ ELSE ‘Hide’ END

Add pShowExpanded to the view, and add Show/Hide Columns to Rows.

You should see that the value for Show/Hide Columns is only visible against the Year columns and not against the sub totals. With pShowExpanded set to False the value displayed is ‘Hide’

Now right click on the text ‘Hide’ and select the Hide option from the context menu

The Year columns will disappear. Change pShowExpanded to True, and voila! the columns are displayed. Uncheck Show Header against the Show/Hide Columns so the text ‘Show’ is not visible when expanded.

The ‘hide’ option is a really sneaky trick, but so very effective at not displaying specific rows/columns without filtering them out. It isn’t obvious it’s been applied though (there’s no clues in the canvas), so as a top tip, I recommend always adding a note to the worksheet caption to remind your future self (or a colleague who needs to maintain the workbook), that this has been applied.

Formatting the table

Now the functionality has been nailed, we need to apply the formatting & styling to the table.

I set the fonts to Tableau Medium, colour #7d4e47 throughout. The ‘All Categories’ Grand Total label was 11pt, the Category labels 9pt and the Sub-Category labels 8pt. The Region labels were 11pt, the Measure Names labels were 9pt and the ‘Avg per Yr’ and YEAR(Order Date) labels all 8pt. The Text of the numbers in the main body of the table were all set to 8pt too.

The background of the workbook was set to cream: #fefaf1

and then the total and grand total rows were coloured #faf4e7 and #f5eddc accordingly

To colour the font, add Measure Values to Colour, and right click and select Use Separate Legends

This will then give you two colour legends.

Adjust the Sales (k) colour legend – select any diverging colour palette, set Stepped Colour to 2 steps, and check Include Totals, and then click on the colours at each end and set both to the same brown (#7d4e47).

Repeat similar steps for the Profit Ratio % colour legend, but this time also set the range to be centred at 0, and apply different colours to the ends (#ff6f6a and #7d4e47).

Remove the Category & Sub-Category and Region/Order Date labels from displaying (hide field labels for columns/rows), and adjust the width and height of the cells to give a bit more spacing. Hide the tooltips from showing.

Create the bar table

Duplicate the sheet. Add Measure Values to Columns, and the click on the Label shelf and uncheck Show Mark Labels. Click on the Colour shelf and change the opacity to 35%. Reduce the Size of the bar to suit, then hide the Measure Values axis (uncheck Show Header).

Click on the Tooltip shelf and enable tooltips, then adjust accordingly.

Re-apply any of the formatting to the text that may have been lost – for some reason I lost all the Tableau Medium style fonts…???

Swapping the sheets on the dashboard

Create a dashboard, add a vertical layout container and add both sheets.

We will make use of dynamic zone visibility to only display the sheet we want based on the value of pDisplayType. To do this, we need some more calculated fields

Show Bar

[pDisplayType] = ‘Bars’

Show Numbers

[pDisplayType] = ‘Numbers’

Go back to the dashboard. Add the pDisplayType parameter. Click on the Bar sheet so it is selected (grey box) and on the Layout tab, check the Control visibility using.. checkbox and choose the Show Bar field.

Repeat the same steps for the Text table, but select the Show Numbers field instead. Depending what value is displayed in the pDisplayType parameter, one of the sheets should disappear, and changing the pDisplayType value should swap between them.

Now, style the dashboard as required.

My published viz is here.

Happy vizzin’!


Can you build a dashboard for pre-aggregated metrics?

For the challenge this week, Kyle asked us to recreate the visualisation above using an adapted version of Superstore which had a customer count metric for 3 dimensions (Category, Segment and Region) along with ‘no’ dimension (null) pre-aggregated at a Yearly or Monthly Level.

By this I mean that, at a Yearly level, when the date was 1st Jan 2019 say, a row of data existed for the (distinct) customer count of all the combinations of the 3 dimensions and null. In total 80 rows for the one date.

As the data was pre-aggregated, it made no sense to say the customer count for Technology is the sum of all the rows where Category = Technology and this would mean data was being double counted.

Pivoting the data also wouldn’t yield the desired result. So the aim of this challenge was to be able to identify the relevant rows of data that needed to be displayed based on the options selected by the user.

Building the calculations

Parameters will be driving the user selections, so these need to be set up


string parameter with a list of 2 options: Monthly and Yearly. Defaulted to Monthly.


string parameter with a list of 4 options : Category, Region, Segment, None. Defaulted to Segment

Similarly, create pXAxis and pYAxis parameters similar to above, but default both to None.

On a new sheet build a tabular view with

  • Table Names, Category, Segment and Region on Rows
  • Order Date set to discrete (blue pill) exact date on Columns
  • Customer Count on Text
  • Show all 4 parameters created

The rows of data need to be filtered by Table Name (as defined by the pDateGrain parameter) and a combination of Category, Segment and Region based on the options selected in the other 3 parameters.

To filter by the Table Name we need

Filter – Date Grain

[pDateGrain] = [Table Names]

Add this to the Filter shelf and set to True.

Change the pDateGrain parameter to Yearly as there is less data to see/check.

Based on the options selected in any of the other 3 parameters, we need to find matching rows.

For example, if pColour is Segment and the other parameters are None, we are looking for the rows where the Segment column is not null, but the Region and Category columns are (we would be after the same rows if pXAxis was set to Segment, and the other parameters were None or, if pYAxis is Segment and the other parameters were None).

In this case, we’re looking for 3 rows of data – those highlighted below

If instead any two of the parameters were set to Segment and Category and the other None, then we’d be looking for rows where Segment is not null, Category is not null and Region is null. This would be 9 rows in total (a snippet of which is shown below).

We also need to deal with scenarios where all three parameters were set to something different, or all set to None as well as handle if multiple parameters are set to the same thing.

