How short are baseball games in 2023?

It’s time for Community Month at #WOW2023 Towers, and this week, Spencer Baucke teamed up with Luke to provide this baseball related challenge.

Sourcing the data

Instructions were provided to get the data from this site , select ‘Share & Export’ then ‘Export as CSV’. I couldn’t find an actual ‘export as CSV’ option. In stead I selected the ‘Get table as CSV (for Excel)’ option under the ‘Share & Export’ menu, and then copied the text displayed into notepad. I then save this as a csv file.

Building the Calculated Fields

There aren’t that many fields needed for this viz.

Firstly, we need to organise the years into rows on the viz, based on the decade


STR(FLOOR([Year]/10) * 10) + ‘s’

This takes the Year eg 1968, divides by 10 to get 196.8, applies the FLOOR function which rounds down to the nearest whole number ie 196, then multiples that by 10 to get 1960.

We also need to a counter for each year in the decade to organise the data into the columns. I just used



Let’s see what we’ve got so far

Add Year (as a blue discrete field) and Decade to Rows. Then add Index to Rows as a blue discrete field. Adjust the table calculation settings, so the Index is computing by Year only.

We also need to convert the Time/9I field into a duration in minutes

Duration (mins)

(DATEPART(‘hour’,[Time/9I]) * 60) + DATEPART(‘minute’, [Time/9I])

take the hour part of the date field and multiply by 60 to get the total number of minutes for the hours the game took, then add on the minute part of the date field.

Add this field to the Text shelf, and additionally add Year to the Filter shelf, and set so that it is filtered to be at least 1960.

This gives us the measure we’ll be plotting on the bar chart, but we also need to plot a reference line based on the time for the year 2023.

2023 is the last value in our data, so we can get the value against that year by the following

Latest Duration

WINDOW_MAX(IF LAST()=0 THEN SUM([Duration (mins)]) END)

As 2023 is the last value, then the Duration(mins) value is returned for this point only – the value is null/empty for all other years. The Window_Max function then ‘spreads’ that value across every other row in the data set.

Add this onto the sheet, and verify the table calculation is set to compute by both Year and Decade

The final piece of information we need is to determine whether the duration for each year is bigger or smaller than the latest years’ value

Duration > Latest

SUM([Duration (mins)]) >= [Latest Duration]

Add this to the Rows and the values will be True or False depending on how the data compares.

Building the Viz

On a new sheet, add Decade to Rows, Index to Columns and Year to Detail (discrete blue pill). Adjust the table calculation setting of Index to compute by Year only. Add Year to filter and set to at least 1960.

Add Duration(mins) to Rows and Duration > Latest to Colour. Modify the table calculation setting so it is computing by both Year and Decade then adjust the colour accordingly.

Add Time/9I and Year to the Label shelf. Modify the Time/9I field so that it is using Exact Date and set to be a discrete Attribute rather than a measure.

Also, apply a custom date format to the Time/9I field so that is displays as h:nn

Adjust the text on the Label shelf, so that the Year is above the Time/9I, the font colour is black and the label is aligned bottom centre

Add Latest Duration to the Detail shelf, and adjust the table calculation setting so that it is computing by both the Year and the Decade.

Add a Reference Line to the Duration(mins) axis that works by pane and references the Latest Duration average value. Manually set the Label to the text to 2:38 in 2023. Don’t show a tooltip.

The format the reference line, so the text is aligned top right.

To add a bit of ‘breathing space’ between each row, add another reference line. This time set it to use a Distribution that is 150% of the average Latest Duration. Don’t show any labels, tooltips or lines or fill.

Finalise the viz by hiding the Duration(mins) axis and the Index headings (uncheck show header). Remove all gridlines, and column dividers. Hide the Decade column label (right click label and Hide Field labels for Rows). Click the Tooltip shelf and uncheck Show Tooltips.

Add the viz to a dashboard, add title and publish. My published viz is here.

Happy vizzin’!


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