Can you filter a small multiples chart?

Erica set the challenge this week, and I’m not gonna lie, I found this tough. On the face of it, it looks like something I felt I should be ok at, but nuances cropped up as I was building that meant I often had to change tact and try something different.

My intention was to build each version – Beginner, Intermediate then Advanced, adding to my solution each time, but decisions I made early on, then caused me grief later. For example, I did choose to utilise a lot of table calcs, but that meant when it came to applying the sorting mechanism that I wanted, I couldn’t reference the sort field I needed, as it contained a table calc. So I had to unpick the logic and build with LODs instead which took me a while to get right. Getting single lines to display in each ‘state’ cell also proved tricky at times, and that was even before I’d got to the requirement to pad out the ‘missing values’ with 0s. I also seemed to find that some things only seemed to work if I added pills and applied settings in a particular order. All in all, quite a challenge, and while I did get there in the end, I did have to peek at the solution at times to figure out if I was going nuts, but I found trying to scale back Erica’s solution to the beginner/intermediate version also suffered the same issues I was experiencing. I built with Desktop v2024.1 and there were times I was wondering if something had “broken” in that version, although having finally reached the end, I’ve yet to test that theory.

So, I’m blogging this guide with several caveats – Going from beginner to intermediate is ‘okay’, but when it gets to advanced I had to start again(ish). Some of the calcs I provide will just be ‘as is’. I will do my best to explain what’s going on, but there are times that I just don’t get it, and it’s just been trial and error that got me the results I needed – sorry!

So with all that in mind, let’s get building.

Initial steps

After connecting to the provided hyper file, I found I did have to create the modified sales value

Sales Modified

IF SUM([Sales])<5000 THEN SUM([Sales])*10 ELSE SUM([Sales]) END

I also decided to add a data source filter (right click data source > edit data source filters) to restrict the data to just Country/Region = USA.

The later versions of superstore have Canadian Provinces included too, and I don’t think these were listed in Erica’s solution. It just felt easier all round to exclude these records from source.

Beginner challenge

When building a trellis chart, we need to determine which Row and which Column our specific dimensions (in this case State/Province) will sit in. As the requirements already stated it was to be a 3 column grid, our calculations for this didn’t need to be so complex.



INDEX() returns an incremental number starting at 1 for whatever dimension or set of dimensions we’re counting over. In this case we’re counting the number of State/Provinces. %3 returns the remainder when the index is divided by 3, so we get values of 0, 1 and 2.

Change this field to be discrete (right click -> convert to discrete)

Add State/Province to Rows then add Cols to Rows. Edit the table calculation so the field is computing by State/Province. You can see that the first 3 rows will be positioned in columns 0, 1,2 respectively and so on.

Create a new field


INT((INDEX()-1) / 3)

This takes the index value (minus 1), divides by 3 and ’rounds’ to a whole number. Make this discrete too and add to Rows, setting the table calculation as described above. Now we can see the first 3 rows will all actually be in the same row (row 0), then next 3 rows in row 1 and so on.

Shift the pills around so Cols is on Columns, Rows is on Rows and State/Province is on Detail. Add Sales Modified to Rows.

Create a new field

Quarter Date

DATE(DATETRUNC(‘quarter’, [Order Date]))

and add this to Columns setting it as a continuous exact date (green pill). We’ve got a bit of unexpected ‘spaghetti’ going on…

To fix it, do the following ..

Add Quarter Date to Detail as a discrete exact date (blue pill). Change Quarter Date on Columns to be a continuous attribute (green pill – first change to attribute, then change to continuous). Edit the table calculation settings for both the Rows and the Cols fields to be computing by both State/Province and Quarter Date at the level of State/Province.

I had to reference previous challenges and blog posts I’d written to manage this… maybe there is something simpler, as this is pretty taxing for the ‘beginner’ part of the challenge.

Add another instance of ATTR(Quarter Date) to Columns and make dual axis and synchronise the axis. This will create an axis at the top of the chart as well as the bottom.

Format the ATTR(Quarter Date) pill so the axis format is custom formatted to “Q”q “‘”yy

Edit all the axis (top/bottom and left) and update the title. Adjust the Tooltip. Hide the Cols and Rows fields (right click and uncheck show header). Change the Colour of the line to grey.

This should be the Beginner solution. I have published this here.

