Can you create digital signage in Tableau?

Community Challenge month continues this week, and Yusuke Nakanishi set this challenge where the concept is to engage the audience by providing some automated highlighting of the dimensions in the viz.

This challenge did take a bit of thinking, and what I document below is ultimately what you’ll need to build it as I did; however it took me a bit of ‘back and forth’ to get there.

Modelling the data

The viz essentially ‘ranks’ the Sub-Categories based on their Sales in 2023 (Note – I used the version of Superstore shipped with v2023.1, so I filtered to 2023 to get the same data as presented in the solution). The page control cycles through the rankings, highlighting the Sub-Category with the matching rank. Adding pills to the Page shelf essentially applies a filter to the data, so I couldn’t use the ranking calculation I created, as that would filter out all other data. I therefore created a ‘scaffold’ data source in Excel, which contained a single column called Number and contained a row for each number from 1 to 50 (I didn’t want to limit it to the number of Sub-Categories I knew existed, so I could demonstrate a more ‘generic’ solution).

I then related the Superstore data set to the excel sheet using a calculated relationship of 1=1

Creating the core calculations

We’ll work against a tabular view of the data to start with, so add Order Date to Filter and filter to the latest year in the data set you’re using (for me this was 2023, but it might be 2022 for you). Then add Category and Sub-Category to Rows and Sales to Text. Sort by Sales descending. Format Sales to $ with 0 dp.

We need to calculate two different rankings. One is the overall rank of each Sub-Category and is used in the highlighting via the page shelf. The other is the rank of each Sub-Category per Category and is needed so the bars can be displayed in the right places.

Overall Rank


Add this to the table, and set the table calculation properties to compute using both Category and Sub-Category, so the ranking runs from 1 to 17

Rank by Category


Add this to the sheet, and while this is the same calculation as the overall rank, apply the table calculation to compute by Sub-Category only. This means the ranking will restart for each Category

We need to capture the total number of Sub-Categories

Total Sub Cats

{FIXED Year([Order Date]): COUNTD([Sub-Category])}

Add this to the table.

At this point, the only data we’ve referred to in the calculations is the data from the Superstore data set. If we now add Number to Rows, we get every row duplicated 50 times. We need the Number to help with the paging, but we only want to page through 17 items (the number of Sub-Categories). To restrict this we need

Index to Include

[Number]<=[Total Sub Cats]

Add this to the Filter shelf and set to True. This will limit the duplicate rows to 17.

Now add Number to the Pages shelf. The page control will automatically be set to 1, and you’ll see all the data not related to Number =1 disappear.

We need to be able to identify/highlight the Sub-Category whose overall rank matches the value in the page control.

Rank to Highlight

[Overall Rank] = SUM([Number])

Add this to Rows and verify the table calculation is set to compute by Category & Sub-Category only. There should only be 1 row that is True per Sub-Category, and only 1 row in all the data that has Rank to Highlight = True and has data displayed in the other columns.

Move Rank to Highlight to the Colour shelf and remove the Number field from Rows. You should now only have 1 row per Sub-Category and as you cycle through the page control, the relevant row is highlighted in a different colour.

The above calculations are enough for us to build the bar chart, but we also need to be able to identify the selected Category to highlight on the BANs.

Category to Highlight

MIN([Category]) = WINDOW_MAX(IF [Rank to Highlight] THEN MIN([Category]) END)

Breaking this down: If the row is the rank we want to highlight, then return the Category associated to this row, and ‘spread’ it across all other rows (via the WINDOW_MAX function). If the Category for the row, matches this value, then return True.

To see how this is working, add the field the the Tooltip shelf of the table of data, and set the table calculations to compute by Category and Sub-Category (note there are two nested calculations within this calculation and both need setting).

If you hover over any row that has the same Category as the row that is highlighted, the Category to Highlight value will be True, but hovering over rows in the other Categories, will return False.

Building the Bar Chart

On a new sheet add Category to Columns, Sales to Columns and Sub-Category to Detail. Then add Rank By Category as a blue discrete pill to Rows. Verify the table calculation is set to compute by Sub-Category only.