Now to do this, I ended up building a single field to use as filter that contains all the scenarios. As I was building it up, I figured there should be a slicker way, and there is (check out Kyle’s solution), but if your brain is wired the same way as mine, then you’ll end up with this

Filter Rows to Include

IF [pColour] = ‘None’ AND [pXAxis] = ‘None’ AND [pYAxis] = ‘None’ THEN
//no options selected
ELSEIF (([pColour] <> ‘None’ AND [pXAxis] = ‘None’ AND [pYAxis] = ‘None’) OR
([pColour] = ‘None’ AND [pXAxis] <> ‘None’ AND [pYAxis] = ‘None’) OR
([pColour] = ‘None’ AND [pXAxis] = ‘None’ AND [pYAxis] <> ‘None’)) THEN
// one of the 3 options selected, so work out which dimension
IF [pColour] = ‘Category’ OR [pXAxis] = ‘Category’ OR [pYAxis] = ‘Category’ THEN
ELSEIF [pColour] = ‘Segment’ OR [pXAxis] = ‘Segment’ OR [pYAxis] = ‘Segment’ THEN
ELSEIF [pColour] = ‘Region’ OR [pXAxis] = ‘Region’ OR [pYAxis] = ‘Region’ THEN
ELSEIF (([pColour] <> ‘None’ AND [pXAxis] <> ‘None’ AND [pYAxis] = ‘None’) OR
([pColour] <> ‘None’ AND [pXAxis] = ‘None’ AND [pYAxis] <> ‘None’) OR
([pColour] = ‘None’ AND [pXAxis] <> ‘None’ AND [pYAxis] <> ‘None’)) THEN
// two options selected, so work out which dimensions we need
IF ([pColour] = ‘Category’ OR [pXAxis] = ‘Category’ OR [pYAxis] = ‘Category’) AND ([pColour] = ‘Segment’ OR [pXAxis] = ‘Segment’ OR [pYAxis] = ‘Segment’) THEN
ELSEIF ([pColour] = ‘Category’ OR [pXAxis] = ‘Category’ OR [pYAxis] = ‘Category’) AND ([pColour] = ‘Region’ OR [pXAxis] = ‘Region’ OR [pYAxis] = ‘Region’) THEN
ELSEIF ([pColour] = ‘Segment’ OR [pXAxis] = ‘Segment’ OR [pYAxis] = ‘Segment’) AND ([pColour] = ‘Region’ OR [pXAxis] = ‘Region’ OR [pYAxis] = ‘Region’) THEN
//or the two options selected are the same dimension
ELSEIF ([pColour] = ‘Category’ OR [pXAxis] = ‘Category’ OR [pYAxis] = ‘Category’) AND ([pColour] = ‘Category’ OR [pXAxis] = ‘Category’ OR [pYAxis] = ‘Category’) THEN
ELSEIF ([pColour] = ‘Segment’ OR [pXAxis] = ‘Segment’ OR [pYAxis] = ‘Segment’) AND ([pColour] = ‘Segment’ OR [pXAxis] = ‘Segment’ OR [pYAxis] = ‘Segment’) THEN
ELSEIF ([pColour] = ‘Region’ OR [pXAxis] = ‘Region’ OR [pYAxis] = ‘Region’) AND ([pColour] = ‘Region’ OR [pXAxis] = ‘Region’ OR [pYAxis] = ‘Region’) THEN
ELSE //all three selected, but they could be all the same dimension or 2 of the three the same
IF ([pColour] = ‘Category’ OR [pXAxis] = ‘Category’ OR [pYAxis] = ‘Category’) AND ([pColour] = ‘Segment’ OR [pXAxis] = ‘Segment’ OR [pYAxis] = ‘Segment’) AND ([pColour] = ‘Region’ OR [pXAxis] = ‘Region’ OR [pYAxis] = ‘Region’) THEN
//all three different
ELSEIF ([pColour] = ‘Category’ OR [pXAxis] = ‘Category’ OR [pYAxis] = ‘Category’) AND ([pColour] = ‘Region’ OR [pXAxis] = ‘Region’ OR [pYAxis] = ‘Region’) THEN
ELSEIF ([pColour] = ‘Category’ OR [pXAxis] = ‘Category’ OR [pYAxis] = ‘Category’) AND ([pColour] = ‘Segment’ OR [pXAxis] = ‘Segment’ OR [pYAxis] = ‘Segment’) THEN
ELSEIF ([pColour] = ‘Region’OR [pXAxis] = ‘Region’ OR [pYAxis] = ‘Region’) AND ([pColour] = ‘Segment’ OR [pXAxis] = ‘Segment’ OR [pYAxis] = ‘Segment’) THEN
ELSEIF [pColour] = ‘Category’ OR [pXAxis] = ‘Category’ OR [pYAxis] = ‘Category’ THEN
ELSEIF [pColour] = ‘Segment’ OR [pXAxis] = ‘Segment’ OR [pYAxis] = ‘Segment’ THEN
ELSEIF [pColour] = ‘Region’ OR [pXAxis] = ‘Region’ OR [pYAxis] = ‘Region’ THEN


Blimey! A bit monolithic I know, but it just grew organically as I tried out the different scenarios step by step. Unfortunately the above doesn’t copy over the formatting nicely, as there are nested (tabbed) IF statements which makes it (a bit) easier to read.

Suffice to say, I’m not going to walk through step by step, but it’s checking for all the different permutations are discussed above, and marking the relevant rows as True. This field can then be added to the Filter shelf and set to True.

Kyle’s solution, essentially replaces this one calculated field, with 3 calculated fields – 1 per parameter – which are all then added to the filter shelf. It’s much neater 🙂

So now we’ve identified the rows we want based on parameters, but there is also the ability to filter the rows further based on the values of the Category, Segment or Region.