Intermediate challenge

For this part of the challenge, we need to set up lots of new calculations, so let’s do this first. As usual, I’ll manage this in a tabular format. So on a new sheet, add State/Province and Quarter Date as a discrete exact date (blue pill) to Rows. Add Sales Modified to Text.

We need to get the threshold value for each State/Province, which is the average of the numbers all listed above, multiplied by 2. We’ll use LODs for this


{FIXED [State/Province]: AVG({FIXED [State/Province], [Quarter Date]: ([Sales Modified])})} * 2

working inside out… get the value of the Sales Modified value for each State/Province and Quarter Date (which is the same as the values you see listed above) and then average this at the State/Province level and multiple the final result by 2. Add this to the table. This is the field we’ll be using for the horizontal reference line.

Next we need to identify the rows where the Sales Modified value exceeds the threshold, and then return the Sales Modified values for only these rows. I’ll do this in 2 stages

Is Above Threshold?

INT([Sales Modified] > SUM([Threshold]))

This returns a 1 or 0 depending on whether the statement is True or False. Using actual numeric values rather than boolean helps later on. Set this field to be discrete and add to the table.

Above Threshold Sales

IF [Is Above Threshold?]=1 THEN [Sales Modified] END

Add this to the table too. For the rows where we have 1’s, a value is displayed. This is the field we’ll be using for the red circles.

Finally we need to determine some fields to help us define a reference band. These need to be dates as they’ll be applied to the date axis, but the band doesn’t stretch to the previous/next quarter, and is only present if the last value is over the threshold.

Again using LODs let’s get the final date in the quarter

Max Quarter Per State

{FIXED [State/Province]: MAX([Quarter Date])}

Add this to the table as a discrete exact date (blue pill).

Now we need to know if the value associated with the final quarter is above the threshold or not

Final Quarter Above Threshold

INT(MIN([Quarter Date]) = MIN([Max Quarter per State]) AND [Is Above Threshold?]=1)

Again this will return a 1 or 0. Change to discrete and pop that into the table too. We can see Colorado is the first state listed where this is true.

Now we want to ‘spread’ that value across every row associated to the state

State Has Final Quarter Above Threshold

{FIXED [State/Province]: MAX(
{FIXED [State/Province], [Quarter Date]: ([Final Quarter Above Threshold])})

For each State/Province and Quarter Date, get the Final Quarter Above Threshold value and then get the maximum value of this for each State/Province. This is where having the values as 1’s and 0s helps.

Make discrete and add this to the table. Every row for Colorado has this set to 1

Now we can work out some dates

Ref Band Min

DATE(IF [State Has Final Quarter Above Threshold] = 1 THEN
DATEADD(‘month’, -1, [Max Quarter per State])

If the State/Province is over the threshold for it’s final quarter, then get a date and set it to be 1 month less than the final quarter for that state.


Ref Band Max

DATE(IF [State Has Final Quarter Above Threshold] = 1 THEN
DATEADD(‘month’, 1, [Max Quarter per State])

If the State/Province is over the threshold for it’s final quarter, then get a date and set it to be 1 month more than the final quarter for that state.

Add both of these of the table as discrete exact dates (blue pills).

Now we have all the building blocks to build the next bit of the challenge.

Start by duplicating the Beginner viz.

Add Above Threshold Sales to Rows and make Dual axis and synchronise the axis.. Remove the 2nd instance of the Quarter Date from Columns, so we now have marks cards relating to the 2 measures rather than the 2 dates. Remove Measure Names from the All marks card.

Change the mark type on the Above Threshold Sales marks card to circle and change the colour to red. Adjust size to suit.

Add Threshold to the Detail shelf of the All marks card. Right click on the Sales axis and add reference line. Set it to be per pane and use the Threshold field. Display the value as the Label. Don’t show a Tooltip. Display a dotted black line.

Update the Tooltip to now have a reference to the threshold value too.

Add Ref Band Max and Ref Band Min to the Detail shelf of the All marks card. Set them both to be continuous attributes (green pills).

Right click on the Quarter Date axis and add reference line. Set it to be a band per pane that goes from the Ref Band Min to the Ref Band Max. Don’t display labels or tooltips or a line. Fill with a pale shade ot red/pink.

Add back in the additional Quarter Date dual axis as described in the Beginner section to get the dates listed the top again.

Hide the right hand axis (uncheck show header) and hide the NULL indicator.

This completes the Intermediate challenge. My version is published here.