Add Order Date to Filter and restrict to the latest year. Add Index to Include to Filter and set to True.

Double click into the Columns shelf and manually type MIN(0) to create another axis.

Change the mark of the MIN(0) marks card to be Gantt Bar and set the Size to be as small as possible. Add Sub-Category and Sales to the Label shelf of the MIN(0) marks card, and adjust the label so the text is arranged as required. Add Measure Names to the Rows shelf to create a row per Measure.

Make the chart Dual Axis and Synchronise the axis. Change the mark type of the Sales marks card back to a bar, and remove Measure Names from the All marks card.

Add Number to the Pages shelf, then add Rank to Highlight to the Colour shelf of the All marks card. Adjust the table calculation so it is computing by both Category and Sub-Category, then adjust the colours to suit.

Edit the Label of the MIN(0) marks card, so the font is bigger/bolder (I used Tableau Medium Bold 10pt) and set the font to match mark colour.

Hide the MIN(0) top axis, the Category headings and the Measure Names column (uncheck show header). Edit the Sales axis: remove the title, fix the axis from 0 to 199,000, and fix the axis ticks every 100,000. Format the Sales axis, so the tick marks are labelled in $k format. Format the Rank by Category column so the text is bolder and larger (I used Tableau Medium 12pt). Hide the column label (hide field labels for rows), and make the column narrower

Format the sheet, so the background is grey, remove all row dividers, set the column dividers to be thicker, to not apply to the header, and to be at Level 2

Adjust the colour of the column grid lines so they show up on the grey background. Adjust the formatting of the Sales axis labels. Remove all tooltips. Scroll through the page control and verify the highlighted dimensions change.

Building the BANs

On a new sheet, add Category to Columns and Sub-Category to rows. Add Order Date to Filter and restrict to the latest year. Add Index to Include to filter and set to True. Create a new field

Sales per Category

{FIXED YEAR([Order Date]), [Category]: SUM([Sales])}

format to $ with 0dp and add to Text.

Add Rank By Category as a blue discrete pill to the Rows shelf, and move Sub-Category to Detail. Verify the Rank by Category table calculation is set to compute by Sub-Category only.

Add Number to the Pages shelf, and then add Category to Highlight to the Colour shelf. Verify both the nested table calculations are set to compute by Category and Sub-Category only, then adjust the colour accordingly.

Move the Rank by Category field from the Rows shelf to the Filter shelf and set to filter to 1, so only the first row displays. Add Category to the Text shelf, and adjust the text positioning and size as required, and align centrally. If you wish, change the mark type to Shape and set to use a transparent shape. (this just gives a nicer user experience when clicking/hovering on the text – see this post for information). If you do this, you’ll need to adjust the Label to match mark colour. Hide the Category header, remove row dividers and format the background to be light grey. Remove the tooltip and update the title.

Building the Summary Ranking

While the requirements suggested the viz should be built using 2 sheets, I couldn’t manage this (I was hoping to use the Caption feature on the bar chart, but as I used table calculations, the values wouldn’t retain). So I built this section with a 3rd sheet, and checking the solution after posting, found that it also had 3 sheets.

On a new sheet, add Order Date to Filter and set to the latest year, and add Index to Include to filter and set to True. Add Sub-Category to Detail, Number to the Pages shelf and then add Rank to Highlight to Filter and set to True. Verify the table calculation is set to compute by Sub-Category only, and if adjusted, recheck the filter is set to just True. You should have 1 mark displayed, and on hover, it should list the Sub-Category with the rank that matches the number of the page.

Add Overall Rank (set to compute by Sub-Category only), Total Sub Cats and Sub-Category to the Text shelf. Adjust the size and format of the text and align centrally. Again if preferred, change the mark to Shape and use a transparent shape.

Set the background to light grey, hide the tooltip, and verify the display changes as you cycle through the pages.

Now arrange all the sheets onto a dashboard using padding if required to provide some spacing.

My published viz is here.

Happy vizzin’!


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