Add each of the 3 fields to the Filter shelf and select the All option, then show the filters on the view. For each of the Category, Segment and Region filters, set the option to show Only Relevant Values. This will prevent the NULLs from showing as an option when the relevant dimension is listed as one of the parameter selections

As you can see from the above image though, Region is only showing Null, and this is because in the example above, Region isn’t selected as an option for the pColour, pXAxis or pYAxis parameters. When it comes to the dashboard, we don’t want the Region filter to be visible in this case. To help with this, we need 3 further calculated fields.

Show Filter – Region

[pColour] = ‘Region’ OR [pXAxis] = ‘Region’ OR [pYAxis] = ‘Region’

This returns True if one of the 3 parameters contains the value ‘Region’. Similarly, create Show Filter – Category and Show Filter – Segment fields.

The final calculated fields we need are to help build the ‘cross tab’ view.


CASE [pXAxis]
WHEN ‘Category’ THEN [Category]
WHEN ‘Region’ THEN [Region]
WHEN ‘Segment’ THEN [Segment]


CASE [pYAxis]
WHEN ‘Category’ THEN [Category]
WHEN ‘Region’ THEN [Region]
WHEN ‘Segment’ THEN [Segment]


CASE [pColour]
WHEN ‘Category’ THEN [Category]
WHEN ‘Region’ THEN [Region]
WHEN ‘Segment’ THEN [Segment]

Now we’ve got all the fields needed to build the viz.

Building the viz

The quickest way is to duplicate the sheet we’ve built, as all the filters need to apply, so

  • Duplicate the sheet
  • Remove all the fields from Rows
  • Change the Order Date field on Columns to be continuous (green pill)
  • Add X-Axis to Columns
  • Add Y-Axis to Rows
  • Move Customer Count to Rows
  • Add Colour to the Colour shelf.
    • Adjust the colours to suit.
    • Change the value of the option in the pColour parameter, and readjust the colours. Repeat so that colours are set for Category, Segment and Region.
  • Add Colour to the Label shelf

Remove all gridlines, axis and zero lines. Remove the Y-Axis and X-Axis row/column labels by right clicking the text and selecting Hide field labels for rows/columns. Edit the Order Date axis (right click axis -> Edit) and remove the axis title.

Add Order Date to Tooltip and format it to the ‘March 2001’ date format. Adjust the tooltip as below

Hiding the filters

Add the viz to a dashboard and arrange the parameters and filter controls in the relevant location. I used layout containers to help with the organisation.

Select the Category filter and on the Layout tab, select the Control visibility using value checkbox and select the Show Filter – Category field.

Repat the same steps for the Region and Segment filters, selecting the equivalent calculated fields.

And that should be it. My published viz is here.

Happy vizzin’!


Can you hide & show legends?

Sean chose to revisit the first challenge he participated in as part of retro-month at WOW HQ. Since the original challenge in 2018, there have been a significant number of developments to the product which makes it simpler to fulfil the requirements. The latest challenge we’re building against is here.

Building the KPIs

This is a simple text display showing the values of the two measures, Sales and Profit. Both fields need to be formatted to $ with 0dp.

  • Add Measure Names to Columns
  • Add Measure Names to Filter and limit to just Sales and Profit
  • Add Measure Values and Measure Names to Text
  • Format the text so it is centrally aligned and styled apprpriately
  • Uncheck ‘show header’ to hide the column label headings
  • Remove row/column dividers
  • Uncheck ‘show tooltip’ so it doesn’t display

Building the map

The map needs to display a different measure depending on what is clicked on in the KPIs. We will capture this measure in a parameter


string parameter defaulted to Profit

Then we need to determine the actual measure to use based on this parameter

Measure to Display

If [pMeasure] = ‘Profit’ THEN SUM([Profit]) ELSE SUM([Sales]) END

format this to $ with 0 dp

Double click on State/Province to automatically generate a map with Longitude & Latitude fields. Add Measure to Display to Colour. Adjust Tooltips.

Remove the map background via the map ->background layers menu option, and setting the washout property to 0%. Hide the ‘unknown’ indicator.

Update the title of the sheet and reference the pMeasure parameter, so the title changes depending on what measure is selected.

Show the pMeasure parameter and test typing in Sales or Profit and see how the map changes

Building the bar chart

Add Sub-Category to Rows and Measure to Display to Columns. Sort descending. Adjust the tooltip.

Edit the axis so the title references the value from the pMeasure parameter, and also update the sheet title to be similar.

Building the dimension selector control

The simplest way of creating this type of control is to use a parameter containing the values ‘State’ and ‘Sub-Category’. But you are very limited as to how the parameter UI looks.

So instead, we need to be build something bespoke.

As we don’t have a field which contains values ‘State’ and ‘Sub-Category’, we’re going to use another field that is in the data set, but isn’t relevant to the rest of the dashboard, and alias some of it’s values. In this instance I’m using Region.

Right click on the Region field in the data pane and select Aliases. Alias Central -> State and East -> Sub-Category.

On a new sheet add Region to Rows and also to Filter and filter to State & Sub-Category. Manually type in MIN(0.0) into the Columns shelf. Add Region to the Label shelf and align right. Edit the axis to be fixed from -0.05 to 1, so the marks are shifted to the left of the display.

We will need to capture the ‘dimension’ selected, and we’ll store this in a parameter


string parameter defaulted to Central

(note – although the fields are aliased, this is just for display – the values passed around are still the underlying core values).

To know capture which dimension has been set we need

State is Selected

[Region] = [pDimension]

Change the mark type to Shape and add State is Selected to the Shape shelf, adjusting so ‘true ‘ is represented by a filled circle, and ‘false’ by open circle. Set the colour to dark grey.

Change the background colour to grey, amend the text style, hide the Region column and the axis, remove all gridlines/row dividers.