Advanced challenge

Go back to the tabular sheet we were using to check the calculations needed for the Intermediate challenge, as we’ll build on this.

Firstly the sorting. We need to sort the states based on whether the final quarter was above the threshold or not, and then by the number of times the state was above the threshold. Let’s get the count to start with

Above Threshold Count Per State

{FIXED [State/Province]: SUM(
{FIXED [State/Province], [Quarter Date]: ([Is Above Threshold?])})

For each State/Province and Quarter Date, get the Is Above Threshold? value and then sum these up for each State/Province. This is where again having the values as 1’s and 0s helps.

Make this discrete and add to the table

then create a field we’ll use for the sort. This is going to be a numeric field


IF [State Has Final Quarter Above Threshold] = 1 THEN
100000 + [Above Threshold Count Per State]
[Above Threshold Count Per State]

We’re just using a very large arbitrary number to force those states where the final quarter is over the threshold to be higher in the list. Make this discrete and add to the table too.

We can now apply a Sort to the State/Province field to sort by the Sort field descending

This results in Colorado moving to the top of the list followed by Minnesota, which also has 3 quarters above the threshold, including the last quarter, but alphabetically falls after Colorado so is listed 2nd.

To filter the data, I created another field, just for ease


IIF([State Has Final Quarter Above Threshold]=1,’Urgent’,’Non-Urgent’)

Add this to the Filter shelf and set to Urgent. The states should now be restricted to just those where the final quarter is above threshold.

For the final requirement of this challenge, we’ll build out another table on another sheet to demonstrate, as we need to work with a different instance of the quarter date.

On a new sheet, add State/Province to Rows and add Order Date at the Quarter (month year) level as a discrete field (blue pill) to Rows. Add Sales Modified to Text

For Alabama, we don’t have a 2020 Q3 or a 2023 Q3. Click on the Quarter(Order Date) pill and select Show Missing Values. These quarters appear but with no Sales Modified value.

We’ve had to use this different way to define the date quarter as if we tried to ‘show missing values’ against the Quarter Date field that is set to ‘exact date’, we send up getting every day that is missing, not just the dates relating to the quarter. Also, the ATTR(Quarter Date) field we’ve used on the previous vizzes, doesn’t allow the Show Missing Dates option.

Anyway, we need to get 0s in to these dates.

Show Modified with 0

ZN(LOOKUP([Sales Modified],0))

Apart from the Rows/Cols calcs needed for the trellis, this is the only table calculation I ended up using. It’s basically looking up it’s own row (LOOKUP([field],0)) and if it can’t find a value (as it’s missing) it’s returning 0 (the ZN() function). Add that to the table.

Ok so now we have the components needed, let’s build the viz. We can use the Intermediate version as a starting point, but will need to reapply some of the features.

Duplicate the Intermediate viz.

Remove the 2nd instance of the ATTR(Quarter Date) pill on Columns. Drag the Sales Modified with 0 pill and drop it directly over the Sales Modified pill so it replaces it. Hopefully the chart should still look the same.

Right click the Order Date field from the left hand data pane, and drag it directly onto the ATTR(Quarter Date) pill. Release the mouse and select the continuous quarter/year option from the dialog that displays.

Things will start to look a bit odd… you’ve lost your lines… Remove the Quarter Date pill from the Detail shelf on the All marks card. Fix the Rows and Cols table calc fields by just updating them to compute by State/Province only. Adjust the table calc of the Sales Modified With 0 field to compute by Quarter of Order Date and State/Province in that order.

Things still look crazy…. but just one more step… Show Missing Values on the Quarter(Order Date) pill.

Now every cell should be associated to a single State/Province with no broken lines, and Wyoming, right at the bottom, should show more than a single dot. This was A LOT of trial and error to fathom all this out.

Add back in the reference band following the instructions above (you should find the reference line for the threshold value will just then appear) and re-update the Tooltip.

Add another instance of Order Date at the quarter/year continuous level (green pill) to Columns and make dual axis and synchronise the axis. Edit the axis titles, and format them to the “Q”q “‘”yy custom format.

Apply the sort to the State/Province field on the Detail shelf so it is sorting by Sort Descending. Add Filter to the Filter shelf and select Urgent.

Add this to a dashboard, and that should be the completed Advanced challenge which I’ve published here.

There really was some black magic going on here at times. Tough one this week!

Happy vizzin’!


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