Finally, we will need to stop the field from being ‘highlighted’ on selection. So create two fields





and add both of these to the Detail shelf. We’ll apply the required interactivity later.

Building the dashboard

You will need to make use of containers in order to build this dashboard. I use a vertical container as a ‘base’ which consists of the rows showing the title, then BANs, a horizontal container for the main body, and a footer horizontal container.

In the central horizontal container, the map and the bar chart should be displayed side by side. We need each to disappear depending on the dimension selected. For this we need

Show Map

[pDimension] = ‘Central’


Show Bar

[pDimension] = ‘East’

On the dashboard, select the Map object and then from the Layout tab, select the control visibility using value checkbox and select the Show Map field.

Do the same for the Bar chart but select the Show Bar field instead.

Select the colour legend that should be displayed and make it a floating object. Position where you want, and also use the Show Map field to select the control visibility using value checkbox.

Adding the interactivity

To select the different measure on click of the KPI, we need a parameter action

Set Measure

On select of the KPI chart, set the pMeasure parameter passing in the value from the Measure Names field.

And to select the dimension to allow the charts to be swapped, another parameter action

Set Dimension

On select of the Dimension Selector sheet, set the pDimension parameter, passing in the value from the Region field

Finally, to ensure the dimension selector sheet doesn’t stay ‘highlighted’, add a filter action

Unhighlight Dimension Selector

On select of the Dimension Selector sheet on the dashboard, target the Dimension Selector sheet directly, and pass values setting True = False

Hopefully this is everything you need to get the dashboard functioning. My published viz is here.

Happy vizzin’!


Re-viz: Discovery Dashboard

For the next few Workout Wednesdays, the coaches will be revisiting old challenges – retro month! Erica kicked the month off with this challenge, to recreate Ann Jackson’s challenge from 2018 Week 38. I completed this challenge at the time (see here), but the additions and changes to the visual display Erica incorporated meant I couldn’t just republish it 🙂

So I built it from scratch using the data source from the google drive Erica referenced in the requirements (which I believe may be why my summary KPIs didn’t actually match Erica’s).

There’s a heck of a lot going on in this challenge – it certainly took some time to complete, which may mean this blog becomes quite lengthy… I will endeavour to be as succinct as I can, which may mean I don’t explicitly state every step, or show lots of screen shots.

Setting up the parameters

I used parameters and subsequently dashboard parameter actions to build my solution. Erica mentions set actions, but I chose not use any sets.

As a result there’s lots of parameters that need creating


This is a string parameter that contains the list of possible dimensions to define the lowest level of detail to show on the scatter plot (ie what each dot represents). Default to Sub-Category. Note how the Display As field differs from the Value field.

pColour Dimension

This is a string parameter that will contain the value of the dimension used to split the display into rows (where each row is coloured). This will get set by a parameter action from interactivity on the dashboard, so no list of options is displayed. Default to Segment.


boolean parameter to control whether the chart should be split with a row per ‘colour’ dimension, or just have a single row. The values are aliased to Yes/No


another boolean parameter to control whether the chart should be split with a column per year or just have a single column. The values are aliased to Yes/No (essentially similar to above)


string parameter that contains the value of the measure to display on the x-axis. This will be set by a dashboard parameter action, so no list is required. Default to Sales.


Similar to above, a string parameter that contains the value of the measure to display on the y-axis. This will be set by a dashboard parameter action, so no list is required. Default to Profit.


string parameter that contains the dimension value associated to the mark that a user clicks on when interacting with the scatter plot, and then causes other marks to be highlighted, or a line to be drawn to connect the marks. This will be set by a dashboard parameter action, so no list is required. Default to <nothing>/empty string.

Building the basic Scatter Plot

The scatter plot will display information based on the measures defined in the pX-Axis and pY-Axis parameters. We need to translate exactly what the measures will be based on the text strings


CASE [pX-Axis]
WHEN ‘Profit’ THEN SUM([Profit])
WHEN ‘Sales’ THEN SUM([Sales])
WHEN ‘Quantity’ THEN SUM([Quantity])


CASE [pY-Axis]
WHEN ‘Profit’ THEN SUM([Profit])
WHEN ‘Sales’ THEN SUM([Sales])
WHEN ‘Quantity’ THEN SUM([Quantity])

We also need to define which field will control the lowest level of detail based on the pAggregate dimension

Dimension Detail

CASE [pAggregate]
WHEN ‘Category’ THEN [Category]
WHEN ‘Sub-Category’ THEN [Sub-Category]
WHEN ‘Product’ THEN [Product Name]
WHEN ‘Region’ THEN [Region]
WHEN ‘State’ THEN [State]
WHEN ‘City’ THEN [City]

Similarly we need to know which field to split our rows by (the colour)

Dimension Row

CASE [pColour Dimension]
WHEN ‘Segment’ THEN [Segment]
WHEN ‘Category’ THEN [Category]
WHEN ‘Region’ THEN [Region]
WHEN ‘Ship Mode’ THEN [Ship Mode]

but as we need different behaviour depending on whether the pSplit-Colour field is yes or no, we need

Row Display

IF [pSplit-Colour] THEN [Dimension Row]
ELSEIF [pColour Dimension] = ‘Category’ THEN ‘All Categories’
ELSE ‘All ‘ + [pColour Dimension] + ‘s’

If the parameter is true, then just show the value from the Dimension Row, otherwise display as ‘All Categories’ or ‘All Segments’ or ‘All Regions’ etc.

Similarly, as the columns can be split by years or not, we need


IF [pSplit-Year] THEN STR(YEAR([Order Date])) ELSE ” END

Add the fields to a sheet with

  • Years & X-Axis on Columns
  • Row Display & Y-Axis on Rows
  • Dimension Detail on Detail
  • Dimension Row on Colour
  • Set the mark type to circle and reduce colour opacity
  • Edit the axes, so the titles are sourced from the pX-Axis and pY-Axis parameters
  • Show all the parameters and manually edit the values/change the selections to test the functionality.

Highlighting corresponding marks

Show the pSelectedDimension parameter and hover over a mark in the scatter plot to read the value of the Dimension Detail field. Enter than value into the pSelectedDimension parameter (eg based on what is displayed above, each mark is a Sub-Category, so I’ll set the field to ‘Phones’).

We need to determine whether the value in the parameter matches the dimension in the detail

Highlight Mark

[pSelectedDimensionValue] = [Dimension Detail]

This returns True or False. Add this field to the Detail shelf, then add it as second field on the Colour shelf.

Adjust the default sorting of the Highlight Mark field, so the True is listed before False (sorted descending) – right click on the field > Default Properties > Sort. And ensure the colour fields on the shelf are listed so Dimension Row is above Highlight Mark. If all this is done, then the colour legend show look similar to below, where the Dimension Row is listed before the True/False, and the Trues are listed above the Falses, so the True is a darker shade of the colour.

Add Highlight Mark to the Size shelf and then edit the size legend to be reversed and adjust the sizes so the smaller ones aren’t too small, but you can differentiate (you may need to adjust the overall size slider on the size shelf too).

Making a connected dot plot

Add Order Date at the Year level (blue discrete pill) to the Detail shelf of the scatter plot.

To make the lines join up when the viz isn’t split by year, we need a field

Y-Axis Line

IF NOT [pSplit-Year] AND [pSelectedDimensionValue] = MIN([Dimension Detail]) THEN [Y-Axis] END

This will only return a value to plot on the Y-Axis if pSplit-Year = No and a user has clicked on a mark.

Set the pSplit-Year parameter to No, then add Y-Axis Line to Rows. On the Y-Axis Line marks card, remove Highlight Mark from colour and size and also remove Dimension Row from Colour. Add Order Date at the Year level (blue discrete pill) to Detail. Change the mark type to Line then add Year(Order Date) to Path instead of Detail.

Make the chart dual axis and synchronise the axis.

Play around changing the pSplit-Year parameter and the value in the pSelectedDimension parameter to test the functionality.

Tidy the scatter plot by adjusting font sizes, removing the right hand axis & the gridlines, lightening the row & column dividers, removing row & column label headings. Tidy up tooltips. Add a title that references the parameter values.

Building the Total Marks KPI

Create a new field

Count Marks


and a field



Set this field to be a discrete dimension (right click > convert to discrete)

On a new sheet, add Dimension Row, Dimension Detail and Order Date (set to Year level as blue discrete pill) to the Detail shelf. Add Count Marks to Text. Adjust the table calculation setting of Count Marks so that all the fields are selected.

Add Index to the Filter shelf and select 1. Then adjust the table calculation setting of this field so it is also computing by all fields. Re-edit the filter, and adjust so only 1 is selected. This should leave you with 1 mark. Change the mark type to shape and set to use a transparent shape.

Adjust font size & style, set background colour of worksheet to grey, adjust title, hide tooltips.

Building the X-Axis KPI

For this we need

Total X-Axis

TOTAL([X-Axis ])

Min X-Axis


Max X-Axis


On a new sheet add Dimension Row, Dimension Detail, YEAR(Order Date) to Detail. Add pX-Axis, Total X-Axis, Min X-Axis & Max X-Axis to Text. Adjust all the table calcs of the Total, Min, Max fields to compute using all dimensions listed. Add Index to filter and again set to 1, then adjust the table calc and re-edit so it is just filtered to be 1. Set the mark type to shape and use a transparent shape. Adjust the layout & font of the text on the label. Set background colour of worksheet to grey, adjust title, hide tooltips.

Building the Y-Axis KPI

Repeat the steps above, creating equivalent Total, Min & Max fields referencing the Y-Axis.

Creating the Y-Axis ‘buttons’

We’ll start with creating a Profit button

Create a field

Label: Profit



Y-Axis is Profit

[pY-Axis] = ‘Profit’

We will also need the field below for later on

Y-Axis not Profit

[pY-Axis] <> ‘Profit’

On a new sheet double click on Columns and manually type in MIN(1). Add Label: Profit to Text and Y-Axis is Profit to Colour. Change the mark type to bar.

Set the Size of the bar to maximum, adjust the axis to be fixed from 0-1 and hide the axis. Remove all column/row banding, axis line, gridlines etc.

Show the pY-Axis parameter. If the colour legend is set to True (as pY-Axis contains Profit), then adjust the colour to a dark grey. Then change the value of the pY-Axis parameter, which should then display False in the colour legend. Adjust this to light grey. You may need to do this the other way round. Hide tooltips.

Repeat the same process to create separate sheets for Sales and Quantity with equivalent calculated fields (I found the easiest way was to duplicate the sheet and then swap out the fields).

Creating the X-Axis ‘buttons’

Again, just duplicate the above steps but reference the pX-Axis parameter instead.

You should end up with 6 sheets (1 per measure – Sales, Profit, Quantity – per axis), and 18 calculated fields (3 per measure & axis) as a result.

Creating the ‘Select Colour’ buttons

For the Category button, create

Label: Category



Colour is Category

[pColour Dimension] = ‘Category’

Build a ‘button’ as a bar chart, using the same principals as above. You will need to show the pColour Dimension parameter to test changing the value to set the different colours.

Repeat the same steps to build 3 further sheets for Region, Segment and Ship Mode.

Building the dashboard

You will need to use layout containers to arrange all the objects in. The main body of the dashboard consists of a horizontal layout container, which contains 3 objects: a vertical container (left column with configuration options), the scatter plot in the middle and then another vertical container (right column with KPIs).

The left hand ‘Configure Your Chart’ vertical container consists of text objects, parameters, the X-Axis ‘button’ sheets, the Y-Axis ‘button’ sheets and the Colour ‘button’ sheets.

For each of the X-Axis and Y-Axis button sheets, a parameter action needs to be created like below

Set Y-Axis to Profit

On select of the Y-Axis Profit sheet (or whatever you have named the sheet), set the pY-Axis parameter with the value from the Label:Profit field.

You should end up with 6 different parameter actions for these fields – 1 per measure per axis .

For each of the ‘Colour’ buttons, a similar parameter action is also required

Set Colour to Category

On select of the Colour-Category sheet (or whatever you have named the sheet), set the pColour Dimension parameter with the value from the Label:Category field.

You should end up with 4 parameter actions like this.

The Y-Axis and X-Axis buttons should only display 2 options at a time, so you can’t select the same measure for both axis.

Assuming Profit is currently selected on the Y-Axis, then select the object that displays the Profit X-Axis ‘button’ and from the Layout tab, set to control visibility using value and select the Y-Axis not Profit calculated field. As the Y-Axis is set to Profit, the Profit X-Axis button will disappear.

Repeat these steps for each of the X & Y Axis button sheets. Note, sometimes it’s easier to select the object via the Item Hierarchy section of the Layout tab.

For the scatter plot, the user needs the ability to select a mark and the others be highlighted/connected depending on the current settings. This needs another parameter action

Select Dimension Value

On select of the scatter plot, set the pSelectedDimensionValue parameter with the value from the Dimension Detail field.

For the right hand KPI nav, the vertical container consists of text objects, and the KPI sheets.

To make horizontal line separators, set the padding on a blank object to 0, the background colour to the colour you want, and then edit the height of the blank object to 2pt.

For the Info ‘button’, add a floating text box containing the relevant text and position it where you want it to display. Give the object a border and set the background to white. Then select the object and choose the Add Show/Hide Button from the context menu. Edit the button to display an info icon when hidden. Ensure the button is also floating and position where you want.

I used additional floating text boxes to display some of the other text information on the dashboard.

No doubt you’ll need to spend some time adjusting padding and layout to get everything where you want, but this should get you the core functionality.

My published viz is here. Phew! that was epic!

Happy vizzin’!


Can you build a mobile KPI app?

For week 24 of #WOW2023, Kyle set this challenge involving dynamic zone visibility to build a mobile friendly KPI visual.

The charts being displayed are relatively simple, and use techniques applied several times in other challenges. Let’s tackle the charts for each ‘page’ one by one.

The Home page

For the Sales KPI

  • Double click into Columns and type MIN(1)
  • Add Sales to Label.
  • Set to Entire View
  • Adjust the MIN(1) axis to be fixed from 0-1
  • Adjust the text in the Label dialog to include the word Sales and resize fonts.
  • Align the label middle centre
  • Increase the size to the maximum value
  • Adjust the colour
  • Format the Sales measure to be $ with 0 dp.
  • Uncheck the show tooltip option from the Tooltip dialog
  • Hide the Min(1) axis
  • Ensure no row/column divider lines are displayed and remove all gridlines, zero lines, axis ticks etc

Duplicate this sheet and create equivalent ones for Profit and Orders – you’ll need to create a field

Count Orders

COUNTD([Order ID])

for the orders KPI.

For the Sales Sparkline

  • Add Sales to Rows
  • Add Order Date as a continuous (green) pill set at the Month level.
  • Adjust the colour
  • Hide both the axis
  • Remove all gridlines, zero lines, axis lines, row/column dividers
  • Adjust the tooltip
  • Format the background of the worksheet to light grey (#f5f5f5).

Duplicate the sheet and create equivalent ones for Profit and Orders.

You should have 6 sheets for the home page.

The Category Page

The Category page is displaying values for the last 12 months based on ‘today’. If building this in a business environment, I would make use of the TODAY() function. But to ensure the viz doesn’t break in future, I’ll hardcode today within a parameter


date parameter defaulted to 14 June 2023

I then need a field to restrict the records to report over

Last 12 months only

[Order Date]>= DATEADD(‘month’, -12, DATETRUNC(‘month’,[pToday])) AND
[Order Date]<DATEADD(‘month’, 1,DATETRUNC(‘month’,[pToday]))

this will return true if the Order Date associated to the record is greater than or equal to the 1st of the month, 12 months ago, based on the pToday parameter, and the Order Date is less that the 1st of next month, based on pToday.

For the Category KPI sheet

  • Add Last 12 months only to the filter shelf and set to true
  • Add Category to Rows
  • Double click on Columns and type in MIN(1)
  • Add Sales and Category to Label
  • Set to Entire View
  • Adjust the MIN(1) axis to be fixed from 0-1
  • Adjust the text in the Label dialog and resize fonts.
  • Align the label middle centre
  • Increase the size to the maximum value
  • Adjust the colour
  • Uncheck the show tooltip option from the Tooltip dialog
  • Hide the Min(1) axis
  • Hide the Category column
  • Ensure no row/column divider lines are displayed and remove all gridlines, zero lines, axis ticks etc

For the Category trend

  • Add 12 months only to filter and set to true.
  • Add Category and Sales to Rows
  • Add Order Date as a continuous (green) pill set at the Month level.
  • Adjust the colour
  • Add Sales to Label and show the min & max labels for each Category pane
  • Hide both the axis
  • Remove all gridlines, zero lines, axis lines, column dividers
  • Adjust the tooltip
  • Format the background of the worksheet to light grey (#f5f5f5).

The Segment Page

Repeat the same steps as described above for the Category Page, but replace any reference to Category with Segment.

Sales by State Page

  • Add State/Province to Rows
  • Add Sales to Columns
  • Sort by Sales descending
  • Adjust the Colour
  • Click on the Label shelf and Show mark labels
  • Remove all gridlines, zero lines, axis lines, row/column dividers
  • Adjust the tooltip
  • Format the background of the worksheet to light grey (#f5f5f5).

Building the navigator

I went down a slightly longwinded route for this, but its still an acceptable method. I knew deep down it could be done in 1 sheet, but my brain just wasn’t quite wired up properly when I built it.

I basically ended up building 2 sheets per symbol.

Firstly, you’ll need to add the symbol images into your shapes palette.

Create a new field

Selection – Home


Also create fields






  • Add Selection – Home to the Text shelf.
  • Change the mark type to Shape and select the ‘home’ shape from your custom shape palette.
  • Set to Entire View, then adjust the Label alignment to be bottom centre.
  • Uncheck the show tooltip option from the Tooltip dialog
  • Format the background of the worksheet to medium grey
  • Add True and False to the Detail shelf.
  • Name the sheet Home – Unselected or similar

Duplicate sheet and change the background colour to teal or similar. Name this sheet Home – Selected or similar.

Repeat the process building 2 sheets for each image – you’ll need to create a SelectionCategory field, a Selection – Segment field and a Selection – State field.

Building the calcs for Dynamic Zone Visibility

In order to hide and show various content ‘on click’ we will be making use of dynamic zone visibility. For this we need several boolean fields created along with a parameter


string parameter, defaulted to Home

We then need

Is Home Selected

[pSelection] =’Home’

Is Home Not Selected

[pSelection] <>’Home’

Is Category Selected

[pSelection] =’Category’

Is Category Not Selected

[pSelection] <>’Category’

Is Segement Selected

[pSelection] =’Segment’

Is Segement Not Selected

[pSelection] <>’Segment’

Is State Selected

[pSelection] =’State’

Is State Not Selected

[pSelection] <>’State’

Building the Dashboard

We need to make use of multiple (nested) containers in order to get all the content positioned in the right place. I’m not going to go through step by step which containers to place where, but just summarise the key points.

For the ‘navigator’ strip, all 8 sheets need to be placed side by side in a horizontal container, and should be ordered so the ‘home’ sheets are first, then the ‘category’ ones etc. I adjusted the padding around each object to be 1px, and obviously didn’t show the title.

For each sheet, determine whether it should display or not by using the control visibility using value option on the layout tab, and selecting the appropriate field based on which ‘page’ the sheet relates to , and whether it’s the ‘active’ / selected sheet or not.

Eg for the teal Home – Selected sheet, the control visibility using value option should be driven based on the value of the Is Home Selected field, while the grey Home – Unselected sheet should be based on the value of the Is Home Not Selected field.

If all these are set correctly, only 4 of the 8 sheets should be visible at any one time – 1 teal and 3 grey.

For the ‘pages’ ie the set of sheets visible based on the selection in the navigator, a Horizontal Container should be used which in turn consists of 1 vertical container (for the sheets relating to the Home page), 2 horizontal containers (1 containing the 2 sheets side by side for the Category page, and 1 containing the 2 sheets side by side for the Segment page), and finally the Sales by State sheet should be added to the main horizontal container.

The Sales by State sheet should be visible based on the Is State Selected field. Each of the other containers should be visible based on their relevant field.

When putting all this together, the dashboard might look crowded and disorganised, but once the settings have been applied, only 1 page’ should be visible and then you can tweak padding and positioning if need be.

Capturing the selection

We need parameter actions to determine which card should display

Select Home

This parameter action should be applied when the Home – Selected or Home- Unselected sheets are clicked on, and it should set the pSelection parameter, passing in the Selection – Home field.

Equivalent parameter actions should then be created for each of the other Selected/Unselected sheets, passing in the appropriate Selection – xxx field.

Finally to ensure the navigation options don’t remain ‘selected’ on click (the images look darker) we need to apply filter actions to set the true field to false on each of the navigation buttons – this means 8 filter actions, which should look similar to this…

The source sheet selected on the dashboard should target the actual sheet itself (not the one on the dashboard).

Add a title and any other content onto the dashboard. Finally to ensure the viz works properly on a mobile, delete the phone layout option that is automatically listed on the dashboard tab.

My published instance is here. Check out Kyle’s solution to see the 1-sheet navigator.

Happy vizzin’!


Can you compare state sales – Part 2?

This week’s #WOW challenge is an extension of this challenge which I blogged about here. The premise is to mimic a real world scenario – a dashboard has been built and used, but now, a few months after use, additional functionality is required. I am going to be building on top of the solution I delivered for week 11. If you participated in that week, your solution may not have matched mine, so this guide may not be as coherent.

Identifying the selected states

In part 1, we captured the single state selected within a parameter pSelectedState via a parameter dashboard action. We now need to be able to capture multiple states. We’re still going to use the same parameter and a parameter action, but we need to adapt what will be stored within in it.

Instead of a single state being stored in the parameter, we’re now going use this parameter to build up a delimited list of the states selected. We can then interrogate that string to determine the first and the second state selected, and identify if any additional states have been selected.

When using delimited strings, you need to choose a character to separate the field values that isn’t going to appear within the field value itself; ie choose a character that won’t appear within a State name. In this instance I’m choosing | (pipe), and I’m going to build up the parameter as follows

No states selected<empty string>
1 state selected eg Arizona|Arizona|
2 states selected eg Arizona then Utah|Arizona||Utah|
3 states selected eg Arizona, then Utah, then Colorado|Arizona||Utah||Colorado|
Existing state is selected again (trigger to reset the view)<empty string>

Based on the logic above, we need to modify the existing field

State for Param

IF CONTAINS([pSelectedState], [State]) THEN ” //selected state is already in the parameter, so reset back to ”
ELSE [pSelectedState] + ‘|’ + [State] + ‘|’ //append current state selected to the existing parameter string

To see how this is working, go the the dashboard and display the pSelectedState parameter. Click on states and see how the parameter is changing.

As we interact with the hex maps, we can see the list of states building up in the parameter. We’ve obviously lost some of the other functionality now, but that’s ok, we have more things to adapt.

We can now manipulate this string to identify the first two states selected

First Selected State


returns the string that comes before the 2nd instance of the ‘|’ (and after the 1st)

Second Selected State


returns the string that comes before the 4th instance of the ‘|’ (and after the 3rd).

We can then use these fields to set the colour for the map

State Colour

IF [State] = [First Selected State] THEN ‘First’
ELSEIF [State] = [Second Selected State] THEN ‘Second’
ELSE ‘Other’

Replace the Is Selected State field that is currently on the Colour shelf and the Shape shelf of the Column (2) marks card, with this new State Colour field. Ensure you have at least 2 states listed in the pSelectedState parameter, so you have options for First, Second, Other all listed in both the colour and shape legends.

Adjust the Shape legend and set the First and Second values to use the same hexagon shape used initially, but set the Other option to use a transparent shape.

Adjust the colours. Increase the opacity on this mark to 100% Set the colours as you wish – I used:

  • First – teal : #66b3c2
  • Second – light teal : #bce4d8
  • Other – pale grey : #d3d3d3

Click around on the dashboard. You should find as you click the first state it is coloured dark teal. Click a second, it is coloured light teal. Click either selected state again, and the map resets. Click more than 2 states, and only the first 2 are coloured, whilst the parameter continues to capture all the states being clicked.

Alerting if more than two states are selected

We will need a field to identify if more than 2 states have been selected.

More than 2 Values Selected?

SPLIT([pSelectedStateString], ‘|’, 6) <> ”

This is looking for a 3rd instance of a value within the delimited string, and returns true if there is one.

As this is a boolean field, we can use it to control the visibility of the message text box we want to display.

We also need to ensure that when the user clicks on the message, it disappears, and the hex map is re-set, ie the pSelectedState parameter gets set back to empty string. Another field will help us with this

State Reset

On a new sheet, add State Reset to Text. Then edit the text to the relevant message, and align centrally. Change the tooltip to say ‘click here to reset’. Set the background colour of the sheet to a pale grey. Name the sheet ‘Alert’ or similar.

On the dashboard, delete the contents of the pSelectedState parameter and remove it from the dashboard. Add the Alert sheet as a floating object. Set to fit entire view and remove the title. Add a border to the object.

Select the object, then in the Layout pane, set the Control visibility using value option to the More than 2 Values Selected field.

Then add a dashboard parameter action to reset the parameter when the message is clicked

Reset States

On select of the Alert object, set the pSelectedState parameter to the value stored in the State Reset field.

Click around, selecting more that 2 states and test the behaviour. Now we can move on the adapting the other charts.

Adapting the calculations

To sense check what is going on, on a new sheet, add State to Rows, Sales to Text and add Country/Region = United States to Filter. Add State Label to Rows, and show the pSelectedState parameter.

When only 1 state has been selected, we want to display the state against the selected row, otherwise we want to display the text ‘Other States (Avg)’ . When 2 states have been selected we just want the state names against the 2 relevant rows. Otherwise we want NULL to show. We need to adapt the State Label field as follows

State Label

IF [First Selected State] <> ” AND [Second Selected State] = ” THEN
IF [State] = [First Selected State] THEN [State] ELSE ‘Other States (Avg)’ END
ELSEIF [First Selected State] <> ” AND [Second Selected State] <> ” THEN
IF [First Selected State] = [State] OR [Second Selected State] = [State] THEN [State] END

Now we need to display a different value for the sales measure depending on whether we have 1 or 2 states selected. So we need to adapt the existing Sales To Display field

Sales To Display

IF CONTAINS([pSelectedState], MIN([State Label])) THEN SUM([Sales])
ELSE SUM([Sales])/COUNTD([State])

If the parameter string contains the State Label value, then use the sales, otherwise average the sales over the number of states that make up the sales. Format this to $ with 0dp.

Add this to the table, and remove State from the display

Add State Label to the Filter shelf and exclude NULL. Now remove the second state from the parameter and check the result

Adapting the bar chart

On the existing bar chart sheet, verify the pSelectedState parameter is displayed. Replace Is Selected State on the Colour shelf with the State Colour field and remove Is Selected State from the Rows shelf.

Add another state to compare against. Exclude the NULL values that display (add State Label to Filter and exclude Nulls)

We always want to make sure that the first state selected is listed first.

Sort- State Label

IF [State Label] = [First Selected State] THEN 1
ELSEIF [State Label] = [Second Selected State] THEN 2

Add this field on to Rows as a discrete (blue) pill, between the existing two pills and then hide it.

Adapting the line chart

On the existing line chart sheet, verify the pSelectedState parameter is displayed

Add State Label to Filter and exclude null. Replace Is Selected State on the Colour shelf with the State Colour field.

Displaying the additional charts on click.

The display of the bar and line chart are based on the dynamic zone visibility functionality, and the field Show Viz (if you have downloaded my original solution workbook to build onto, you may need to unhide fields in the data pane for this field to be visible).

Amend Show Viz to

[First Selected State] <> ”

Amending the Chart Title sheet

On the Title sheet, replace the Is Selected State on the Filter shelf with Show Viz = TRUE.

Remove State Label from the Text shelf and add First Selected State and Second Selected State to Text. Additionally create a calculated field

Label:All State

IF [Second Selected State] = ” THEN ‘Other States (Avg)’ ELSE ” END

Add this to Text too.

Adjust the text as below and apply matching colour coding to the fonts. Align the text centrally.

Finally update the title and instructions on the dashboard.

My published viz is here.

Happy vizzin’!
